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Her Deepest Secret

Her Deepest Secret


Prologue and Chapter 1

A woman slowly got out of the car. She let out a sigh and looked around. She immediately felt sad.
She closed her eyes quickly and opened it again. She slowly walked into the place and look down. After a few months, she visited again. She stopped somewhere and squats on the ground.
"It's been a long time since you left me, do you know how much I miss you, I'm sorry I just came to visit you now," Collyne regretfully stated at a grave.
She is very sad and feels like someone's squeezing her heart causing too much pain. She couldn't figure out why this had happened to her. She simply cannot accept it.
“Why did you leave me? You’re a liar, I don't have anyone with me anymore. It's very painful,” she’s crying while saying it.
She sobbed as she continued, "I love you so much that I can't quite accept that you don't have you, Kyle, in this world anymore."
"My world was crushed when you died." She wiped her tears while still crying.
"I want you to come back but it's impossible, you're already dead." She says tearfully and her voice is broken as she says those words.
"I realize I'm not rea—" She couldn't continue what she was going to say because someone spoke from behind her.
"Hey, what’s keeping you so long here?" Someone said with her voice full of annoyance.
"Why are you being such a drama queen again?” The lady continued to say.
"What can I do? The pain is still here in my heart." She dramatically said while pointing to her chest.
Her cousin just shook her head. “Can you stop being such a drama queen?  Your Kyle has been dead for a long time. Find something new!”
“It's hard to find someone like him. A dog like him is rare and expensive,” she said and cried again.
“Tsk! You’re rich enough to buy a new one. Come on and you still have to take care of something else, right?” Her cousin told her.
“Oh, I almost forgot! Yeah, there is more.” she immediately stands up and said "Let's go," to her cousin.
"Bye Kyle, I love you." She said goodbye and they left.
Chapter 1
Meet Her
Collyne Keigh POV
Jess and I headed straight to school once I finished my other business. Oh my God, Jess was late for her first subject.
Her class will begin at exactly noon, while mine? It will begin at 1 pm.
"Hey, Jess, sorry you're late again because of me," I said as we stepped into the school.
She completely ignored me. This woman was really harsh on me.
"Tsk why am I with you again?" She said while shaking her head.
I frowned at what she said
"I'm sorry okay, and you're with me because I'm your favorite beautiful cousin!" I said and gave her a piece sign. She looked at me in disgust.
"My favorite Cousin my ass," She said and rolled her eyes.
So, I smiled widely.
"Hey, go ahead and go to your first class," I told her while smiling.
"Tsk are you dumb? Did you just say that to me? Don’t you know that it’s already 12: 55!" She said while looking at me in disbelief.
I glanced at my wristwatch, and like to the O to the M to the G. It was only 5 minutes before my first class will start
My eyes widened as I looked at her.
“Oh my God, I'm leaving now. Bye!" I said in a hurry.
I didn't wait for her to speak, I ran immediately. I hurried to the CMA elevator. When I got there, many students like me were almost late.
Oh God, I don't want to be late! My first-period teacher is really a terror one. I immediately took the elevator but unfortunately, it was full so I didn't want to get up.
"Hey miss come, go down! You're the last one who comes in." A man said to me.
I pointed to myself.
"Me?" I confusedly asked.
"No miss. He!" He answered sarcastically while pointing to the man beside him.
What? I’m not the last one who got in.
"Mister, I wasn't the last to enter, but he was." I pointed to the man next to him. He looked at me sharply.
"I'm with him miss so you better just go out," he said in disgust.
I frowned and left the elevator. The elevator went up but before the door can closed the man spoke
"You're talking too much, nerd," he said. I just rolled my eyes, whatever.
I looked at my wrist watch it's already 1:10 pm. I just... I just want to cry. Think positive Keigh. I took a deep breath and headed straight to the stairs.
I have no choice but to use the stairs.
I started running upwards. It seems like I'm Flash because of my speed. It was 1:16 pm when I arrived in front of our classroom.
I’m taking business ad. Graduating student.
I knocked on the door three times, I gulped when Ms. Salvador's welcomed me with her famous terror looks.
She is in her mid-forties but still single. She’s an old lady without any love life so she’s like that.
"Why are you late Ms. Fuentabella?" Her voice is really scary. She even arched her eyebrow. I swallowed my own saliva before talking.
“There's just an emergency, Ma'am," I whispered.
Hope it works. Hope it works. Hope it works.
"And what it is?" She asked me rudely and raised an eyebrow.
"I visited my dead dog, I mean, something came up, I just fixed something in our company, ma'am," I answer.
I let out a sigh of relief when I saw her nod.
"Okay I'll let this pass now Ms. Fuentabella but if it happens again, you better go to the detention room, understood?" She says intimidatingly.
I nodded and smiled. She let me in and when I entered, I immediately heard their rude comments.
"Oh my gosh, Ms. Dumb is here again!"
"Why is she here?"
"Hahaha, she's really ugly."
And so many more. I just went straight to my chair and I was about to sit down but someone pulled my chair so I fell on the floor.
Ouch! My ass! They all laughed. Was it that funny huh?
I pout.
"ALL OF YOU STOP LAUGHING! Let's proceed now. Ms. Fuentabella take your seat," Ms. Salvador authoritative order.
Take your seat?
I walk towards my chair and lifted it.
"Ma'am? Where should I put it?" I asked her, innocently.
All my classmates laughed.
Ms. Salvador looked at me, sharply.
Why? I just followed what she said.
"Are you making fun of me Ms. Fuentabella?" She asked me angrily.
I immediately shook my head, Oh my God, why would I do that?
"Ma'am, you said take your seat. So, I asked you ma'am where will I put my seat!" I told her confusedly.
She glared at me.
"That's not what I mean Ms. Fuentabella, I said sit down." She said angrily.
Oh? That's what she means?
"Haha, I’m sorry ma'am," I said awkwardly.
I drop my chair on the ground and sat down.
My classmates are still laughing.
"Stop laughing now!" Ms. Salvador seriously said.
So, they stopped laughing.
It's my second week here at CMA, I'm a transferee and obviously I have a weird, weird personality. Others are calling me names and saying insulting words.
I don't fight back because when I do that, they just bully me even more.
Ms. Salvador continued discussing until she said to bring out one piece of paper because she will give us a quiz. I turned around and what I can only hear was their complaints. But some of them are just serious.
Oh, that's new.
Ms. Salvador started saying questions, her questions is definitely just easy. After the quiz, we checked our papers. Only one got a perfect score and none other than Me, myself, and I.
Only me.
Collyne Keigh Fuentabella, you’re such a genius. Hahaha, I'm so full of myself again. That's only 50 items anyway.
"Congratulations, Ms. Fuentabella." Ms. Salvador said, I just nodded at her.
This is what I want. I transferred here to finish my studies even though I already have a job. I manage Fuentabella and Oblefias (my mother's maiden surname) chain companies.
All the Company and properties of my parents were transferred and named to me, my parent passed away when I was still young.
"Okay class, dismissed," Ms. Salvador said, so they all got up and leave. I also got up and walked out.
I just went to my next class. Which is PE. I changed my skirt into jogging pants and wear a loose T-shirt inside the Comfort Room. Then head out to the Gym. We're going to play today.
When I got there, I had someone who accidentally bumped into me. So, the result? We both sat down, so clumsy of me. I immediately apologized. It will be hard if he’ll going to hit me.
I'm ugly. A typical nerd. Having Bangs. Thick eyeglasses. And Braces.
Having a nerd look but I’m not really a nerd, well sometimes? Haha
"WHAT THE HELL!" He growled making my eyes grow wide.
Oh shit
"Oh Mister, I'm sorry! I’m really sorry, I didn’t see my way so please pardon me. " I apologize quickly.
He just stared at me, glaring. A few seconds later, he shook his head.
"Tsk. What a day. You ruined my day," he said firmly then walked out.
"Oh, that’s it? I really thought he’ll bully me too. He looks like a bad boy, slightly Prince Charming. But in fairness, he has a hot look." I commented while watching him exit the GYM.
Anyway, I survived there. My classmates have arrived and they all look at me. Why are they always staring at me, eh? Anyway, What's new? What is their problem with me?
Am I ugly? Am I replaceable?
'Yes,' my brain answered. Geez even my brain is bullying me.
"Okay give me your full attention now students." Our new teacher said.
Even the teachers here are attention-seeking, oh I mean Attention Seeker. But oh my gosh he’s so hot too.
The teachers here at CMA are all handsome and beautiful. Even students but they were just inborn bullies.

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    Rosalinda Ramonal

    wow so good 👌❣️😊 can't stop reading until the end 🔚 love this 💞💞💕


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