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We're Gifted
Chapter 2:
Kriza's POV:
       I witnessed the sunrise myself. I seem to have memorized the ins and outs of this place. It was already morning when I found the house. Damn this life!! I did spend the night looking for where it was. It's stressful to live here.
I went inside. I was stunned to see uncle Tim here with two women with him. They are witch. Obviously, they're wearing all black; black pointed hats, black long dress, black lipstick and black pointy heels. Are witches fashionistas, their sense of fashion are to the highest level. They will just come here like that in their social class attire.
        " This is her, Dad?" Ask by a girl who have this wavy long hair, and a black long gown. Her voice is silvery.  She is a barellcheasted but a dwarfy. Her eyes were blue green.
         " You're Kriza, right?" a girl with straight hair. She have this toneless voice. Her eyes were baby blue. A pear shape body and also dwarfy.
   I nodded.
            The wavy haired woman approached me and held my arm with both of her hands. "I'm Tasha Davensque, that's Tricia Davensque" she pointed at the straight-haired woman. "We are twins but I'm prettier than her." she bragged.
What connects twin and beautiful? Stupid witch.
        Kriza, just Kriza alone "I introduced myself.
Uncle Tim left us. This Tasha was happy to see me while her sister seemed okay, just smiled a little. They are opposite. Hayssst.
" Let's go outside. "We're going to tour you here" Tasha said excitedly while smiling.
Huh ?! Huh?! What the heck. Are you guys going to kill me? Give me a rest first!! I just got here... I was lost overnight. My goodness.
I hesitated to smile and nod. I don't want to be rude at them. Hayssst ... Life. Tasha pulled me out and Tricia followed.
"Did you already eat jentaculum?" Tasha asked.
" Not yet." Probably not yet, I just got home.
"Let's buy some brown bread and sandwiches." Tasha.
"Okay." I looked around. The houses here are mostly cruck. These have wooden frame onto which was plastered wattle and daub.
        " Did you bring some penny?" Tricia asked with her toneless voice.
I pout. "Hehe, I didn't bring anything" I said
"It's fine, my treat. Dad didn't tell you about the penny grandma left? It was in your room under your closet." Tasha.
I nodded in response. Tasha gave me brown bread and sandwiches. I ate immediately. I'm too hungry.
Lets go." Tasha
We toured the whole village. The others are familiar to me because I got so lost.
"Kriza, are you aware of gifted?" Tricia asked emotionless
"Ahmm.Yeah.Why?" me
        " We are called gifted for having a special powers normal people don't have. We have 5 clan here in this village. 1st at the north side that's where the Mathell clan, they can control, manipulate and create fire, flame, and heat. 2nd at the northeast side where the Wyvern Clan, they manipulate and control and create liquid water and mold it into any desired shape or form . 3rd at the east where the Heav Clan, they manipulate and control air, wind and gas. 4th at the southeasth where the Linosvel Clan, they control, generate or absorb electric fields and shoot lighting bolts. 5th at southwest where Ertian Clan, they control, manipulate, and reshape the earth at will. And we are the last, the witches. We are the gifted." Tricia
  "Hey! Kriza you are gifted, right?" Tasha.
"Granny always says I'm gifted." I answered
"Then what power do you have? Are you a witch too?" She gave me a curious-look.
Haha, this woman. "I don't know either. I don't belong to any clan and I am not a witch too."me
"Ehhh ... So you don't belong to any clan, your not a witch ... Omg I don't know anymore. It makes my beauty stressed." Tasha complaint
I laughed at her reaction. "Okay, when I was a kid granny said she sealed my powers. That's why I don't know what power I have. I can't remember." I explained
"Tasha, don't overthink about it. Kriza is definitely a gifted. Grandma Daisy would never sealed her power for nothing." Tricia.
Tricia your the best!
"Okay, fine." Tasha rolled her eyes. Btw, you must join us tomorrow we have a celebration."
I furrowed.
Tasha let out a heavy sigh. You can see on her face the disappointment. What?! It's not my fault I disappoint her. I didn't know they have a celebration tomorrow.
"We have a celebration for gifted. All the gifted will join. It happens once in a year so you should go there. It's our place so don't worry." Tasha assured.
"Okay. Just pick me up at my house." I agreed
"Sure." Tasha's smile was so wide.
"I'm just going to ask Kriza, when we arrived earlier why weren't you at home. Where did you go?" Tasha asked with confusion.
Shit! Shit! Shit! It's embarrassing to say that I got lost and I'll just get there ... hayyysst. "Ahhh.. ehhh... I-I j-just ventilate outside." I lied
End of Chapter 2:
Thanks for Reading!!!
Author's note:
Sorry if it is so lame
jentaculum - breakfast
Penny/ small silver penny or dinarius.- money
Thanks for Reading!!!

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    nice prolougeee keep on writing


  • avatar
    Mariel Ann Ochavo Suazo

    perfectly imperfect story, must read!!!


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