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We're Gifted
Chapter 1:
Kriza's POV:
I'm free now. Granny just died a few days ago. I didn't kill her, she just died because of her illness. I thought witches doesn't die because they can cast spell like making their selves younger, blah blah blah.
I am at Wornhill village, a village surrounded by hills and a word 'worn' from Wornhill makes sense. You're going to worn just to get here. I travelled 5 days to get here just by walking.
Here am standing in the middle of a busy people. This village is so peaceful it's just the way they look at me it creeps me out. The way they look at me, it means; who the hell I am? What am I doing here? She's dangerous. Hayssst
Sorry to scare them, maybe because of what I am carrying. Big bag and my weapons. My bow and my arrows inside my quiver were hung on my shoulder. My sword is inside my sheath hung on my belt and my arnis is on my left hand.
I sigh. I'm going to start now asking this address granny gave me. Asking here, asking there, asking everywhere but no one told me where the hell is this address!!
Some are frightened, some didn't bother to answer my question.
After 3 hours of asking finally there is someone who helped me find this damn address he even escorted me here. Thanks to that man.
I was about to click the doorbell when someone show up in front of me. Holy crow!! He startled me.
 "Please come inside."him. I think his already in his 40s. Have a wand and have a long mustache. He have this blue eyes, thick eyebrows and long hair.He is wearing a black hooded robe and a boots.
 He escorted me inside. I was amaze when I saw the grand staircase, chandeliers which the lights are made of candle stick and the interior design. This house is dark and smooky.
 "I'm Timothy Davensque a friend of Daisy Esthroven. I'm also a witch just like her. You can call me uncle Tim. This is going to be your new home. This house, everything she left is all yours. Don't worry there are maids here who will serve you." Uncle Tim.
My lips parted of what I've heard." Did you already know? H-how?" I sound confused.
 He let out a heavy sigh. " Daisy came here. I think you need to know this. Daisy's life was shorten when she cast a forbidden spell, creating a barrier and sealing your powers. She choose you over her dreams of becoming the leader of the witches. You are special to her. You are gifted among the gifted." Uncle Tim explained.
Why are they keep mentioning this gifted word. Tsss.
Granny I'm sorry. Hehehe. Back then I always cursed you for locking me in the forest but you are my only family. I considered you but now you left me too.
" She left you a letter." He gave the letter . " I'll go now." He left.
I open the letter. I read it.
        "Kriza, the day will come you will know who you are. I hope you won't get mad at us, the witches and the clans.
            When the sealed is broken, I know you can control it. I raise you to be strong. Remember, you're gifted among the gifted. Be careful on your journey Kriza."
                                --- Granny Daisy
I closed my eyes for a moment and let a heavy sigh.
    I ask the maid to escort me to my room. I let her carry my things and arrange it on my closet. I hung my weapons on the wall. After the maid arrange my things she left me.
 I took a deep breath and look around the room. This house is so big to live one person. Living here alone feels empty.
I'm lying on my bed letting my eyes  closing slowly.
I woke up it's already midnight. I decided to go out. I'm wearing a brown hoodie robe and carry my bow and arrows. I hung my bow and my quiver where my arrows are.
A cold breeze of air welcome me. I didn't bother the cold air that touches my skin instead I keep on walking. There are still people passing by and carriages.
      I don't know where am I heading. I don't know where I am right now. I think I was lost. It is one of the biggest mistake I have done, to go outside because I don't know the detours here.
          I just let that be where my foot would take me. Until I got here in a place where there is a big tree in front of me.
"Hayss, life." I took the bow and an arrow from the quiver. I aimed my bow at the tree and released the arrow.  I keep releasing the arrows until nothing was left.
     I approached the tree and one by one pulled out the arrows stuck in the body of the tree.
           "Why are training in the middle of the night?" A guy wearing a red hooded robe. I can't see his face because of the shadows of the hood that hides his face.
           I passed him.
          "What are you doing here? Your not from here. You're an outsider." His voice is fruity.
  I stopped walking. "Nothing. I just move here." and continue to walk. I ignore what he is saying.
      I facepalm when I realized how foolish am I right now. I didn't take the opportunity to ask where am I right now and how I will be able to go home I know he's living here maybe he knows where my house is.
       Stupid!!! It's too embarrassing to ask him where my house is. It's my house after all why would ask on stranger?!
I was trampled by annoyance.
End of Chapter 1:
Thanks for Reading!!!

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    nice prolougeee keep on writing


  • avatar
    Mariel Ann Ochavo Suazo

    perfectly imperfect story, must read!!!


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