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Chapter 6 : I'm stuck

Felicette's Pov
me and old woman got home and they're preparing for the occasion in afternoon
I just go in my room and lay down my body
I'm so tired to move my body because this is my very first time to move in the house tsk
I tried to closed my eyes and think carefully
I know that I can go back but how? if I will think what happened before to me
what happened?
at first I was afraid that old woman will see me second I scratches my self using knife
hah!? speaking of that
I looked at my elbow
"huh? their is no scratch" I looked at my right elbow but I don't see any scratch
what is the meaning of that?
I sit in the bed because I'm thinking to much to the point old woman sight in the door
"oh! you still here!? that's fine come come, come to kitchen and help" she said
I smirked and slap my forehead
"I guess sitting is not a good idea" I Whispered
I lay down my body and someone hit me
"I only speak once! don't make me repeat it mor*n! " Old woman said and walked out
I stand up and walk like I'm tired
"why I can't go back... " I whispered while walking
[-Flashback -]
"It's first time for you to treat me, what do you want? " rico said to felicette while they're walking
felicette smirked to him while walking
"How many times that I need to tell you, I will not the one who will pay, Id*ot! " felicette said without looking to rico
rico smirked and crossed his arm
"stup*d felicette you didn't tell me that mor*n" rico said with a angry tone
everyone are looking at them
some thinking that they're having a love quarrel
some thinking they are fighting gor something
some thinks that they are good for each other
"hmmm? I thought I say that... didn't I?" felicette asked to rico and put her face in a serious look
rico plunk felicette forehead
"you didn't say that idi*t! " rico said
felicette stop and laughed then she hold rico shoulder
"sorry sorry I really thought that I say that HAHAHAAHAHA! this time it's my fault HAHAHAHAH!" felicette said then she kiss rico cheeks
rico pouted then smirked
"don't make kisses a way to forgive you tsk...fine" rico said and hold the hands of felicette
felicette smirked at him and shake her haid
"fragile.. " she whispered and walked
[End of flashback]
"it's weird why I remember the fragile rico in this situation" I whispered while slicing the onion
"maybe because you miss him" lucy said and smiled while mixing the bowl of egg
lucy is a cousin of craion she is helping for the occasion because craion said to her that she need to help my mom
I smiled at her and slice the garlic
"I'm not joking you know, HAHAHAHA if you remember a person and you feel something you really miss him, based on experience you know" She said and get the onion that I slices
I looked at her like I'm confused and get the meat
"maybe? but maybe not" I said and sliced the meat into a cube size
she just laugh and nodded then leave
"it's really fine to leave me here? " I whisper
"HAHAHAHAHA! of course not felicette"
I look behind to the person who talk and it's craion
"your here" I said
he smiled and walked behind me
"yes.... I just come here a little minute.... I heard that you're helping here in the kitchen.... I didn't know that you are a cook" he said
I smirked and look at him
"of course you don't know, because we just meet a days ago" I sarcastically said
he laughed and get the meat in front of me
"I don't know how to cook but I'm happy that Fianna kinda knows it" he said and smile
I continue slicing the other meat so I can start later what I suppose to cook but in unaware reason I slice my middle finger
"awts... sh*t" I said and run to the kitchen sink
I open the faucet and put my fingers in the running water
"you should careful... but yah I can help your wounded finger" craion said and run
I just let my finger in the water sink so the blood that coming out in the sore of my fingers cannot get infection
"hu-um... you have a cut? " a guy asked to felicette
felicette looked at him like he is confused and nodded
"ahuh... ammmm... just let it in the water until there's no blood coming out to your wound and don't let the chef judge notice that" he said and wink to felicette
felicette nodded at him and look at him again like he was saying who are you why you're helping me
but the guy smiled at him and chucked
"don't worry I also wounded my finger look in my apron so don't get nervous" he said to felicette
felicette nodded at him and she pressed her finger that get cut
"btw I know you're thinking who the he*k is me so I'm Rico from the other school....sorry to disturb you" rico said in a serious face
Felicette looked at rico and smiled
"I'm felicette.... nice to meet you...by the way thanks for the info" felicette said and focused to her finger
[End Of Flashback]
"I remember him again, what the heck is happening? but how come I remember him? tsk! since the day he get in the hospital he don't know how to cook...what a shame" I whisper and let my blood run in the running water
"hey....take your fingers off in the water.... I bring alcohol and band aid" craion said and I follow his direction
he put some alcohol in my wound and after a minute cleaning my cut in my finger he put band aid to my mindle finger cut
"If you don't mind, I can do the slicing so better start what you're cooking" he said and let down my hands
I rolled my eyes to him and smirked
"don't give me that expression felicette" he said
I laughed and go to the stove
I open the stove and I put the big frying pan in the middle
I get the onion, garlic, carrots, red bell pepper, tomatoes, green peas, liver spread,
"after you chop the meat if you don't mind bring that here" I said to rico he smiled and nodded
"yes chef! " he said
I put some oil in the pan then after that I let the oil to be hot and I put the onion first then after a minute I put the garlic and I mixed it very well
when the garlic is light brown
craion gave to me the washed meat
I put the meat carefully in the pan so the water did not go too
"I want to taste that first can I? " Craion asked
I looked at him and nodded
"sure.... you can be my judge" I said
he laughed and watched me cooking
I mixed the meat and let itto be brown
after a minute I put the carrots and tomatoes then mixed it and I also put 1 cup of water then I closed it using the pan cover
"craion hahaha.... I forgot to get the cheese, tomato sauce, and the tomato paste" I said and rapped my hair
he looked shucks on me and nodded
what the f with that look so cute
"alright.... wait a sec" he said and run to the table were he was the all ingredients is
I smiled looking at him
"my mom is lucky to have you in her life" I whisper and focus my self to what I'm cooking
after a seconds craion get everything that I say and give it to me
I can't help myself smiling to him because he was cute I wish I have someone like him
"thank you for bringing the other ingredients" I said and smiled at him
he chuckled and rapped his chin
da*n he really looked cute
I was thinking that if I stuck in this world and me and craion will talked like this da*n I will always loving to be here
what the f I was saying? I have a boyfriend named rico come on
speaking of rico I can't believe that I dream that hmmm that was a wild dream for me
[Ten Hours Later]
"hello everyone.....thank you for attending the anniversary of this house" old woman said
I walked into my room and have some rest
"you're not going to party? " I heard craion said
I look over him and look to the wall
" yes.... kinda tired" I say
he laughed and entered to my room
"this room.... this is the old room of Fianna" he said and sit to the bed behind me
"I see" I said and closed my eyes
I miss in my time when I can go back?
"I think you really need to rest" craion said and chuckled
I smiled to him and open my eyes
what happened to my words that I can stay here if we are talking like this?
but I don't know I just miss everyone in my time
Rico's Pov
I'm in the room of felicette and I did not go to my class
because I'm waiting to her but its seems she's not going to be awake
"maybe she's stuck in our time craion" I look in the door and it's Fianna
I smiled at her and looked to felicette
"maybe.... but how did you know and asked me that day? " I asked to her
she just smiled and hug me
"I'm happy that you're still alive" she said and cry
I smiled and wiped her back
"shhh.... I'm sorry that I didn't tell you" I said
she wiped her tears and laughed
"well that's fine, don't worry to me... since the day you said to me that word I know, I know that it's you" She said and go to felicette she kiss felicette forehead
"I love her more than anyone and anything.... I dont need to asked why your look is really like rico... but please don't lie to felicette can you? my daughter loves you.... I don't care if your age is not the same as long that she loves you that's fine for me and as long that you love her..... since that day.... that she confessed everything.... I was like more than excited to meet his father.... and I'm sorry for that.... I'm happy that you're still alive.... I'm happy that my daughter's love to you since before will continue..... she maybe cold and don't know how to respect but Felicette deserve to be loved because she can't hide her self being kind to others.... and I know you know that" Fianna said while wipping her daughter hair
"maybe we really not to each other" she also said
I automatically laughed and nodded
"Felicette is lucky to be your mother.... you're really matured in everything and that's what felicette not get to you..... I hope she understand me for telling that I'm rico.. and for using Rico's Identity" I said and hold felicette hands
"where's the real rico by the way? " Fianna asked
I sit in the bed and look at her
"the day I got home after I go here to check if felicette got home safe.... he said to me that he see felicette then felicette run after him because she see him....and he said that they talk and felicette cry then he see me I mean the craion in that time then the craion that time advice that I am the one he should talk but I said to him that why me....and he said he's confused then I didn't say that me and felicette is in a relationship because if I say that I'm dead" I explain to Fianna
"You really have a powerful mouth and flowers words that's why he got confused.... if I was rico I'm just let felicette do whatever she wants but how come he can go in our time? in the side of felicette I understand but in his side how? " she said with confused
I pouted to her
"you didn't know? " I asked
she shake her head and cross his arms
"he is the grandson of ------------------

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    Ian Serandon



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    YoungMary fe

    thank u author


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    Renlyn Toling

    wow very nice


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