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Chapter 5 : Why I can't go back?

"where did you go!? a girl like you are supposedly in the house when the dark comes" old woman said standing in the door
I smiled at her and pouted
"I didn't know I'm sorry" I said and walk away to her
"huh? that's your first time saying sorrry" she said
my mom laugh
I just smirked and go to my bed
I still thinking what craion said that I got sleep and saying rico name
Actually I know that when I sleep here I automatically awake in my real time and if I'm sleeping there I'm Awake here but how come
"ayyshhh!! It's confusing me" I shouted
Old woman enter my room with a serious look
"what's confusing you? " she said and sit in my bed
I lay my body in the bed and breathe like it's my last day in the world
"I didn't come back to my time, I mean I know you know that right" I said confused
she nodded
"just trust to your self" She said and walk out
I closed my eyes and think
to be honest I enjoying here, no class, no classmate, but no rico, well it's fine
I closed my eyes because I feel that I need to sleep
"felicette.... rico is in the canteen" A guy said to felicette
felicette rolled her eyes and lay her body to her sit
"then? " she asked with a tone of cold
the guys smirked at her and cross his arm
"you should go because he don't want to eat without you" he said then sit in the table of a girl
"come on felicette just go, I know that you know what happened to him right? just go rico needs to take his medicine" A girl named sofie said and look to the guy who talked earlier to felicette
felicette stand up and get her bag the two chuckled
felicette decided to get out in their room and go to canteen
after walking she see their canteen and without thinking she go inside
rico waving his hand to felicette and smiling like they just meet today
felicette rolled her eyes and walk where rico is
"and when the day you needed me just to eat? " Felicette said with a serious tone and sit in the chair in front of rico
rico laugh and cross his arm
"since this day felicette" he said with smile and eat his burger then sip his soda
"felicette and not Xercial? finally you realize felicette is more attractive than the name Xercial" Felicette said and get the fries of rico
rico laugh and Felicette looked to rico thinking why he's weird
"so laughing is your hobby now and not being mean to me hah rico" felicette said and drink her water
rico smiled to felicette
"I just realized that life is short so I just need to enjoy it" he said while moving his hand in the air and bite his burger
felicette smirked at him
"you're acting weird rico tell me are you really the rico who hate life" she asked and rico got shuck to the point the bread he is eating stuck in his throat
rico punch a little his chest and drink his water
until he feel fine
"wooh! HAHAAHAHA that was close, of course felicette I just changed a little bit but look I'm still the rico you love before" he said and post
felicette smirked on him and cross her arms then he put her left leg to the table
rico smirked at her
"hei! have some manners little girl" he said and pushed the leg of felicette in the table
felicette smiled
"little girl your face rico, I was one year older than you" she said and sit properly
he laughed and shake his head
"you're still not changing felicette HAHAHAHA! you're mean as ever" he said and try to get some fries to felicette plates
felicette looked bad at him and slap his hand
"what's mine is mine rico, I know you know that" Felicette said and cross her arm
rico pouted to felicette
"how come the fries is yours when I'm the one who paid that" rico said and get five pieces
felicette slap his hand and smirked
"how there you rico, do you not love me?" felicette said and pouted
rico confused to what felicette doing
"hah? it's only five fries felicette, how dare you to judge my love for you, just because I get five pieces of fries to you" rico said with confused
felicette chuckle and put her hand to her forehead and smiled
"no just admit it that you don't love me rico" felicette said and close her face using her hands
rico smirked and put down the five pieces of fries that he get
"there, tss such a spoiled bit*h" rico said and get his med to his backpack
he opened it and get one tablet then he drink it like no body looking at him
felicette smirked to rico and put the five pieces of fries in her mouth
rico see what felicette do and laugh
"why ohways waphing" felicette said even her mouth is still full
rico smirked
"come on have some manners" rico said and cross his arm
felicette drink her water and gulp
she smiled to rico and rico looked confused to her
"thank you very much rico" felicette said and stand up
she flip her hair and smile
rico smirked to felicette and shake his head
"you didn't change a little, such a pain in the neck" rico said and stand up and walk
felicette smirked to rico and punch his head
"whatever, let's go our next prof is waiting" Felicette said and smirked
rico shake his head and walk
"well that's you" rico said
[End of flashback]
"felicette.... "
"felicette....... "
"felicette...... wake up.... "
"hmmmmm... why?" I said and wake up
I wipe my eyes and shuck
"huh!? I'm still here? why? why I'm stil here? " I asked
I see old woman looking in the door
"hoi get up! you're coming with me" old woman said
I just look at her like I'm confused
"we were having a guest later so better get up we need to go in the market" old woman said
I just rolled my eyes and act that I'm going to sleep but I see the baston of old woman flying in my place
I jump in my bed and run behind her
"fine! lets go old woman" I said
Old woman start to walk and open the door of the house
after she opened it I let her to be the first one who get out the house
While we are walking I still thinking why I didn't get back to my time is there something happened that's why I'm still here?
"thinking why you didn't go back is not a good idea" old woman said while walking
I looked at her and nodded
"it's a good idea to think why you're here" old woman said
auh! I remember since the day I dream craion shouting that he needs a help that's the day that I start thinking maybe it's not a dream
but craion is safe now he is still alive, is that mean that he still wants my help? or maybe
"his life is still in danger" old woman said
I was shocked to what she said and stop walking
"I can read everyone's mind" She said
whatttt!???? so that's the reason why she asked me before if I have a boyfriend and said that if I'm going to leave
"yes.... I also believe that you're from the future because there is no impossible in this world" she said and smiled
I gulp and start walking
"Is that so" I asked
she nodded and smile
"I want you to bring in my real place but the government destroys everything that can bring anyone in that place and It's been a long long years since that happened" she said and smile
I still can't believe that this old women is smiling at me
I breathe and smile to her
"it's fine..... btw what's your name old woman? " I looked at her and she laugh
"why you're concerned to my name now? hmmmm I have a lots of names, when you come back asked to your mother where's the box that I gave..... here is the key" she said and givé me the key necklace
I take that and put in my neck
I started to walked and smiled
I look at the sky and it still dark
"walking at this morning can help us go earlier in the market" Old woman said
I looked at her while walking and smirked
"I don't see any difference old woman" I said and make face
she laughed and continue walking
"hmmm? are you sure? then next time we'll go at afternoon" she said and smiled
I smirked and crossed my arms while walking
"yeah whatever! I already understand your point" I said and make face
she nodded and smiled
who the heck can't understand that, there is a lot of person in afternoon and it's traffic right? but i even in this time are really traffic? hayyst as long that I understand that's fine
[a few moments later........ at the market]
"hoh! sav! you're early again.... do you have an occasion today? " a unknown person said she is holding a meat knife
I looked at old woman and whispered at her
"who is that man? hah old woman? " I said in a low voice
she looked at me and whispered
"he is lukas my husband friend, we always buy meat to him and he's the father of craion" she said in a low voice
I looked shocked to old woman and gulp
he is the father of my mom boyfriend?
I nodded to old woman and smiled
"I see.... let's go buy all of their meat" I said and walk
old woman kick her baston to my head
"what the fuu!c! k! what's that for? " I loudly said
she looked at me in a serious face and walks
" lukas I need 10 kilo of meat and 5 whole chicken"she said and the father of craion move fast
I walked behind her and put my two hands in my back
"you can't just kicked me with your baston old woman" I said to her and smirked
she laughed and looked at me
"then what should I do to you hah! spoiled child" She said and looked again to the place of mr. lukas
I make face and smirked
"I'm not a child oldy woman" I said
"HAHAHAHAHA! is that your sister daughter hah sav!? " the father of craion asked
I see old woman shake her head and smirked
"she's the daughter of fianna's cousin" old woman said and wink at me
I just smirked at her and she kicked her baston to me again
"have some manners mor*n" she said
I touched my head and make face
"my mother didn't hit me like that tss! " i said and crossed my arms
she smirked and laughed
"because she can't handle you idi*t, if you're always like that.....tsk, I am wondering if there is a person that could understand you" she said and crossed her arms
I smirked and looked to other places
"Im wondering how my mother grandmother is you" I whispered
"stop whispering I can hear you mor*n" She said
I looked at her and smiled
"sav.... here's your 10 kilo of meat and 5 whole chicken" said by the father of craion
old woman get the meat and the chicken then she gave it to me
I smirked and get that then I start to walk
A while ago she start to walk behind me
"don't worry I asked fianna to buy some ingredients so expect that we're going to cook after we back, the occasion start at afternoon to midnight" she said and walk
I smirked while walking
"I'm sorry but I can't help you, I should go back to my time I think" I said
she just laughed
"I know you will say that HAHHAHAHAA! ALRIGHT" she said
I just walked and I already feel tired
"you really don't know the word of mercy" I whispered
"Mercy is for a good person not like you" she said and walk a little faster
I smirked and walked faster
crazy old woman

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  • avatar
    Ian Serandon



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    YoungMary fe

    thank u author


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    Renlyn Toling

    wow very nice


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