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บทที่ 4 The Witch And The Vampire

“Finally, you're awake Randell. My apologies for my granddaughter's behaviour. She's probably in shock due to these circumstances. And I probably told you the wrong room. Again, I'm sorry,” Nanay Remmy apologized right when she saw Randell downstairs.
Randell found Nanay Remmy with her housemaids and Martina. They are currently eating lunch together. And he frowned upon seeing Martina who still looks obviously annoyed by his presence.
‘Probably she doesn't have a husband yet that's why she's grumpy,’ Randell uttered in his mind. But he has to deal with them because he is still under Martina's place.
“Randell, have lunch with us,” Nanay Remmy offered. Randell nodded and observed the seating arrangement at the table. There is only one vacant seat and it's beside Martina and he had no choice but to sit beside her.
“Thank you.” He almost bit his tongue. They finish their meal quietly and Martina is the first to leave the dining area.
“Here, accept it. My grandma caused you too much inconvenience,” Martina offered to Randell. She handed him a huge amount of money but Randell refused to accept them.
Randell hissed and slightly touched his forehead upon his annoyance at Martina's action.
“I already handed you a payment but yet you are refusing to accept it? Is it not enough for you? Then, name your price,” Martina suggested as she threw a disgusted expression through Randell.
Randell can sense annoyance through her voice. “You didn't even thank me, Miss. You think that money is the only thing why I helped your grandma." Randell was annoyed too because thought that Martina was rude and didn't even bother to show a hint of gratitude towards people who helped her.
“What’s wrong with you?” Martina winced.
“What kind of granddaughter are you? You abandoned your own grandma and here you are, living in a mansion, like you never even bother yourself to search for her,” Randell irritatedly explained. “I guess rich people like you only care for money more than anything.” He sounded like a judgemental one.But there’s still a part of him doubted if Martina really neglected her grandmother.
"Excuse me, you know nothing about us Mr. Randell. I don’t have time for an arrogant man like you and you can leave right now.” Martina rolled her eyes and immediately took the money back to her purse. She threw a hateful glare at him not because Randell didn't accept her money, but because of his wrong accusations. Yes, she admitted that she’s not a perfect granddaughter but there was no time that she didn’t look for her missing grandma.Martina’s only family is Nanay Remmy and her conscience might eat her up if she neglected her. And she deeply regretted her past actions that drove their conflict.
“Do I need to reiterate? I said you can leave if you don’t want the money. You're just an ungrateful moron," Martina hissed. Again, she broke the eye contact between her and Randell as soon as she felt that his stare tickles her system and it’s also like burning her body. She knew that Randell also threw a hateful glance towards her but she can’t look straight through his eyes. She wants to detest how she was easily drawn to him just by looking at his cute face. But she can detest being with Randell because he’s just too judgemental as if he knew the whole story why Nanay Remmy left the house.
“Okay, I'm leaving. Just take care of Nanay Remmy and make sure that she won't go back again to the slums where I live. And i’m also informing you that she tried to attempt suicide just because she can’t pay the rent,” Randell said with deep frustration on his face.
Martina chuckled. "Yeah. She's always like that. Making a show to get what she wants. We're always having a hard time together.”
Randell shook his head. “Oh well, you are right in that part. But I think I can’t blame her for doing that because she’s old and we're both aware that usually, old people are having mood swings and some of them suffer from depression too. Goodbye witch.”
Randell smirked and uttered that last word louder.
“What did you just call me? A witch? How dare you call me that! Hey, Mr. Disaster!” Martina protested. Her shout made Randell stop walking for a while. She seems childish. She hated people calling her names. She decided to call him "disaster" because meeting him and finding out that he’s the pick of nanay Remmy for her was a disaster too. The idea of getting married to a stranger only happens in movies, it will never work in real life.
Randell grinned and got back closer to Martina. “Disaster? That’s you, witch.”
Right at that moment, Martina realized that Randell gets even more handsome when he’s smiling. His smile lights up her mood like she can have a very good day just because of that. “Okay then. I am calling you a vampire!” Martina yelled just to erase the smile of Randell inside her head. “How did you trick my grandma? And the bad thing is, she even requested me to marry you!”
Randell raised his brows. “Marry you? Hell no! She didn’t even ask me about that!”
He then paused and gulped. “Let me clarify this huh? First of all, she only asked me to accompany her back. She didn't mention that marriage thing! Or maybe I’m just right in the first place, that Nanay Remmy is a great con artist!”
Maybe they are both being thrown in a setup for this joke. Randell gets easily annoyed with that idea. His rounded eyes reflected what he feels right now—just a pure agony and disgust. He already proven that Martina is right, her grandma is doing crazy things to get what she desires.
“Let’s just end this stupid conversation Randell, you hate that idea too, right? But I'm not lying though! Lola Remmy said that she brought you here so you can marry me! And what do I get if I lied to you?” Martina convinced him with some sarcastic and hateful remarks.
“Good. Because I'm not a worthy man. I’m just a loser living in slums and for sure, we will never fit together because you seem like a privileged and elitist woman,” Randell gulped.
Martina felt a little sympathy for Randell because she thought that Randell came from a wealthy family like her. She can’t even speak a word because she knew that she already belittled Randell when she gave him money instead of sincere words of gratitude. Her focus comes back when Randell leaves her at the office.
Randell on the other hand got mad from what he found out, that he was tricked by Nanay Remmy. When he went downstairs, he saw Nanay Remmy laughing with the housemaids in the nearby garden.
“Madam or Nanay or whatever they call you.” Randell’s voice was enough to call their attention. Nanay Remmy just smiled at him, still clueless as to what happened between him and Martina.

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  • avatar

    i really like the words that writer used. a simple word make easy to read and understand .


  • avatar
    Shanum Nariswari

    im so lucky to know this novel. it makes me increase my words in english. im so happy maybe i will recommend this story to my friends and my familly


  • avatar
    jihahi haha

    the story is very good


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