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[ Belladonna's Point of View ]
The policemen interrogated me about what happened last night. The guy was revealed to be Melinda's best friend, who is in love with her.
I told the police that I was a victim and the guy planned to kill me too.
When they asked me where the gunshot in the guy's hand came from, I told them it was probably from a fight he had before he came here.
Thankfully, I left the gun inside the cabinet, and they didn't find it.
The policemen believed every single thing I said, of course.
Some adults are really gullible and easy to manipulate.
If we think that children are innocent and know nothing about the world, think twice.
I'm kind of tired and exhausted witnessing deaths in my life, but it makes me somehow satisfied.
Very satisfied.
"Bella!" Jameson called me right after the policemen finished asking me senseless questions.
"Are you okay?"
How many times will he ask that?
"Yes, I'm finer than you, so you can go home now," I told him.
"Nah, I'm staying here with you. What if an intruder comes in again and tries to kill you?"
"Then I'll ki-," Oops, not inappropriate for kids.
"Then I'll kiss them. I'll kiss them in their butts." I rephrased.
"Hahaha! You're so funny, but situations like this have to be taken seriously."
"Okay, do what you want then."
After an hour, the policemen told me that they needed to guard the mansion for a week. I told them I was okay with it.
Jameson also said that he would be staying with me for a while.
That kid.
"Where will I sleep?" Jameson asked cutely while he was holding a tiger pillow.
"You can stay here in the living room," I responded.
His face slightly became pale and frightened.
"Okay, you can stay in the guest room." I frowned.
"Can't I sleep with you?"
I choked.
"Friends can sleep together, you know?"
"No, I won't permit that."
My bed is large enough to cater the both of us, but it's uncomfortable.
What happens between adults when they sleep together?
We both went to my room, and he started to jump on my bed.
"Uhm, Jameson. Could you please stay still?"
"Oh, I'm sorry."
He sat down in the middle of my bed and leaned his head in the tiger pillow while looking at me.
"Do you know what it means when people sleep together?"
"Yeah, like siblings."
"But we're not siblings. We're not even close."
His eyes widened, and he apparently realized something.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I think I should sleep on the floor."
"So, you know?"
Kids aren't innocent, indeed.
We started to fix the blankets and the pillows on the floor for him to sleep on. The floor is already pretty warm because it has a carpet, but he said he needs an extra blanket.
Spoiled brat.
He won't survive winter without lots of blankets.
I lay down and snuggled down on my bed.
I turned to the side, and I saw Jameson looking at me.
"What?" I asked.
"What if one day, I'll like you?"
My eyes widened.
"You won't like me. I'm not the person you think I am." I told him in a very expressionless manner.
He smiled at me, then lay down and covered himself with blankets.
Someone liking me?
I can't imagine it.
Of course, that's not possible.
Nobody will love me. Nobody is, and nobody will.
Oh, it's morning.
I rubbed my eyes and glanced at Jameson to see whether he was still asleep.
Oh gosh.
He is pointing the gun at me.
"No, no James-"
I heard him pull the trigger. It's too late. I can't do anything anymore.
Is this how I die?
"Hey, Bella! Wake up! Wake up!"
Huh? Someone's shaking me.
"Wake up!"
I opened my eyes slightly and saw Jameson sitting beside me while waking me up.
Was that a nightmare? What the actual freak? It feels so real!
I thought I was dead.
No, I can't be dead.
I won't die.
"Hmm, Jameson, don't go around touching anything you see in this mansion, okay?"
He nodded worriedly.
"Were you having a bad dream? You were crying in your sleep. That's why I woke you up."
I was crying?
That can't be. I never cried.
"I'm sure it was just your imagination. I didn't have a bad dream."
He just looked at me and smiled.
Why does he keep smiling?
"Okay. I'll go down first and ask the police to make us breakfast."
He went outside my room immediately, and I also stood up and walked towards my cabinet.
"Uh, still has sprinkles of blood all over my clothes."
Yeah, the gun.
I grabbed the gun covered with blood from my so-called father and looked at it intently.
Interesting. It's the best gift I have received so far. 
I wiped the blood from it, then placed it inside the black box, and hid it inside a secret compartment in my cabinet.
I placed the clothes with stains of blood in the laundry inside my bathroom. I'll wash it later.
Clean and green.
I went down to the living room and glanced at the kitchen. There, I saw one policeman and Jameson cooking pancakes.
Oh Melinda, without your wealth, I wouldn't live such a comfortable life in this mansion.
But I am not grateful to you or to anyone.
"Hey, Bella! Breakfast's ready!"
He was holding a plate full of pancakes and placed it on the table.
We both sat down on the chair and started eating. The police said he already had breakfast, so it's just me and Jameson left in this kitchen.
"Is it alright to ask you?" He uttered after putting a chunk in his mouth.
"About what?" I replied.
"About what happened to your aunt?"
All of a sudden?
"Why are you so into it?"
"I'm sorry, if you don't feel comfortable talking about it, it's fine."
I stared at him and noticed that he was felt embarrassed.
I sighed heavily and leaned on the chair.
"My aunt poisoned me, got it? She added poison in the wine that night. She also drank the wine because she thought she would survive, but she didn't."
"Oh, is it because of the anti-poisoning liquid the police found?"
"But, Bella, Belladonna berries can't cause sudden death unless it is triggered."
I dropped my spoon, and I felt my heart race faster than usual.
This kid is so infuriating.
"How would I know if it is the only poison she placed in the drink? Besides, you shouldn't be meddling with the issue. The case is already closed." I replied angrily.
How on earth did he know that the poison was Belladonna?
"Answer me, how did you know that the poison she used was Belladonna? Are you a spy for her? Maybe that's why you always lurk around me?"
I stood up from my chair and talked while gritting my teeth.
"No, of course not. I just found rotten belladonna berries in the other room. I think the police forgot to clean those when they were renovating the mansion. It was stupid of me to assume that it was the poison your aunt used. I'm sorry."
I calmed down and forced myself to act benevolently towards him.
"It's fine. Let's just not bring back that topic because I was extremely traumatized." I uttered in the kindest way possible.
"Uhm, Bella, I'm sorry, but that day when I first met you, why did you have wolfsbane flowers in your bag?"
One more question, and I will leave you lifeless in this table of pancakes, James.
I need to act.
"My parents abused me and left me alone, then I was passed to a murderer auntie, then an unknown guy tried to kill me too. Do you think I murdered my auntie? What do you think? Me? A child like me?" I cried and acted like a sufferer.
He stood up and went beside me.
You suck, kid.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He said while hugging me.
"You know what, I feel like you're just acting like a friend."
Ugh, I hate dramas.
"No, you're the first friend I ever had. I'm sorry for doubting you. I will never do it again."
He stopped hugging me, and I looked at him.
"Promise?" I asked.
Hahaha, he gave me the benefit of the doubt.
I can use him for future purposes. For now, I need to keep acting like a friend to him.
As soon as we finished breakfast, we headed to the library to read some books.
He always looked so amazed every time he entered this place.
"Bella, what's your definition of friendship?" He asked while searching on the shelves for a book to read.
"I don't know. I never had a friend before." I replied.
"Me either. My sister was my only friend, but now, she's too busy studying."
"Oh, you have a sister?"
"Yep. She's now entering college abroad with my parents."
"So, do you live alone?"
"No, I live with my grandma."
Grandparents? Isn't that overrated?
I never saw my grandparents even once.
I guess they hate me too that they didn't know they have a grandchild living alone.
"Bella, do you have a crush?"
A crush? What on earth is that? I crushed someone's skull, yes.
"What crush?" I answered in a perplexed manner while frowning.
"Like someone you admire or like."
"I told you, I don't like anyone. I just like myself."
I'm such a narcissist, and I'm proud of it.
"I have a crush on you, you know." He said that in a very silent voice, but I'm so sure I heard it correctly.
So does that mean that he likes me?
Even a child is capable of liking someone?
Of course, it's only me who isn't able to do that.
"Hmm, if we grow up, I'll court you." He spoke again without looking at me.
"Hey, what are you saying?" I asked annoyingly.
He looked at me and smiled, "Oh, I was reading a line from this book."
Ah, from a book.

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  • avatar

    love the story.... poor bella she lost jameson 😢😢😢 i thought he would been saved but he didn't uhuk... niana is sweet but angel is urghhh ... i love this story so muchh .....


  • avatar
    Raudhatul Jannah

    Very good story and I like it.. And the story very give me many minded.but I continued this story and I hope who read the story like.. And I think you guys have tu read this novel. Because many think about psychology and letter scared but I still read..


  • avatar
    KabanalanJhon Mark

    it was my first time reading mystery story and it really catches my attention. its a nice story from the very beginning.


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