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Chapter 7: Summer Time

I kept looking at the doorway, waiting for them to come back. Where are they? Where is she? Should I look for them? They are missing out the climax of the movie already.
Many were screaming, because of what is happening in the movie. This is actually a good movie, if only I'm not too distracted looking at the door.
"You, okay Chris?" Dale asked me while eating and being focused on the movie.
"I'm waiting for them to come back." I replied.
"Uhuh.." Dale was so indulged in the movie I don't even know if he heard my reply.
"Run! Go! Destroy that altar already!" I heard someone shouted from the group.
"Don't kill your own wife, dude!" Another one also shouted.
"Man, I should check on them." I told Dale.
"Okay, careful, maybe you'll get curse on your way down." He said jokingly.
I went downstairs and turned right. I stopped as I saw what is happening meters away from me.
Art and Trish. Is Art kissing Trish? No, no, no, that can't be, right? They are not that close. Also, I've never seen Arthur being friendly with girls.
I saw Arthur pushing his jacket towards Trish again. I can't hear them from here. I don't really want to hear them though. I'm so curious about them. Does Arthur likes Trish?
I did not approach them, instead I went downstairs back to our room. As I was walking down, I remember how I came to know Trisha during the summer.
I was back at my hometown enjoying my last summer being free from university works. I live near the ocean. So every now and then I would go to the sea shore to enjoy the warm summer breeze.
One morning, I noticed someone carrying a surfing board. The board was too big for her though. I watched her as she walked towards the ocean. Our place is known for huge waves that is good for surfing, so it is normal to see someone surfing especially summer time.
What caught my attention at first was how short she was. She's only one-fourth of her board, or maybe shorter. I looked at her closing her eyes feeling the sun's rays as the sun is rising higher and higher. With that she opened her eyes and stepped into the ocean.
I watched her ride the waves as if she's born to ride them. I can't really make up her face but she seemed familiar. Her physique is familiar. Her skin color, the way she wear her pony tail.
I sat from afar observing her while I also enjoyed the rays of the sun. I was so amazed that although she is short, she overcame those huge waves and rode them.
I haven't seen her around in this area. Maybe she's just having a vacation in this part of the country.
When she was done I got up and hid behind a rock. She walked closer and closer to where I was.
"Why am I hiding from her? I'm not some crazy stalker." So I decided to show myself and introduce myself to her. But when I saw her face, I know her.
"It's Petersen! We had classes together." I hid ever more lowly. Now I'm sitting behind this rock, on the sand.
"This is a good thing, right? We already know each other so why am I hiding here?"
I took up the courage and stood up immediately.
"Hey there!"
Someone shouted from surprise. A group of people was walking near the rock I'm hiding and are not aware that I was there.
"Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you!" I gave them my apologies, then ran around the shore.
"She's gone."
From that day on, I would search what time would there be high tides that I may watch her go surfing. I would watch her throughout that summer but I never got the courage to say hi to her.
I checked her social media many times that summer but she does not share anything on her account. Nothing shows that she's into surfing. Her accounts are not really up to date as to what she is doing with her life. I bet no one even knows that she knows how to surf. Well, maybe other than her friend.
I realized that summer that maybe she grew up in the coastal areas of the country and maybe that's why her skin is tanned.
At first I was curious about her. I wanted to know more about her. I wanted to get close to her. So when enrollment came, I wanted to know her class schedule. She was looking at the blocking schedule for that semester at the bulletin board. I know from the past semesters that she would pick a block section for her schedule.
So I enrolled the same courses she enrolled and got the same schedule. The other guys followed me too, because since first year, we've been together through the semester.
Art was suspicious at first as to why I chose a block section for this semester, I just told him I wanted to be more serious with our chosen program. He just shrugged and followed me.
I unlocked the door to our room and went straight to bed. As I lay in there, I thought back to what I saw at the hallway. "I guess I really got cursed huh."
I went back to our seats and only found Dale was the only seated.
"Where is Chris?" I asked Dale as I sat down beside him.
"Hewsh shwentch tcho fwidsh yoush- aaaarg!!!" He covered his face with the bowl of popcorn he's eating.
"Can you swallow down your food before talking?"
He swallowed his food while glancing at the movie.
"He went to find you. Where have you been?" He asked me. "You missed out all the good parts."
"I have already seen this movie. And I just went out at the balcony." I got some of the popcorn in the bowl.
I saw Trisha and her friend coming up, laughing at something. They were teasing each other while Trisha is holding my jacket.
Maybe I should just lean here and close my eyes while listening to their screams, the movie is almost ending. I should just close my eyes as I wait for the next movie.
"Where's Chris?" I heard Trisha asking Dale.
"He went to find you guys."
"We did not see him, tho." Carmela said.
I did not bothered to open my eyes I just listen to them.
"I should go and find Chris." I heard Trisha said. Go find him. Why am I so annoyed at that? I just don't want my friend being involve with girls who only like him for his looks.
Unconsciously I grabbed her hand before she went away.
I was about to go when someone hold my hand and pulled me downwards.
It's Fernandez. He's asleep or maybe not, I don't really know since it's dark. I looked at Dale's direction but he just shrugged, while Ella sat down.
Fernandez is mumbling about something but I cannot hear him.
"Uhm Fernandez?" I squatted beside him. Our face are on the same level now.
"Are you asleep?" I asked him.
No answer.
"Can you let go of my hand?"
No answer. Instead he tightened the grip.
"Just stay here. He'll come back up."
I heard him whisper towards me.
"But can you please let go of my hand?" I pulled my hand this time. He let go of it.
I just sat down beside him as the guys changed the movie.
The next movie went smoothly but there's still no sign of Chris even when the movie marathon ended.
"Thank you for coming guys!" Aiden told us.
"Good luck with the new semester!!" Jesrael shouted.
Everyone shouted together, being hyped up for the start of the semester. We helped clean the rooftop before going inside our respective rooms.
Chris did not come back up and Art slept through the movie beside me.
It's already 2 am, good thing classes are cancelled for today because of the welcoming party.
Me and Ella walked towards our room in silence. We're tired for the day. I'm tired for the day.
Also, I'm still hoping and looking forward that I would meet the guy again in my dreams.

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  • avatar

    omg..is it done already...who will Trisha choose 😔😔 i dont really like the ending though but still can understand the story just fine 👍🏻👍🏻


  • avatar

    love your story.. love the way portray their relationship between Trish and Ella in this chapter.. keep going.. i love to read more story from you..


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