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Chapter 6: Party II

How can somebody be so rude? He'll never be happy with his life if he continues being like that. I looked at him while walking towards the table.
"Trish, what would you like to drink?" Chris asked me while scanning the bucket full of drinks.
"Coke. Also Ella likes Sprite." I assisted him in getting the drinks.
"Art and Dale likes coke too. And a royal for me then." He said as he handed me mine and Ella's drink.
"Guys! We're gonna start the movie." Jesrael announced while he turned the lights off.
"What are we watching Jes?" Someone asked.
"For the first movie let's go with horror. The latest Conjuring, maybe?" Aiden replied while Jesrael loaded the movie.
"Okay, first up, let's see if it is really scary, just like how the reviews stated." Jesrael said as he and Aiden found a seat on the floor.
"Let's return to our seats." Christ led the way towards the others. Since the lights are already out, we might trip over something or someone.
"So what did you two talked about?" Ella whispered to us as we approached and sat.
"Nothing much, we just got drinks?" I whispered back to her.
"The movie is starting." Fernandez said annoyed.
Since she is seated at the other side of Fernandez, we were whispering in between him which annoyed him.
"I'm so sorry about Art, he's always grumpy towards other people." Christ said while chuckling as he playfully hit Art's shoulder.
"I am not. I'm just trying to enjoy the movie, okay?" Fernandez said as he continued looking at the wall where the movie was being projected.
We watched the movie in silence and with anticipation as to what would happen next. This is a horror movie after all, anything can come out of the screen.
I looked sideways at the three boys with us. Fernandez and Christopher pretty much looked the same. Same height, same body type, same hair. One could say they might be siblings. I heard they grew up together tho. So maybe it's true that when you hang out with someone for a long time, your faces will become the same after many years?
I looked at Ella, nope, that's not true. Me and Ella have been together since we were thirteen.
Someone screamed from the crowd, causing some of the popcorn up on the air.
Gosh! That got my attention, I turned to look at the movie. The guy is killing this man. Well stabbing him. This is a pretty gore movie.
I felt cold from the night breeze, should've brought a jacket with me. Also, my legs are cold since I'm only wearing a dress. I used the cushion to cover me up and to lessen the cold.
"Are you cold?" Chris whispered to my ears.
"Yeah, a little." I whispered back to him.
We are so close, like really really close. I can feel his shoulders against my neck, since I am shorter than him.
He unbuttoned his polo shirt and is now only wearing his undergarment.
"Here, wear this over you." He handed me his polo shirt.
I stared at his hand and at his face. It's dark so I cannot really make out his face. What expression is he wearing?
"C'mon, don't worry I just wore this before coming here. Also, I showered before putting them on." He said assurance thinking I might be disgusted with it, maybe?
"No it's not that, it's just you might get cold. Put them back on." I pushed his hand towards his chest.
"But you're cold?" He said as he insisted on giving me his polo shirt.
Suddenly, I felt a cloth over my head and someone is already standing beside us.
"Wear this." Fernandez is standing behind us. "I don't want my friend to get cold just because of you." He added and walked towards the stairs.
It's his jacket. Yeah, he was wearing one earlier. But where is he going? Is he gonna leave the party early?
"Where is he going?" I asked Chris.
He just shrugged and wore his polo shirt again.
The movie was boring, well that's because I have already watched it. I went downstairs and went outside the balcony. There's a public balcony, aside from the balcony in the different rooms. The night is cold. The sky is clear and if this is not a city, I bet stars are would have been visible tonight.
I can hear the screaming from the rooftop and if I would observe carefully, I can hear music from the soccer field. The welcoming party.
I really suck at socializing with new people. It's not that I hate other people, I just get so awkward that I don't know what to say. Also, I believe if I get too close to people, people would betray me or stab me behind my back. People are like that.
They act as if they care in front of you, act as if they are really your friend but when they are put in a tight spot, they would forget about you or even talk behind your back to save their own asses.
I'm lucky enough to have Chris in my life, although I trust Dale and the others in the soccer team, only Chris knows me or knows anything about me.
Right now, I can feel that he is interested with that Trish girl. Why am I so annoyed at that? Well, that is because-
Someone knocked on the doorframe. "Mind if I join you?"
I looked back to see Trish's friend.
"Yeah." What is she doing here? Did she follow me here? I don't like her. Call me a prejudice or what but I really don't like girls in the Psychology department, or even in the Education department. Generally, I don't like girls who adorned themselves too much. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going against their rights to express themselves, it's just my preference, okay?
"You're a quiet type of person." She said as she lean on the railings beside me.
"Yeah." I answered briefly.
"So, what happened to you?" She asked without looking at me.
"What happened.. to me?" I looked at her. What does she mean? Nothing happened to me.
"I mean, what's your story?" She smiled at me.
"None of your business." I moved back from the railings and started to leave.
"Sharing your feelings and burdens with others won't hurt you, you know?"
I stopped as I heard that. My life does not concern her. My life got nothing to do with her. I continued walking away without responding.
I know it's not my place to get myself involve with someone else's life but it's out of habit that I get concerned with people who close themselves up. Like many died because of that. Many would think no one can understand them or that people would just betray them and would let them down or the other way around, that they would let down other people.
I looked at the sky and feel the cold breeze touch my skin. This is the reason why I took up this program. I want to help others with their own demons, their own minds. I've been there. In the dark. It's ugly, lonely, and sad. It's miserable.
Trisha was the one who pulled me from that darkness and showed me that life is still beautiful.
I stared at the sky as I started to reminisce the old times.
It was when I was 15. I don't really know what happened to me but suddenly I get this feeling that nothing seemed to matter anymore. My family has always been broken ever since I was little. That did not bother me before, maybe because I was used to it already.
Me and Trish knew each other since we were 13, we're classmates. Although we are friends but we are not yet at that point where I can share my problems with her.
People would view me as someone outgoing. I had lots of friends, I joined lots of school clubs. Dance troupe, Supreme Student Government, even our school choir.
I guess that's my way of escaping home. I would be so busy at school that I would go home late and would escape the pitiful gaze of my mother.
My father left us for another girl. Same cliche story I guess. He found another woman, left us for us. Mother cannot move on from the heartache, resorted to alcohol and is now miserable. I don't want to be like that. I don't want to be miserable.
Until everything snapped. I attempted to kill myself because I can no longer carry the burden my parents gave me. No one understands me. No one can really see the sadness behind my smile.
I was standing at the top of the bridge, looking at the water below.
I was crying and I do not want to look at who is calling me. It's still six in the morning, why is someone already here?
Someone grabbed me and got me down. Then I felt someone hugged me. It was warm, it was all that I need. No words were spoken but I cried on her shoulders that morning.
That was the first time someone from school saw me breaking down. And that was when my relationship with Trisha deepened.
"Hey I need to check where Ella went." I whispered to Chris.
"Let me go with you." Chris offered.
"No, it's okay. We'll be back quick." I stood up and went to the stairs.
I worry when Ella goes off alone especially at night. She had a history with anxiety and depression that would come without a warning. I know she's better now, but I still worry.
"Where are you going?" I heard someone asked me from behind as I walked through the hallway.
I looked back and saw Fernandez standing with his hands in his pocket.
"Have you seen Ella?" I asked him while I took off his jacket.
"Yeah." He just said while staring at me.
I walked towards him to hand him his jacket.
"Did I say you could give that back to me?" He looked down at me while raising an eyebrow. What's with men and their eyebrows nowadays. I suddenly remember that guy from my dreams.
I must have spaced out because he leveled his face with my face.
"What are you thinking?" He asked me while looking directly into my eyes, as if he can read my soul.
I looked away as I pushed his jacket towards his chest.
"Uhm, your jacket." He just stared at me while straightening his back, but he did not accept the jacket.
"I no longer want that." He pushed my hands back to me. "You keep it, I don't want to wear it anymore since someone else already wore it." He walked pass me and went up to the rooftop without looking back at me.
"What's his problem?" I watched his back as it disappear from the hallway.
I can never understand him. Ever since freshmen year he would look at people as if judging them. He would only smile at Mr. G at Chris and some of his teammates.
"Wait, I forgot where he saw Ella!" I hurried to look for Ella.
I went to the balcony and saw her standing leaning against the railing looking at the sky.
I put Fernandez's jacket over her shoulder.
"You okay?" I asked her as I also looked up at the sky.
"Yeah, I was just remembering how we became closer than ever." She looked at me and smile.
"You are always welcome Ella." I smiled back at her.
We heard a loud scream from the rooftop and we laughed at it.
"We should prolly go back up. The movie is getting intense, I bet."
Ella told me as she handed me back the jacket.
"And you keep that." She said and winked at me. She walked out not waiting for me.
"Hey! Wait up!"
I ran towards her to catch up. Jeez, tall people and their long strides.

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  • avatar

    omg..is it done already...who will Trisha choose 😔😔 i dont really like the ending though but still can understand the story just fine 👍🏻👍🏻


  • avatar

    love your story.. love the way portray their relationship between Trish and Ella in this chapter.. keep going.. i love to read more story from you..


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