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Chapter 2: First Day

I felt the sun against my face as I opened my eyes. Just who decided to just leave the curtains open huh? I rubbed my eyes trying to remember what I just dreamt of. I felt it was something good but I just could not grasp it.
Anyway, it's already 8 in the morning, first period is at 10 am so I still have 2 hours left either to prepare or to sleep. So of course, I chose the latter.
Trisha must have left already, she's really excited about the upcoming semester. She's going on and on about how she would now find a guy that could swept her up her feet and stuff. I couldn't care less, guys are so troublesome, they only bring your trouble and later on babies, which equates to more trouble.
I just lay there in bed thinking of Trisha as I tried to sleep again. Trisha is a childhood friend. Compared to me, she's shorter with long straight black hair and a tanned skin, the complete opposite of my appearance. Growing up together I couldn't help but smile at how opposite we are but can still get along just fine.
She's a shy person while I get along with everybody. She's organized, quite serious about life actually and usually looks at the future with a perfect brightness of hope and stuff. Take the opposite of those things and viola, me.
Since I could no longer sleep, I got up and found a note from Trish. Why is she too early? And it's the first day of class, nothing really happens at the first day.
I made preparations for the day and went out to grab breakfast.
"Hey Trish, wanna hang out later after class? The university is holding a welcome party."
A guy named Christopher asked me. We had Circuits 1 together last 2 semesters ago. And right now we're having Feedback and Control Systems together.
"Uhm, I don't think so. I'll just probably stay at the dorm." I replied while a skimmed through our course outline.
"Oh, that's too bad. Hey, what block did you choose for your other courses? I choose K2 for every course." I stopped skimming and looked at him. He now sat next to me. I guess he's really gonna make a conversation with me huh? We usually just nod at each other whenever we passed each other by. And what? K2? I chose that block too, that means we're gonna be together at every class?
"I chose K2 too." I smiled politely, hiding my surprise... and excitement.
"Sweet, we get to see each other often then. Do you mind me sitting next to you?"
"Yeah sure, I don't mind." I continued skimming through the paper. Silence fell between us but I did not mind.
Christopher Daniels, age 21. Height around 5'11? He plays soccer and is a varsity at the university. Some say he got no girlfriend since birth, but I don't really believe that.
How did I know that? Well, ever since first year I got my eyes set upon him. He's like my Korean-drama-male-lead kind of type. So I'm feeling butterflies in stomach right now. What if we'll become friend through the semester? What if we become close? And what if, what if even more? I can really feel my cheeks burning up. It's a good thing I am naturally tanned so it's not obvious that I'm blushing right now.
If Carmela can hear my thoughts right now, I'm sure she would scold me and sat stuff like "why are you hopeless romantic?" or "Trish, get a grip. You'll only hurt yourself with your own assumptions and expectations."
"Okay, right class this is EE353, Feedback and Control Systems. Congratulations on making it to your third year. I assume you have already read the course outline that was given to you after your enrollment in each cour-"
"Hey Mr. G, sorry we're late." A bustling sound came from the door.
"You and your friends may come in Mr. Fernandez, no need to say sorry. Just casually enter the classroom and do not disturb the class. And it's Engineer Guerrero whenever we're inside the classroom."
Mr. G just smiled at them and continued talking about the expectations of this course and the upcoming topics. Mr. G is a cool teacher. He likes to hang out with his students very often. Our relationship with him outside class is very casual.
Fernandez and Christopher hang out together a lot. They're best buds together with their group of friends. Usually they sit down at the back row so they were confused seeing Christopher at the front.
They just nodded while doing a quick high five as they passed through the class towards the back.
"Okay, since this is the first day and the course outline has already been discussed, I guessed there's no need for me to keep you all here. Class dismissed."
"Yes!! Thank you Mr. G"
"You're the best Mr. G"
"See you at the welcome party Mr. G"
"That welcome party is only for students, right?" Mr. G chuckled as he continued to exchange handshakes with my classmates.
"Oh c'mon Mr. G, you know you're always welcome to attend."
Fernandez and his friends are now at the front exchanging handshakes and laughter.
"Hey Chris let's go. There are a lot of freshmen this year. C'mon!" Fernandez and his friends waited for Christopher as he got up from the chair beside me.
"I'll see you around then?" Christopher scratch his neck while smiling shyly.
Why is he so cute? And why is he being friendly with me right now? We're not really friends. We barely knew each other. But maybe, just maybe this semester...
"Uhm Trish?" He bowed slightly to be face to face with me.
"Huh? What? Oh yeah, sure sure. See you around." I hurriedly look away as I stood up, facing the other side of the chair.
"Hey Chris! C'mon man." Some of his friends called out to him.
So, he ran to then while giving Mr. G a high five.
"What's up with that, man?"
I heard Fernandez asked Christopher as they walked away from the door.
"I'll be going Mr. G" I told Mr. G on my way out.
"Miss Petersen, will you be competing for this year's Mathematician of the Year?"
"I guess I'm gonna sit this one out Mr. G." I smiled at him politely.
"You also said that last year Miss Petersen. Among all the students in this department you got the highest general weighted average."
"I don't think I'm cut out for contests like that Mr. G, but thank you for inviting me though." I smiled again at him and went outside.
"What's up with that, man?" Arthur asked me as we went to the field.
"Oh nothing. I saw her last summer and just thought I want to be friends with her this year."
"Oh, why though?" Dale was now the next one to ask.
Instead of responding, I took his cap and ran to the first girl I saw.
"Hey miss can you hold this cap for me?" I gave her the cap while smiling then ran again.
"Hey Chris! Give me back my cap! Chris!"
I'm now a few feet away as I heard him giving apologies to the girl shyly.
Ever since Dale and her girlfriend broke up during highschool, he would never make a conversation with a girl let alone had another relationship. Well, his never gonna move on if he keeps on avoiding girls, now can he?
"Hey Chris wait up!" Arthur is now running towards me.
"Where's Dale and the others?" I asked since Arthur is the only one who came.
"Dale is now talking with that girl, the other guys are now entertaining new students. Some new students recognized our soccer team."
"And you just ditched them?"
"Hey, you ditched us first. And besides they can handle the crowd. C'mon!"
He pat me on the shoulders and led the way towards the soccer field.

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  • avatar

    omg..is it done already...who will Trisha choose 😔😔 i dont really like the ending though but still can understand the story just fine 👍🏻👍🏻


  • avatar

    love your story.. love the way portray their relationship between Trish and Ella in this chapter.. keep going.. i love to read more story from you..


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