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It's All Just a Dream

It's All Just a Dream


Chapter 1: What Is This?

I have always thought that my dream guy would be like someone from the Korean dramas that I used to watch when I was a teen. A guy who is slim, yet muscular and tall that I have to look up to see his face. With a smile that can melt my heart away and can make all my worries disappear. Black silky smooth hair that I can play with whenever we are cuddling while watching movies. Rose-colored lips, soft to touch and to play with. And eyes, so dark that it can suck the very life out of me.
But, what is this? Like what is this? I see nothing, the guy beside me is nothing but a blur. I can feel him, I can touch him, I can even kiss him if I want to but I see no face. I see no figure, and the more I focus on him the more his figure would be blurry.
Right now, we are in a drive-in theater watching The Notebook while being wrapped in each other's arms. Of course no one else is here except us because that's what we wanted it to be.
"You okay babe? Aren't you enjoying the movie?" He leaned over and whisper in my ear while hugging me tightly.
"Uhm can you please move a little farther? We're getting too close." I said while gently pushing him away.
"Oh c'mon, don't you wanna do it right now? We've been hanging out here for three days now, can't we just feel each other a little bit more?" He moved a little bit closer towards my lips and I can already feel his breath.
Oh gosh, boys will be boys. All they want to do is to lay every girl they encounter, whether in person, in the internet or in this case, in a dream.
"Come here babe, let me feel you."
He is now closing his eyes and is slowly opening his mouth towards mine and is now hugging me tighter than ever. So I did what every sensible girl would do in this situation, I slapped him.
"What's your problem btch! What was that for?!" He hurriedly touched his cheeks where I slapped him.
I did not answer him, instead I kicked him in his precious jewels below and ran outside the car as fast as possible. I willed the scene around me to change as I was running, while I heard him screaming in pain.
Huh, so you can still feel pain in here as if you're really awake huh. That's interesting. I thought to myself as I finished imagining what my next surrounding will be.
"You are about to change your surroundings, do you still wanna see number 1657 next time?"
[Yes] [No]
I see familiar writings in front of me as the drive-in theater change to a familiar looking beach.
"Do you wanna keep him in your memory or block him?"
I heave a sigh as my knees buckled up from running. I'm not really an athletic type of person so I'm really really tired right now. I just wanna lay in the sand while facing the blue sky. I closed my eyes and can now hear a familiar sound. The sound of my alarm clock signaling that it's already six in the morning.
I woke up immediately, while sweat is trickling down my forehead. My breathing is still uneven from running but at least I'm awake now.
So, what is going on, you ask? Well, it all started last week. Whenever I fall asleep, I can see writings getting mixed up in my dreams. I ignored it for a while until it got the best of me.
Dream dating game.
1. Cannot see each other's faces.
2. Can only appear in dreams if the two of you are asleep at the same time.
3. Can change your surroundings as you like.
4. Cannot introduce each other's names.
5. Cannot tell other people about the dreams.5. Have fun knowing each other. 😘
Additional instructions:
You can block someone from your dreams.
Personal information can be given gradually through time.
If the two of you are already aware of each other's personal existence, the two of you will automatically forget all about the dreams.
Do you want to participate? 😁
[Accept] [Decline]
I chose to accept and since then, whenever I sleep I get to meet different guys. Get to hang out with them, get to experience things with them. Go on a date at the top of Mt. Everest? Well, that too, can be done. It's our dreams after all, we are in control.
Of course there are a lot of guys like number 1657, who only wants to satisfy their own pleasure while sleeping. So far he was the longest guy I hanged out with there. We went to Japan, Korea and even Mars for the past three days. Of course, the surroundings will depend on our memory or knowledge about the place. Everything would then feel so real, you can feel hunger, pain, sadness even happiness, pleasure, anything. You can feel it as if you're awake.
Of course, I still do not know if the people I met here are really existing in the real world. What if they are also a fragment of my imagination? If that's the case, that would mean I'm a subconsciously horny 21 year old? No way, like no way. I know I'm single since birth and all that, but I ain't that desperate like no.
You read what I thought my dream guy would be like? Well, yeah that explains my years of solitude. Single since birth, no man since year 2000 yada yada yada.
I heave a sigh while I put on my clothes. I live with my best friend. We know each other since we were eight and right now we go to the same university so we decided to live together. Carmela Smith, the most talented and prettiest person I know. Well, also the most annoying when asleep. How could this girl snore so loudly while sleeping. How can she not wake up from her own snores.
I chuckled as I wrote on a piece of paper.
"Went to eat outside. First period is at 8 am, I want to look around the campus first before class. See you around"
This is it, I, Trisha Petersen, is already a third year college student and this is the year that I allow myself to be in a relationship.

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  • avatar

    omg..is it done already...who will Trisha choose 😔😔 i dont really like the ending though but still can understand the story just fine 👍🏻👍🏻


  • avatar

    love your story.. love the way portray their relationship between Trish and Ella in this chapter.. keep going.. i love to read more story from you..


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