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Clifford returned home to an unusual silence. He called out to his wife but there was no answer. "why this awkward atmosphere?" he said to himself.
He went up to the bedroom but she wasn't there. He searched through the washroom and the entire house but couldn't find her. He tried contacting her but her phone was switched off.
"This is so unusual of her." He said to himself.
He went out to their neighbours to enquire, if they have noticed his wife going out or heard any strange noises from his house but none of them could help.
He rushed back to the house confused and frustrated. He sat back on the Sofa, thinking what to do. He suddenly remembered that he hasn't contacted his family.
"Maybe she might be with any of them." he said to himself
He took out his phone and first contacted Lian.
"Hello Cliff?" Lian answered
"Lian, Is Rosita with you?" he asked anxiously
"No Cliff, what happened between you two." Lian asked confused
"Nothing, she told me about going shopping today but I returned from work only to meet
her absence. I have searched everywhere but can't find her."
" Have you tried calling her?" Lian asked
"I did but her phone has been switched off." he replied
"What! This is so usually of her" Lian answered worriedly
"Yes I know, that's why I'm so worried".
" But have you called Nicholas and Houston to check from them?" Lian asked
"No" he answered frustrated
"Calm down Cliff, let's do this. Call Nicholas and Houston and let's see. I'm heading to your place now."
Lian hanged up and head off to Clifford's apartment. Clifford called his other brothers but none of them knows where Rosita was. He got so frustrated and didn't know what to do. Lian pulled his car in front of the house and called out to his brother.
" Cliff, let's go see mum. She might be with her."
Clifford rushed out from the house and they speed off to their mum's house.
Lian pulled the car in front of the mansion and rushed out to meet their mum.
"Mum..! Mum..! Lian called
" Rosita..! Rosita..! Are you here? That both called out simultaneously
All the workers and Mad.Flora came out to meet them.
"Son, what's going on? Why are you two here?" Mad.Flora asked
"Mum, we can't find Rosita. Is she here?" Clifford replied
"What! I have not seen nor heard from her the whole of today." Mad. Flora answered
The whole house was thrown into confusion and chaos with this revelation.
Mad.Flora : I think we should report this to the police.
"Okay mum." Lian answered
Lian went ahead to the police station to make the report. Clifford stood quietly scanning the room and noticed Nichole's absence. "Where is Nichole?" he asked his mum
" She is in her room. I think she is asleep." his mum answered, "Excuse me mum, I have to talk to her." he said rushing upstairs to Nichole's room.
"Why son? Is everything alright? She shouted after him confused
Nichole's Room
Nichole was on the phone talking with the kidnappers.
" We have done as you asked. Now she is with us, what should we do with her?" The voice asked.
"That's good." She smirked ,"Keep her and wait for my orders. I will send the balance of your money soon" she replied
There was a heavy knock on the door. She got startled and hanged up the call. The knock came down again and this time with a double force. She went to the door and opened it. Clifford rushed in pushing her aside.
"Where is Rosita? And what have you done to her?" he asked furiously
Nichole closed the door and turned to Clifford with an innocent face.
"I don't know what you are talking about." she replied with a confuse face
"Don't try to play innocent with me" he replied angrily
She advanced towards him seductively, "If there is any kidnapping to be done, wouldn't you think it will be you. For sure, it's you I want." she muttered, slightly biting her lips. "Moreover, I've not even stepped out of the house today." she replied.
Clifford pushed her away and angrily left to the door. He froze in his tracks and turned to Nichole, "I won't let you go scot free if anything happens to Rosita and my unborn child" he said to her and left angrily.
She smirked and tossed herself on her bed in satisfaction. "You will be mine soon, Clifford." she said to herself
Clifford returns downstairs worried and lost in thoughts. He didn't believe Nichole's words.
" She looks so suspicious. I remember Rosita telling me they will be going shopping today. If she didn't, then who did Rosita go with? " he thought to himself
Mad.Flora was still at the hall waiting for his son. She saw him descending the stairs lost in his thoughts and called out to him.
"Clifford, Is everything alright? why did you want to talk to Nichole? she asked
" Nothing mum, am just confused and worried now." he replied
"Don't worry son, I know she is fine wherever she is and we will find her soon." her mother assured
He stood silently for awhile thinking about Nichole's threats linking it to the situation at hand.
"Mum, may I ask you something?" he asked
"Sure son" she replied
"Mum, did Nichole go out today?" he asked
" Yes son, she went out to meet her friend who just returned from Australia." she replied
Clifford kept silent for a while analysing Nichole's answer to what his mum just told him.
"Okay mum, I have to leave now. I will call Lian and ask him about the result of the report when I get home." he gave his mum a peek and left.
Rosita gained back her consciousness and realised that she was tied up to a chair. She looked around and found herself at a strange place with some masked men around her.
"Where am I?" she asked
The lord of the goons walked up to her and lifted her chin.
"You are awake now" he said to her
"What do you want from me and who sent you?" she questioned
"You will know soon." he replied
"Please let me go." she screamed
The goon leader got furious and landed a heavy slap on her face. She fell heavily on the floor with tears in her eyes. "Please, let me go." she cried
The goon leader was about to slap her again but was interrupted by the buzzing of his phone. He stood on the phone silently for awhile and handed the phone over to Rosita.
"Someone wants to talk to you." he said
He took the phone closer to her to listen to what they had for her. She listened as the voice on the other side spoke to her.
"You will regret ever stealing my man." the voice said to her laughing
The voice sounded familiar but she couldn't figure out who it was. "Who are you?" she asked crying
The line went dead without any answer to her question. She cried more bitterly and pleaded with them to release her. They tossed her away and left her alone in the room. "Please....let me go" she cried
Clifford sat on the sofa quietly, still trying his wife's line but to no avail. "I know you have something to with this Nichole but I need evidence." he thought to himself
His thoughts were interrupted by a call from his phone. He quickly picked, hoping it was from his wife but was disappointed when it turned out to be Lian.
"Hello..Lian, how did it go." he asked
"I have made the report and the police have started their search. Don't worry Cliff, we will find her soon." replied Lian
"Okay Lian, thank you." he answered
They hanged up and Clifford went upstairs to wash down. He returned few minutes later and sat on the bed. He took his phone, looked blankly at it and sighed. He laid down to sleep but couldn't. He kept looking at his wife's side of the bed.
"I will find you and bring you back home dear, I promise." he said to himself, thinking about his wife.
He sat up on the bed, thinking on how to handle Nichole to be able to get evidence that links her to his wife's disappearance. "If I will be able to get anything from Nichole then I need to tail her." he said to himself.

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    nice app for Android me to ok


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    Assenav Oreves Adnub

    Nice story


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    Ian Robert Loft

    it's great and it's so nice😃 👍


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