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บทที่ 5 Victoria the Bitch

My days in the St. Claire Academy, have been good. Andy was being a good friend to me, I never felt alone for some time, he helps me to do homework and eat together in the cafeteria during the break.
Oh, now I feel about how to be a normal person, a normal teenage life. But, I still didn't forget my Grandmother and my mother said, I still keep a distance from other people.
As the days go by I have lots of students here in the St. Claire Academy that I've met others are not too nice and bitches in my eyes. And, yes, I met another one that I can be my friend like Andy her name is Mandy.
She is kind, talkative, she never runs out of stories when we are together, which sometimes makes Andy irritable. Hahaha… This is my circle of friends right now and of course, Mia who always follows me everywhere I go.
Mandy is fashionable in her dress which also doesn't disappoint the students here. I am grateful that she chooses me to be her friend.
There is one of the students here that I don't like. I don't hate her, but, I just don't like her and she is Victoria one of the prettiest faces on the campus, famous and everyone's girlfriend.
On the way around I'm giving chance to the people who want me to be their friends. Yes, it is and just a while ago where I am sitting on the bench waiting for Andy and Mandy, she invited me to come to her party.
Well, I heard it a week past now and all of the students here are excited to come to her party. There is no wrong if I attend on that occasion who knows she can be my friend too.
I almost flipped over my dresser to find what I will wear at Victoria's party. I almost threw the clothes to choose what I was going to wear.
"Are you sure you will come to her party?" Mia asked me so many times.
"Yes, I am. Why?" There's no wrong with that and Mandy and Andy will come too, so you don't need to worry… Okay?
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I smiled at Mia to stop her from questioning me those questions.
" I sent a message to Andy and Mandy, I'm sure they will come. "
Finally, I got a dress to wear to the party. It's a powder blue dress with a silver lining, matching with a pointed hat that fits on me.
"Oh, I was a real witch Indeed."
Victoria said its a costume party so I had no trouble figuring out what costume I would use. I am Thana and nobody knows that I am a witch.
I flicked my fingers three times I use my magic to take me to Victoria's Party.
" Mandy's POV"
I don't know what went into Thanas head and she thought of going to Victoria's Party. I immediately called Andy to tell him about these things. Thank god he picked up my call in this time of an hour.
I have a feeling that Victoria and her friends will make fun with Thana and for god sake, it's not a costume party. I called her so many times, but she doesn't answer me.
Andy picked me up to go to Thana at Victoria's house where her party is being held.
In just a second here I am at Victoria's house where her party is being held. I heard the sound of loud music and yelling at the people at the party.
It was as if I had gone to the back of their house. I walk towards the place where I hear them yelling, laughing and the loud sound of music and for a few moments, the illuminated atmosphere startled me and took a surprise for me that they are all enjoying the night, dancing and drinking.
And the most….suprising moment is.. they are not wearing a costume party just like Victoria said to me.
When they had noticed me standing beneath the pool it was as if they had seen a ghost and they were all looking at me.
After that, they are all laughing at me. I don't know why? Just because of the dress that I am wearing?
Their laughter echoed throughout the whole place. As if I was swallowed up in shame and they were all staring at me.
I see them all Victoria, and Lucas was there too. I am looking for Andy and Mandy but they are not here. After a while, Victoria comes over to me.
"Hi, Miss Thana the most brilliant? and weirdo student at St. Claire…."
She laughs loud at me as she handed me a glass of wine to give to me.
"Common have a drink, I wonder why are you wearing that kind of dress?
" Oww. Pretty, looks good to you. "
" Thank you. " As I said to her.
She laughs again that almost echoing in my ear that makes me tremble.
" What do you call to yourself? Pretty costume, huh! Oh, you a witch?"
"Yes, I am. I said to her face.
She laughed even more at what I said as well as the others that I almost melted in shame.
I ran away to the place, but Victoria holds my wrist to stop me.
" Stay here, We are not done yet. "
"Come on join with us… We don't have a clown… Right guys?"
"Yeah." they are all answer.
And at those times I didn't realise that she had pushed me into the pool. I don't know how to swim, but, thanks to Mia she saves me. I almost get drowned. I see them laughing at me and it's like they make fun with me, that makes me mad at them.
From here at the pool, I saw Andy and Mandy coming over me. Andy lifts me from the pool and Mandy handed me a towel to cover my wet body.
Mandy approached Victoria and suddenly slapped her that surprised by many. I was rattled by what Mandy did to Victoria, I never thought that she could do that. Victoria wanted to retaliate, but Lucas immediately stopped her.
We left that place, but before we could get away, I asked a favour to Andy and Mandy to wait for me on the outside, because I have something special to do that Victoria will never forget.
I flicked my fingers three times and the loud sound and lights suddenly disappeared. The water in the pool suddenly rose like a tidal wave, I ruined their party, I ruined their beautiful night. I walked back to Andy and Mandy who is waiting for me.
I smiled to myself as I remember what I have done to them. She needs to learn her lesson. Mia follows me and sat at the back of the car that Andy and Mandy haven't noticed her.
Oops, maybe Andy does because he had seen a shadow-shaped from his side mirror.

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