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Chapter 4 The Family Dinner

Staring at myself in the mirror made me realize things about myself. I look like a timid, angelic, and polite girl. If someone would tell other people what I'm really like without knowing me, I'm sure they wouldn't believe it.
I smiled at myself. I have the right to act the way I do. I am, after all Blaire Fenella. The heiress of the Candelanza's, the next owner of the Cosette Beauty Line Company.
"Miss Blaire, they are already waiting for you downstairs."
I knew they've already arrived several minutes ago. I glance one more time at the mirror in front of me before leaving my room and going down the spiral staircase. I can already hear their small talks and chuckles, simply exchanging pleasantries. My dad and Tito Hanz are talking about golf and other leisure activities they're planning to go together. Scanning the room, my eyes stop on Zyan who is standing in front of the shelves that has my family pictures in it. I can clearly see that he was staring the picture of me on a two-piece bikini on the beach, sitting on a sun lounger as I look up the blue sky, holding my hair. One of my legs slightly lifted and the other fully resting on the lounger.
I kissed my mom's cheek and give Tita Beatrix a hug and did the same with Tito Hanz. They were all smiles at me. Zyan's parents look dashing and elegant even with age. Looking at the two of them, one can't deny where he got his swoon-worthy looks. I looked at Zyan for a moment and decided to go near him. Standing next to him, I said a simple "Hi" but he ignored me and continued looking at my pictures.
I picked up the photo he was looking at earlier. "This one was the trip I had with my ex-boyfriend. Maldives."
I tried starting a conversation and even turned to him. He only glance at the photo I was holding now and directed his gaze to something else, as if he wasn't staring so intently at it earlier.
"You look great." My half-assed attempt to try and strike a conversation with him again.
It's not because I want to talk to him. I just did it to act in front of our parents that we're in good terms because I can feel their occasional glances in our direction. But the snob jerk didn't even say anything even after that.
"You know what, married life with you must be boring as hell. It's as if you'd lose something so precious if you try and talk to me." I snapped and rolled my eyes at him.
Finally, that caught his attention. He turned and pinned me with one of his sarcastic glares as his lips formed a lop-sided smile.
"I doubt it. With all your affairs and boytoys? You're far from getting bored."
I know beforehand that he knew about the things I did but hearing it from him still shock me a little. He doesn't seem jealous or anything. He's just sarcastic and mocking me in a very insulting way.
"So? Are you here to call off the engagement?"
He raised his brow and his dark eyes held mine for a moment, as if he's trying to read my mind and see if that's what I want to happen tonight.
He stepped closer to me and leaned in so that his lips came so close to my ears. "I'm sure you're hoping for that. Too bad, last night was the last time I'll let you cheat on me."
Before I could formulate a sassy retort for that, he already leaned back and stood back straight. He's smirking deviously at me. His eyes even dropped to my lips as if he's remembering how I kissed another guy last night.
I looked away and not for the first time that night, felt glad that we have a safe distance from everyone. They could have heard that.
There's an awkward feeling in my gut while having dinner. They're talking about how good me and Zyan look together and that we would make the best couple.
"Zyan wanted to plan the wedding. He wants to get married early next month."
And that was why I was feeling bad about tonight. I'm not shocked like I thought I should be. But I still stopped eating and put down the spoon and fork I was holding. Why the rush? It's not like he is so in love with me and couldn't wait anymore. My thoughts bad me smirking to myself and even glance at Zyan to show him my smug expression just to tease him. Is this what he meant when he said last night will be the last time that I'd cheat on him? What about him? Does he realize that's also applicable for him? If he wants my loyalty, I sure as hell would expect the same thing in return.
"Right. It's long overdue. They've been engaged for a year after all." Mom said.
The conversation was interrupted when Grandmama suddenly entered the dining room. She kissed and greeted everyone.
"I apologized for my disrespectful behavior. I did not intend to be late but I had a dinner meeting with an international client."
"You were never disrespectful, Madame." Tito Hanz smiled at Grandmama and even shook his head to emphasize what he just said.
"So, what did I miss?"
"I want to marry your grand princess earlier next month, Madame."
I can't believe I heard Zyan say that. He glanced at me and smiled. I know that smile is as evil as him calling me grand princess. He was being sarcastic! But Grandmama didn't even realized that. She even chuckled and look sweetly at me.
"Do you want that, Blaire?"
Now, all eyes are on me. This won't be good. I cleared my throat and brace myself for what I am about to say.
"Isn't it too early?"
That was an indirect denial. They were all silent for a moment until Tita Beatrix spoke as he looked at his son.
"Blaire is right, son. We shouldn't rush her."
I wanted to smack myself when all I could do to return her genuine smile was a fake, forced smile of my own.
"It doesn't mean I do not want to marry him. It's just that we never even had a proper date."
Tita Beatrix gasped but then easily composed herself.
"I am sorry, hija. He's just always busy with work."
This time, I was able to smile genuinely at her.
"How about we move it three months later? And in a span of three months, you'll get to know each other really well and spend time together?"
I almost choked at Dad's suggestion. Really, now? Is that really necessary? This is just a marriage of convenience, isn't it? However, Grandmama nodded to agree.
"They never really had the boyfriend-girlfriend stage. I know it doesn't matter that much to Zyan since he's mature but my princess on the other hand is another story. She still wants to experience the hearts and flowers stage in a relationship, I'm sure."
That made me choke on my breath once more. Really? Me? Of all people, it has to be me who's thirsty for some teenage romance! And did my grandmother just say I'm immature?

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  • avatar

    Nice story. ☺️ Very interesting 🥰


  • avatar

    I never thought it would be this good bcs the title is what I'm attract to but once I read the story wow!!!! this is good 👍👍👍 highly recommended if u like romance books


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    Jane Mercado

    Nice story!


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