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Chapter eight

It's been over a week, since then Alvin's kept me in bays length, he gets aggrieved by everything I do! It felt like his dad brainwashed him and turned him against me.
Fabian decides that it was time to get a having outing! Out of pretense, he invites me and Jason as well.
I know that this ain't going to be a normal outing and some drama most likely to occur.
We all got dressed and ready to have the supposed happy family outings, I packed up my bags and waited for the rest of the family, apparently the moment they walked out of their rooms we got into our cars and left from there.
It was a two hours drive to sterling silver hotels, it was meant to be a family outing but we are not one, and we can never be.
Fabian walks in and left us alone outside, later on, we got into our rooms, I didn't know he also invited Tori to tag along.
Her room was next to mine, I was seated in my room, I could hear her talking through the phone, and gradually getting aggravated by the person she talks with.
It's cute and funny to see her in such a manner, out of kindness, I knocked on her door and she opens it, seeing me standing there.
"David! Why are you here?" She put off the call, ushering me in.
"Nothing much, I just wanted to say, hi!" I answered back, quickly my mind trigged back, and I imagined how drunk she was at the company's years anniversary.
She also recalled the moment and moves a bit from me, she looms her eyes curiously, the tensed mood she smudged a smile on my face, I was so engrossed with her, I blab out without thinking. "You look so beautiful!".
Tori veers and shoots a weak smile on her face after washing off the curious look on.
"What! Did you say anything?" She asked, as I quickly rephrased my words before I get caught, "no! I didn't say anything! But do you want to take a walk with me?" I waited for her response.
She plunges in thought, before returning her words to me, "yes! I'll love that" she accepts my invitation, which was surprising seeing we don't see eye to eye.
I walked out, she follows suit, as we both veered together out of the hotel.
We Walked through the hotel gardens and went on sightseeing until it was evening.
Meanwhile, Alvin paced like a watchdog at the entrance of the hotel, he kept watch and see if we were coming, hence the minute he saw us ambling together, he rushed out and stop us on the way.
"What are you doing?" Tori asked seeing the manner he rushed to meet us.
Alvin shoots an angry glance at me, pulled his hands out, and dragged Tori away without warning.
I saw how angered she became seeing us together, can my brother ever act mature? What's and why is he feeling jealous seeing me what her, perhaps is he in love with Tori?.
(Alvin walks Tori to her room, and locked the door, veering a pissed-off glare on his face).
"What was that, all about?" He asked veering closer to her.
Tori pulled back retreating to him with a question, "what is what? I don't understand?" She says veering backward but finally noticed she had run out of space.
"Why are you with my brother? I don't like seeing you with him?" He lets out a shocking truth, plastering a stunned look on her face.

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  • avatar
    Angela Marie

    It is very nice story than the other story I've been reading . I feel the author's feelings when I was reading the story . I thought it was not a happy ending but it is . I also amaze because of the words that the author used in the story . I really understand the story and it is very beautiful ❤️


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    Mr.Alvin And Tori


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    Kris Vin Mislang



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