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Chapter five

To add salt to the damage begin performed, the police walk in through the front door.
Thus it hadn't been a long time since David left the house, I prayed it isn't what I am thinking.
"Fabin! Did you call the police?"  Elena inquires the truth from her husband, Fabian walked close to the uniform men who stood there gazing at us.
"Good Morning officers, how may I be of help to you?"  He curiously asked, when one of the officers retorted, "good morning sir, are you the father of David fisher".
" yes! I am"  he (fabian says veering back to catch a glimpse of his tensed wife. 
"Okay, am sorry to say this but your son was arrested not quite long ago, he was seen drinking and driving". The previous officer asserted as we all gasped out shocked.
" whaaaaat?" 
Eventually, Alvin decides to join In the conversation, he talked his way closer to the policemen and pleaded they don't let this news spread like wide fire, rather fabian pulls his son away instructing that they keep David locked up in jail a full week and without bail.
Before Elena could retaliate, Alvin told the policemen to discard the instructions of his father and get his brother released from jail.
Fabian wears a calm look on after a while gave into his son's demand.  "Okay then, release him!".  He walks away from the living room.
Afterward, Elena and I impatiently waited for his return, the same time he walked in holding unto his brother, (Alvin), still a little tipsy. " son are you okay?"  David pushed his mom's hands away and with a warning, "don't you dare touch me, woman! I hate you for doing this!".
He took a step further, ambling away with his brother by his side, Elena cried softly shying away.
After some time, Alvin walked back and saw me seated on the couch, with my hands on my lap, " miss tara Torres!".
It immediately gained my attention the moment he calls out to me, I veered as he sits next to me.
"Sorry about what happened and I need you to go to the office and make sure everything is running smoothly, I don't think I'll be able to come over today!"  Alvin says, I shook my head following his instructions, "yes sir! No problem".
In a head start we both walked away in opposite direction, I ambled out while Alvin walks back to his brother's room.
" Alvin?".
On his way to his room, he took heed of his father's call, as he (fabian) walks up to him.
"Yes, dad! Any problem"
In a cold and distasteful tone, he asked his father avoiding his gaze. 
Fabian smirked at him, recouping back his eyes to his, "look at me! Are you angry with your old man?". He implored his son to answer but continued conversing when Alvin paid no attention to him.
" Okay, I know that you're angry but trust me, everything I am doing is in your interest".
He pulled a step back, farther from his dad, who stayed to see and hear his son's response.
"My welfare? Really dad? I ain't stupid you know! Ever since we were kids, I have seen how much you hated my brother but all David wanted was to make you love him.". Alvin concedes to his father.
" Wow! Your words hurt me son and besides, the one you call brother is not truly your brother, so don't preach the sermon of unconditional love to me". Fabian replies with so much contempt.
"Urgh! you're impossible dad, excuse me".  He (Alvin) walks out on him.

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  • avatar
    Angela Marie

    It is very nice story than the other story I've been reading . I feel the author's feelings when I was reading the story . I thought it was not a happy ending but it is . I also amaze because of the words that the author used in the story . I really understand the story and it is very beautiful ❤️


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    Mr.Alvin And Tori


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    Kris Vin Mislang



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