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S1 Chapter 3

"Dyra, don't you ask like that, you know that thalia" said dyra mom explaining to dyra.
And after that thalia was invited to make love with dyra and sava.
"Thalia, I'm sorry I can't stay here long
accompany you, I'll go home first ok thal" goodbye too.
"Yeah, it's okay, thanks for visiting me" Thalia replied.
"It's the same with thalia" said sava and after that leave the living room.
After sava came home mama dyra went everywhere to buy food for dyra.
When it's getting late, mama dyra and
dyra said goodbye to go home because it was night. Moment
at 20.00 thalia stopped.
----Two weeks in hospital-----
Today Thalia can go home from the hospital
because thalia is healthy enough but thalia has to
keep resting at home and don't be too
Today dyra and thalia are playing outside
Thalia's house. When he started dyra
back home. At night, Thalia fell asleep.
Klinggg.... kringgggg......
Her mother's phone rings. After that mom
he picked up the phone. After lifting
call dyra's mother looking very worried.
Dyra's mother is very worried because Dyra's mother, Dyra's father and Dyra have to move because there many of work
the board.
"The next day"
“Dyr.. Dyr.. Dyra.. wake up… wake up… it's noon
said mama dyra who was waking up
"Yes ma.. I know you want to say the same thing
That's why I woke up early" answered Dyra who was still on the bed.
"Yes, mom wants to talk to dyra if
Last night I got a call from dad's office
if we have to move to Jakarta" said mom
After hearing the words from his mother, Dyra
immediately got up from the bed.
"Haahhh... move.. so what about Thalia later if
are we moving? Think dyra mama doesn't want to move
from this house but the proof is now mama
want to move" answered dyra who was sitting on the
"Mommy doesn't want to move either, Mom already
said not to move but if we don't move
papa can be fired" said mama dyra.
After hearing the explanation from his mother
dyra can only answer "yes" then dyra bath.
At 10.00 dyra went to play together
rope. When playing dyra very weak because
dyra still thinking what to say his mother earlier.
"Dyra dyra.., why are you weak?" Thalia asked currently.
"Actually, I'm still dizzy about my mother
asked me to move from here" Dyra answered slowly.
"Haahhh... move.. how come?" Thalia asked.
"I also don't know I just know that I don't
move dad, I can be fired" continued dyra.
After thalia found out that dyra wanted to move thalia
continue playing. When the day has started, dyra
return to his house.
"Dyra..." his mother called.
"What is it?" replied Dara.
"Mama has a suggestion what if we have it tomorrow?
farewell to you and thalia. After that we
go straight to jakarta" suggested mamah who was in kitchen.
"Yeah," answered dyra. And after that they resume their activities.
The next day at 07.30 Thalia came to
dyra's house to celebrate dyra dan
After celebrating the farewell between thalia and
Dira Dyra also left his house to go to jakarta.
3 weeks apart from best friends is one thing. It is also felt by the rope.
No friends to play it will definitely be sad. Not only thalia who felt it, but also dyra. They can only see photos
his best friend in the photo frame.
Thalia is very very dyra. On the other hand, dyra
also miss thalia very much.
"Thalia's House"
"Thaliaa .... thaliaa .... this is what I want to ask," called Thalia's mother who was there
"Yes, why?" Thalia shouted as she was walking towards the kitchen.
"Here, please throw this box away" I ordered Thalia's mother.
"Ma'am that paper can make me don't want me to display it from cardboard" Thalia asked.
"Take it, the garbage will be thrown away," ordered
her mother.
"Okey mom" continued Thalia.
After picking up Thalia's cardboard too take scissors, wrapping paper and tape
after that thalia wants to make a frame from
the paper he is holding
"Finally I have done yet," said Thalia.
After finishing making the thalia frame
took a photo of dyra with herself and put it in the frame she was made of that.
After taking a photo and putting it
framed, thalia also tucked a letter in the back of the photo.
Thalia is very happy because she has become a good friend to Dyra.
When thalia was sitting in her yard
suddenly the postman came and the letter came
and its contents in the post box. When the postman
go thalia immediately take the letter. When thalia
the front cover has writing
thalia and a letter to thalia. Content of letter
"Thalia, I'm Dyra, sorry, I can only do it"
send a letter to you. I want to say if
Actually I'm here, it's not good for me to be acknowledged
same person named princess. loli him
good but if he wants he doesn't do it
angry angry. When he gets mad at me
My mom saw that I was angry and mom won't give me permission anymore if I play with you
princess" that's the content of the first letter and thalia reads
2nd letter.
"Thalia, I'm sorry if I can't go back to
the village is about at night I want to call
Mommy and I listen if you don't want to
again back to the village the problem is the same mom
papa fights and papa decides to live in
village. mom said that I was not allowed
with mom to stay in the village about it
I don't want to see daddy. Now I want
Moving on, mommy is afraid that it's dad
go back to mom. It's like a long time ago
mom called me about it."
After thalia reads the letter from dyra thalia
crying because he is very sad his best friend has moved house.

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  • avatar
    Aisha Mae Humbit

    okay the story is very good to read no matter how many times you read it over and over again it doesn't get boring the content is good the whole story is never boring to read


  • avatar
    Unika Ningning

    I love this story....coz they care each other and spend time with each other...


  • avatar

    Is good


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