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S2 Chapter 2

The school bell rings for a long time
which means it's time to go home.
Students and students leave the classroom with
bring their own bags but
different from the beautiful third girl
still sitting in his chair.
They played their phone before
definitely reach the destination after coming home
school, besides hanging out, shopping and shopping
"Guys, where are we going today?" It says
"Let's go, I'll be home late"
Nova says who left
leaving his two best friends
"Oh my, Casanova is waiting for us," shouted the two who immediately ran after
They walk around laughing
until they arrived at the parking lot, but Nova
stopped in his tracks when he saw
Viken Cs who are also in the parking lot
they even seem to be chatting.
"Ais.. Babang is handsome" said Ines with a
sparkling eyes are different from Nova
very upset.
"Nov, come on" Mona said pulling her hand
Nova and them walk towards the car
unfortunately every Nova Car is parked
next to Viken Ketos. car
which he thinks is pretentious while Ines
he cut Mona because of his car
still in the workshop.
The three beautiful girls are not from
any family, they are
meaningful businessman's son
none other than the children of the rich.
"Eh the troublemaker wants to go home"
Talita said that Nova ignored her because
really in a bad mood or not
as usual
serve him.
Nova straight into the car
and drive it without permission to pass it
Viken is standing in front of his car.
"Bar bar is a really crazy girl" said
Bhishma shook his head.
Whereas Viken doesn't ignore it at all it's quite lazy
dealing with girls like Nova who
always makes him dizzy with her behavior.
"I'll take it out first" said Viken directly
got into his car, and Bhishma too
Ardan walked to his car.
"Hey, what about me," said Talita who
feel in the third stay Cowo
"You bring a car, right?" Bhishma said and said
with annoyance Talita just stomping
step then walk to his car
recommend going with Viken instead
he was left alone.
On the way Nova keeps getting annoyed
not just because you got
morning punishment but Angga who
keep in touch. Even though Nova
obviously didn't respond but
Still chasing him.
Until the phone is looking for and without
leaked the screen of his cellphone Nova immediately picked it up.
"What else, Ga, I already said I can't"
Cerocos Nova
"Eh, I'm crazy, I'm Ines woy" said
someone from across and directly
make Nova leak her phone screen
"Sorry I thought Angga, why Nes"
"Where are you trying, take a speeding car
I really miss Mona with this"
"Gosh I forgot Nes, sorry sorry.. Em..
Here's how we meet at Brown Cafe
"Well, Mona and I are going there
Mona put down her phone and immediately
go to Brown Cafe which is really great
famous on Instagram and always crowded
teenage visitors.
Nova parked the car without wanting to
first go down while waiting for the second
his best friend, he also took the ear phone
and put it in his ear
while enjoying the song you like
Suddenly the car window looks like it's banged on
someone from outside, Nova turned her head and
smiled when he saw his two best friends
who is outside.
"It's not worth listening to using earphones
kid" Mona said when she saw Nova
go out with the ear phone still on
his ears
"Sorry, didn't hear me" Nova said
"Come on, let's go in, it's hot outside" Ines said
and got a nod from his two best friends.
The three of them walked inside
and sure enough Brown Cafe is very crowded
they even look to the right and left
looking for seats that are still empty until
Their smiles shine when they see
there are still empty seats with
they immediately started walking.
They enjoy a variety of drinks
chocolate flavor but different toppings,
Nova took off her earphones and leaked
the surroundings are really such an atmosphere
delicious, not only the room but
the owner of the cafe is very smart
design it.
When they are cool to enjoy it
with their laughter, Nova doesn't
deliberately leaked the man who again annoyed.
Who else if not Viken the genk who
apparently came there too.
"Damn, why is the world so small anyway"
Nova grumbled making her two best friends
"What are you doing again?" said Mona but
they were immediately shocked when Ines who
immediately shouted for Viken
"Aaah, Babang Handsome is also here,,, No
I'm really sorry"
Nova sighed, really really
This other friend is also annoying
but that's how Ines really is
idolize the student council president who even
according to Nova is very Cool.
"I'm going to the toilet for a moment" Nova said getting up
but the eyes from the other side are looking at him
not much different from Nova Viken too
sighed looking at the girl who
always makes me dizzy too being in
Chocolate Cafe.
It's actually Viken's Brown Cafe, however
only two friends know
Bhishma and Ardan all friends at
not even the school
know it.
"I'm in for a moment" said Viken who was
nod both.
Viken walked in to check
reports on his laptop, but the steps
stop when you meet a girl
which always annoys me.
"Why are you again" they said
Simultaneously create multiple servers
turn around
"Uh" Nova said stomping her foot and
nudged Viken's shoulder.
Viken came into his room and
immediately opened the laptop, he too
start checking all incoming reports
about Brown Cafe.
Viken is still young and
is the only child and two people
His parents are also rich, but Viken himself
also has his own business, Brown Cafe
which is always crowded with visitors
every day.
Nova returned with an annoyed face,,
" Let's unplug it " Just make a second Nova
friends look at each other they just arrived and drinks they just haven't finished yet.

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  • avatar
    Aisha Mae Humbit

    okay the story is very good to read no matter how many times you read it over and over again it doesn't get boring the content is good the whole story is never boring to read


  • avatar
    Unika Ningning

    I love this story....coz they care each other and spend time with each other...


  • avatar

    Is good


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