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S1 Chapter 10

"Get in my car" she said.
"Okay" I said.
After fifteen minutes we arrived at the mall
the square. Now I'm sitting in the fudcourt
with 5 of my friends.
"Help Thalia to look for things," said Dita.
"Ok" said 4 of my friends
"Here's a good TV," said dyra.
"This mattress is good," said Kayla.
"If this closet is good," said Nella
"This shelf is good," said thifa
"This is a good sofa," said Dita.
After that, we chose the items.
we finished we went home.
"How time?" Ask dita.
"After school" I replied.
After that we went straight to the cafe.
Arriving at the cafe we ​​immediately changed clothes and work.
"Tired.." Dita complained.
"Just be patient," said dyra.
"Today is overtime, but because thalia is moving tomorrow
So Thalia doesn't work overtime," said Kayla.
"Glue---bu----r---???" said thifa.
"Yeah, why?" Ask Kayla.
"Kaylaaaaaaaaa.............. boriiiiiiiingggggggg"
said 4 of my friends besides kayla.
"What am I doing, going straight home?" I say and kayla
"Yeah, just relax," said Kayla
"You are delicious thal" said dyra.
"Yes, I'm working again," said thifa then came back
Today I woke up at 05:00. I took a shower then
Fajr prayer after that wearing a uniform.
After wearing I put on the uniform.
I immediately made breakfast. Breakfast this morning is fried rice with eye eggs beef (fried).
After finishing breakfast I took the bag
and put on shoes. I just saw outside
rain, I took an umbrella and walked to school.
Arriving at the school gate I met
aliya. Aliya is with Arsya and Via.
"Hi.. thalia.." said Aliya. (Yeah I know he's just pretentious
good. So don't expect )
"Assalamualaikum" I said. I'm just a boy
fight with him.
"Walaikumsalam" replied Aliya, Arsya and Via.
"I want to say when I come home from school I want to"
invite you for a walk" said via.
"Sorry everyone, I want to go to class first okay?
Assalamualaikum" I said then went to class.
At 7:00 a.m. the bell rang. me and yang
the others who were in the park immediately entered
to class. The lesson began.
The bell rang, meaning the lesson was over.
Me and my friend walked towards the gate
school casually.
"Nella, thifa and dyra just go to the cafe. The rest
help me move" I said.
"Yes, go to the cafe, just come with my car, okay?"
uca tifa.
"Thaliaaaaa...." called via.
"Why v?" I asked.
"Take me to the mall, let's go.. I'll treat it" he replied
"Sorry vi I can't because I want to move"
I said.
"Yes," he said with an annoyed face and then left.
I immediately got into the car. Arriving
Diapertemen I also took my suitcase which already contained my clothes.
After that, we went straight to my new house.
When we got there, Kayla and I went down
while she parked her car.
After 10 minutes, I saw a car that
deliver the goods. Some of the residents
help lift things.
After 2 hours it's finally done. me and kayla
make drinks for the locals buy snacks.
When the day began to afternoon Kayla and Dita went home.
Residents have also gone home. I'm too young take a bath and pray maghrib.
After finishing the maghrib prayer I took it
Al-Qur'an and read the holy verses of the Qur'an
and yasin.
Today is my 5th day at home. Right now
Monday. Today I woke up at 05:00. I
shower then breakfast. Yes, I see there is no food.
I'm buying Indomie.
After finishing breakfast I put on the uniform then
I put on my shoes and go to school. yes
rarely from here to school is far so I ride
public transport.
When I got to class I sat beside Kayla.
At 07:00 the bell rang and everyone
students enter their respective classes.
"Assalamualaikum everyone, today we are
be grateful" said Mrs. Vira (guardian)
my class).
"Waalaikumsalam" we all said.
"I'm talking about the highest grades and grades
the highest was achieved by kayla" said bu vira then
clap the hands.
"The highest math score was achieved by Zaki" said
Mrs. Vira.
"The highest score in English is achieved by thalia"
ucal bu vira.
"The highest score in Indonesian was achieved by thifa"
said Mrs. Vira.
"The highest science value was achieved by Dyra," said Mrs. Vira.
"And for a walk we will hold it
go to jogja for three days. leaving wednesday
continued Mrs. Vira then we were invited to go home.
Me and five of my friends were walking leisurely.
It's only 09:30 now. We are planning
to the mall.
"Thaliaa..." called via. ga
"Yeah he is again" I said to thifa.
"Shh.. people will hear it later," said thifa.
"Thalia" called via.
"Why v?" I asked.
"I'm playing at your house," replied via.
"Sorry, I can't because I want to walk
way" I said.
"Yeah, I'll come with you, after that, I can do it
go straight to your house," said via.
"Sorry, after walking, I went straight to work and
come home sick sometimes even late at night"
I said then got into Dita's car.
"How are you?" Ask Alya.
"Failed" replied via.
"Where is he going?" Ask Arsya.
"Want to go for a walk" replied via.
"Why don't you come with me, can you all come over later?
his house," said Aliya.
"He wants to work al" said via.
Now the 6 of us are sitting in the fudcourt
"Hmm... what are you doing?" I asked.
"I don't know," said Kayla.
"Buy clothes, let's go to Jogja," said thifa.
"But pay for it," said Dita.
"QAP EOS, anything," said thifa.
It's 19:00 now. I am
prepare my stuff. I brought
t-shirts, trousers and shorts, hats, jackets,
drinks, food, snacks and others.
After I finished I fell asleep, even my cellphone
which means there is an incoming message. there
written name via.
Hello KKLC...
Why vi
tomorrow on the bus sit with me.
Hmm.. it's like I can't, dyra, because it's the same
why don't you ever want if I'm taking you everywhere.
Sorry vi. already
After that the call was cut off. I went too
to the bathroom to get ready for bed. after
finished, I turned off the light and turned it off
10:15 p.m.

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  • avatar
    Aisha Mae Humbit

    okay the story is very good to read no matter how many times you read it over and over again it doesn't get boring the content is good the whole story is never boring to read


  • avatar
    Unika Ningning

    I love this story....coz they care each other and spend time with each other...


  • avatar

    Is good


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