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บทที่ 7 A TALK

She took a seat on the edge of her bed and began crying. Out of extreme embarrassment, she couldn't even look at her pal. Jem stood in front of her, undecided as to whether she should console her friend or reprimand her for what she had discovered. But who is she to judged her friend? She's just han and she did something wrong.
Jem stepped up between them and said, "Ash..."
"I'll understand if you criticize me, Jem,  I know it was wrong of me to cut Storm despite the fact that he already has a girlfriend. You know hpw much I hate being an option. But look at me now? I just did it and now hurting myself." she cried.
"Ash.. Isn't it true that no one knows she'll have a girlfriend? As a result, it's not your fault. "You're just a victim here," Jem says, comforting her.
Jem's hand was held by Ashy. "Jem I am the one who knew it.. He admitted it to me, but my desire to love him won out. I love him most that I never think of the possible concequences. " Admit it, she was quite embarrassed in those moments.
"Ash..." says Jem on shocked, " why? "I'm not sure you like that," Ash said, sensing her friend's displeasure with her.
"Please accept my apologies, Jem. I never expected things to turn out this way. That is why it is accurate. That's why it's true," she responded, trusting Storm's words that he would stand by anything they had.
"How come Storm didn't even bother to show up to you? He just let that woman came in and say something to you.  He didn't even show up to defend you." Jem's lecture to her.
"There's nothing I can do about it, Jem. First and foremost, I'm the one to be to blame, I should be out of the picture because I'm the only one who's upsetting them both," she admits. It was all down to her. It is the one who loved and trusted, if there is one.
"You may do that," the buddy continued, "no matter what happens, Weng and I are still here, what happened will not change our relationship, we will accompany you in anything you encounter there is nothing we can do about Ash there." she was overjoyed that it recognized his point of view.
When night fell, the surroundings were deafeningly quiet. What was once a raucous environment has now become a deafening silence. There was no joking, laughter, or, most importantly, teasing to be heard.
A lot has changed since then. Ashy feels as if a lot has gone missing, as if all of her misery has returned.
"Ash, let's eat. You haven't eaten in a while, and that might make you sick," Jem said as he sat down next to her.
"I'm fine, Jem," she says, "I'm not hungry yet, and I'll eat later." But the truth is that she isn't particularly hungry as a result of the earlier confrontation. She had the impression that she was still floating.
"Don't allow what happened impact you just because of what happened, you still have a lot to do. We're here to support you." Jem sincerely said.
"Thank you," she said, smiling. "I'll be fine, too."
That night, she didn't eat and slept. Her entire body was exhausted. not only her physical body, but also her heart, thoughts, and entire being
She couldn't keep up with the pace of events, and she wasn't prepared to deal with them. She couldn't stand on her own, and she didn't appear to be capable of self-defense.
Storm, where are you now? Wasn't he supposed to talk to her? Is there no plan in place to explain it to him? Or was he just filling in the gaps?
She awoke the next morning with the weight on her chest still there. Here it is once more. She'll have to face another day when she has no idea what is in store for him.
Weng, who had apparently just woken up in the bathroom because he had already folded the towel, asked her, "Ohh Ashy Are you up yet? Aren't you in? Don't you have class for today?"
"There is, but it's still later,  I'll take a bath as well," she said as she was ready to say it when Weng hugged him.
"Everyone makes mistakes, doing things they didn't think they could do," she said, hugging her. "But that doesn't mean our love for each other has diminished. We're still holding on. We will always be friends no matter what will going fo happen.. What we said to you then, is still the same today."
It caused her to lose her grip on the hug she was giving. She recognized the earnestness with which it expressed itself.
"Thank you, Weng if anything changes, I understand." tears swelled in her eyes.
"Nothing will change Ash, we're still doing this," she added, clearly distressed by her friend's decision.
"All right, I'm going to take a shower since I'm almost in tears," she said as they both chuckled.
Later, as they were getting ready for school, Jem walked into their room unexpectedly. Because her lesson was earlier than Weng's, they assumed she had departed. She believe she went back and forth three times to their chamber, as if she couldn't say it.
"What's up, Jem? You've been here before, huh? I'm dizzy with you," Weng said to her who was then putting make-up on her face.
She gazed at Weng as if she had something to say but couldn't. She simply looked Weng in the eyes, and Weng appeared to grasp what she was trying to express.
"What's the matter, Jem? Why did you return? Did you forget something?" Ash said as she adjusted her luggage.
She too, was staring at her.
"You know, return to your previous location and search for your mouth. Perhaps you can't speak because you left it there." she was still laughing at Ash's jokes.
Jem abruptly stopped Ash as she was about to leave the room.
It came to a halt when she heard, "Ask for a moment."
"Ohh, you've finally gotten a chance to speak, haven't you?"
"You're the first to arrive."
It would have come out, "Why? I need to come in because I'm late, and you know I don't want to be late for class."
"Ash is in Storm's chin," it said, biting his lower lip.
She was unable to speak at that time. She wasn't sure how she'd react at first. Will she be happy or enraged that it suddenly appeared?
"Ash, perhaps this is the time for you to speak up, for you to be enlightened."
She was taken aback and questioned, "Are you sending him here?"
"No Ash of course not. He's the one who texted us asking if we might assist him in communicating with you."
"He texted you, but you didn't tell me anything,  you didn't even mention anything to me, did you?"  a bit of disappoinments painted in her pretty face.
"We reasoned with Ash, that if you find out you're angry or leaving, you'll  avoid him."
"Angry?" she sat on the bed, "Of course, you seem to agree with me,  and now you made a deal with him?"
"Will you talk?" Jem inquired, unsure if she would be able to touch Ash.
It simply rose up and walked over to where the storm was. She was aware of it. She sat on the couch and and just stayed quiet waiting for a word to come out from his mouth. She even caught a glimpse of her conversing with Storm. When Storm noticed her, she immediately stood up, as if to indicate that they needed to speak.
Weng whispered to her, "We'll leave you, Ash. We're merely here regardless of the outcome of your conversation."
She was about to sit on the couch after the three had departed when Storm jumped up and hugged her fiercely. Hugs, something she much missed. She couldn't stop crying. She wasn't sure if she'd hug it as well. Alternatively, she will shove them away. In those moments, she felt the force of his will. The fact that that hug could cease at any moment is the source of pain.
"Perhaps you should sit down," she whispered to Storm, who was still hugging her at the time.
She observed the difference in Storm's appearance as they sat there. She lost weight and was unable to shave due to his growing beard. She then considered what had occurred and decided that the prisoner had been beaten for another week. He appears to be under duress.
"It's nice that you're worried about showing up and feeling. I'm worried about you. I don't know where to look for you. I'm calling you, but you don't answer. I sent you messages , but you don't respond. I once wondered what the heck I did. Is it my fault that I don't know I did?" Ash inquired immediately.
There was a brief moment of stillness between them. Ashy thought there was no point in waiting for Storm to respond, so she spoke up again.
"Don't you have anything to say? Am I the only one speaking? So why did you come and show up here when you had nothing to say?" she said, a mixture of amusement and irritation in her voice.
She gave him a brief glance before speaking.
"Because I don't know what to say. I don't know how to explain without hurting you," he explained. His anguish could be seen in his eyes.
"Which one is that? The one you didn't text me about? Is that the one you didn't answer my calls about? The one where Girlie came here to make me look like I was going to kidnap her? Or the one about your marriage? Which one? Because if that was your reasons then you don't have nothing to worry about. Everything is just fine with me. I don't have right to get hurt." she burst.
"It doesn't bother me, Storm, because I earned it. I earned it because I chastised you and trusted your words." She continued.
"A much happened in a short period of time. Maybe he spilled a lot of information to you. But, Ash, I'll be honest with you. I'm in love with you.  he took hher hand and placed it opposite his heart, saying, "I love you very much."
"Storm,  love isn't going somewhere, either," she said, "because the reality remains that I'm the one who should vanish from the scene."
He  asked her, "Why don't you love me anymore because of what Girlie told you?"
"I love you, Storm, more than you think, I won't offer myself to you unless I love you, but, as I told you before, I know where I should live.  Remember what I told you then? That was when the time came. Just let me know. I'm ready to set you free." She bravely say.
"You're not required to do that, Ash." I'll continue to speak what makes me happy. "I'll still choose who I should adore," he states solemnly.
"Yes, Storm, we're hurting. Let's simply accept that we're not meant to be together."
It implored her "Can you simply let go, can you just toss away everything we have?"
"I know it's difficult, but I know I can take it. I can handle it if it's good for us. It's better to live right knowing that no one else will be injured," she explained, unable to look directly at him.
He firmly said, "I've decided Ash, I'm not going to let myself get tied into a relationship that I know I'm not going to be happy with."
"You're having a child, Storm, and my conscience can't stand the thought of a child losing a father because of me,  I'd rather be the one  to lose than a naive child."
"The child isn't mine, and they're forcing me to marry her to avoid shame,  that's the actual reason. I'm not going to give up my entire life for a duty that I shouldn't be carrying."
Ashy felt better as a result of what Storm said and admitted, and she eventually grasped everything. That's why it took so long for it to appear for him.
They made the decision to depart to run away in order to avoid the awful reality that could occur.

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    Sät ŠeÿHaa



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    Jefrix Sacki

    so good story


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    Salve Brenches

    good 💯


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