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"Ashy, someone was looking for you earlier, and Weng said it was a woman," Jem told her when she returned home from school that day.
She inquired, "Did somebody leave an order? Did the name say?" Shele had not anticipated any visits on that particular day.
"No one said anything, about her things, all she said was, 'she's coming back,'" she added.
"Hmmm... Is that correct? Okay, I'm not going anywher this afternoon. Is Storm still not here? "
It's been two days since class resumed, but Storm hasn't made her feel anything, even a text or a phone call is worthless to her.
"There's no Storm yet Ashy.. Where was he? He should be correcting his OJT right now, the school need his presence?" Jem responded, her mind on his work.
"I'm worried. I have no idea what's going on. I have no idea how he's doing, if he's okay? Is he sick?" She shrugged as she took a seat next to Jem. The reality was that she couldn't understand why Storm hadn't informed her sooner. They didn't argue so that she could at least figure out why it didn't make sense. She used to believe it was keeping him hidden because of what had happened to them. But she's not the type of woman to pursue or push herself on him if he no longer wants it.
"What if we go to his house?" Jem suggested. "You know, he's just a baby, so that's why," Jem countered. Her friend had a point. Maybe Storm just wants to know if she's concerned about this, so he'll act as if he isn't. However, she also thought that if she went to their house without telling them, he might get angry.
"I won't bite on that idea, Jem. Sorry, but I won't do it. I refused when he offered to introduced me to his parents, . Can I still go there by myself?" Heh asked.
"Are you insane? He wants to present you to his parents, and you turned him down? Do you realize what most of those ladies want in life? To be the one to introduce their partner to his parents, and you? You just turned him down? " As she talked, she stood still and waved his hand, right before her  face displaying irritation at what Ashy had said.
"Of course, crazy woman, there's a purpose for what I did." she said,  because she didn't know how her friend would react if she found out she had given herself to Storm despite having a girlfriend, Ashy didn't elaborate. "As much as possible, that's all I hope to know first," she said.
"You know Ash, whatever the reason, it's not right. You know it's not right that you rejected him, and you know, maybe that's one of the reasons why he doesn't care about you anymore," Jem stated abruptly.
What if that's the genuine reason? What if he's angry because he won't meet his parents?
He reasoned, though, that Storm's reasons for avoiding her might not be that trivial. It's not that it won't make her feel better all of a sudden. When she tried to dial Storm's mobile number again, she was already in the room. It was the same as before, but no one responded. Shee didn't say it again. But how can they talk if it doesn't make her feel anything? How can they make everything clearer if he will keep avoiding her?
She was ready to fall asleep when the door to their room was unexpectedly knocked on. She sat up gently to open the door after slowly opening his eyes. Still wondering about the knocked.
"Someone is looking for you," Jem said quietly. "That's what Weng said earlier." She whispered.
"All right, I'm leaving," she said, frowning because she wasn't expecting any visitors. She just wanted to look for herself.
Jem abruptly yanked her away. As they headed towards the woman's location, Jem joked, "When you need a fight, simply say so?"
She saw the woman a quite tall. When compared to her, who is dressed simply, she has a more sociable appearance. They are obviously capable of life and do not take it lightly. She came to a halt. She'd never seen her before, and she didn't know who she was. She simply summoned the confidence to speak about who this woman was. She can't spill it out but something is running in her mind that time.
He would have said something if...
"So you're Ashy, or Ash for short, and we've finally met. Won't you ask who I am?" the woman asked as she walked looking at her  from head to toe.
She took a deep breath and swallowed before speaking. "So, who are you? We haven't met before, we just happened to see each other."
"As expected, you don't know much about me, but I already know a lot about you. You're small, but you're gorgeous, and obviously even if you're small...... You can do a lot, can't you?" she says, trying to imply something unacceptable.
"I'm sorry, huh? But I don't understand you. Besides, how can you can you say that you know a lot about  me? We just met. I'm also not famous enough for you to meet," Ashy responded, already agitated by the woman in front of her. He pal Jem, on the other hand, had frowned earlier.
"Do I have to speak it word by word? Do I have to say it little by little?" the woman asked, bringing her face closer to her. She wanted to cramole her face as if she can.
"Bring it on. Who are you? What do you need from me?" Ashy asked timidly, despite the fact that the nuisance in front of her had already angered her.
"Then take a deep breath and hold it." The woman warned her as if she will going to make a bomb explode in no time.
"My name is Girlie Roxas, and I'm about to become Mrs. Storm Robles if you will stop your craziness," she says angrily.
Ashy has just a hazy recollection of who this woman is.
That's correct. He's referring to Storm's girlfriend here. And she certainly appears to be the type who gets what she wants. But why Storm let her show her face to her. Why he didn't stop her?
"I'm just the girlfriend of the man you're threatening. I'm the girlfriend of the man you wanted to sleep with every night even though you know he's committed to others. What were you thinking? You can steal him from me? You know what, it wasn't the first time I did this. So it means it's not just you. There are many of you." she smiled crazily.
Ashy couldn't find words to defend hereself.
"I'm merely the woman who is loved by the man you are chasing!. Even though you know he's committed to me right away., I'm the girlfriend of the man you called. What were you thinking at the time? You can hold him responsible for my existence. So, I'm here to inform you that you won't be able to obtain him from me. It wasn't the first time I'd done something like this. As a result, it's not just you. There are quite a few of you. " she gave her a sour grin for the second time.
She said it intentionally twice to keept it in her mind.
"Sure," she responded in self-defense, "but I love him and he loves me."
"Dear? You adore him, and it's possible... really... Is he smitten with you? Let's just say he's smitten with you. What happened to him? Is he here to keep you safe? Isn't he the one should be defending you right now? Does he even make you feel anything? Because he wants to show me that he cares about me." Its emphasis is on what he said.
"I don't believe you. I know you're just doing this to make me angry with him as well. What else do you want? Why don't you just leave Storm? We both know you love someone else, don't we?" Her defense, she doesn't want to believe what she says because she wants to keep Storm's promise to her that they won't break it no matter what.
"I love Storm more than anything, and he knows it. He supports me in everything I want because he loves me more. It's just that I'm far away, and he has needs, which I understand because I'm the same way. In short, we understand each other's needs. It's just a coincidence that you are the one who filled his needs this time. But don't get it wrong, girl. Remove from your mind that he truly loves you, coz I will make sure that he will not."the woman said.
"I still want to talk to Storm because he's the only one who can tell me what's really going on, not you!" she said, her eyes swelling up with tears from what she had heard.
"Don't worry, he'll see you as soon as he finishes what he's currently concerned about. He was just finishing up something critical that he couldn't put off any longer. We're getting married soon after he graduates, so his femininity will fade away as well. So why don't you say hello to us? " The woman continued to tease her. Provoking her to do something unwanted.
From what she heard, she could barely speak,did she hear correctly? Is Storm getting married? Why the haste?
"You're serious," she replied, even when she was perplexed. "All I know is that he won't marry someone he doesn't love and isn't happy with, and especially not with you."
"I'm also obsessed with your battling spirit, as well as the thickness of your face. Maybe you forgot. You tricked me. I'm here to wake you up from your dreams. He's been mine and he'll always be mine. No woman has ever won me. And if it's just you. You're not going to win over me."
She felt as if she was running out of candles at the time. In the humiliation and suffering she is experiencing. Especially considering her friend was privy to all of it. She couldn't look at it since she knew she'd be asked a lot of questions about it.
"Are you done?" she inquired, as she, too, desired to leave her position.
"Can't you see? There's more. I'm pregnant, and Storm is going to be the father of this child. Maybe you want to be a godmother, but nevermind. I don't want you to affect my future child's capacity to stay at home. You wrecker."
"Well, congratulations, and I hope you're doing well."
"Yes, we will," she responds, "and if you still feel embarrassed of yourself, perhaps you will walk away from us yourself and leave us alone forever."
"You might not like what I'm going to do if I find out you're still causing problems for us, I'm a bad opponent, Ashy, and I know you don't want to see me angry, so don't mess with me or you'll regret it for the rest of your life.
"You're not required to frighten me. I'm on my way somewhere. And I am aware of what is correct...
Girlie was asked to leave by Jem, who intervened.
"Before I forget, don't wait for him to return, he will not stay here. He has already moved when he stays so that he can escape you. Reduce the thickness of your face and don't press. Leave us alone!" she said as she walked out the door.
Ashy almost passed out when the woman left and sat on the couch. She cried until then, unable to process anything that had transpired. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Those were the occasions that she seemed to have nightmares about. She couldn't even look Jem in the eyes since she didn't know what to say to her. She was well aware that she was not the type of woman she was looking for. That she wasn't the one who fired a shot at someone who was already up, but what happened now? She was the one who carried it out.
During those moments, she was still bending over. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to stand or not.
She couldn't think of a term to describe how to make the anguish go away.
She walked up to their room since she couldn't take the humiliation any longer.

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    Sät ŠeÿHaa



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    Jefrix Sacki

    so good story


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    Salve Brenches

    good 💯


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