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บทที่ 12 Wrong Person

A few days passed. Claire, Kate, and I often eat lunch together at our school Cafeteria. It became our daily routine, and it wouldn’t be completed without us talking and throwing some silly jokes to each other. Until one day, Claire invited me to hang out, and for a moment, I thought that we are having some development in our unknown relationship.
“So... Where are we going to meet?” I asked excitedly.
“We can meet by the coffee shop nearby our school,” Claire answered confidently. “Is that okay with you, Kate?” she asked, before I saw her winking at her bestfriend’s direction.
I don’t know why, but Claire just suddenly invited us to go to the mall, hang out or do anything that we can do out there. But I’m more than glad that she included me in their plans. I mean, girls often bonding without any guys so I was worrying that Claire wouldn’t talk to me anymore every time that Kate is around. But I was wrong. She’s not that kind of person. She’s not an insensitive one. And that’s a blessing for me, I guess.
“O-of course, i-it’s fine with m-me,” Kate answered, stuttering.
“Great! Should I pick you up, Claire?” I asked to Claire, badly wanted to score some points. “Silence means–”
“No!” Claire exclaimed too quickly, making me feel troubled for she just turned down my offer.
“What do you mean by that?” I asked, worried. I was about to say something when Claire cut my statement off... Again.
“What I mean is... My house is too far from yours. You can’t fetch me up because it’s in the opposite way of your house. But Kate is in the same village as you are, right?” she asked sounding hopeful.
“Well, I guess so...” I answered, unsure.
“Then that’s great! You can fetch up my bestfriend on your way to the shop and I’ll just meet you guys out there. Is that alright with you?”
“Sounds great.” I smiled to her even though she’s the one that I really wanted to fetch up.
I guess I just need to accept the fact that Kate will be the one whom I will give a ride tomorrow. I looked at her direction, and again, I caught her blushing. Seriously, what is wrong with her?
“It’s settled, then. Please don’t be late tomorrow, okay?” Claire stated.
I just nodded, same as Kate. I decided to stood up, looking at them once more before deciding to finally excuse myself.
“Thanks for inviting me, Claire... And Kate?” She looked up to me, looking super uneasy.
“Y-yes?” she stuttered.
“See you tomorrow.” I saw Claire smiling teasingly from the corners of my eyes. “So, bye for now, girls. I need to be at my class at this moment.”
“Bye!” Claire waved me goodbye. Kate just did the same before I completely lost the both of them in my sight.
Time flew so fast. The next thing I knew, I was already fixing myself up in front of our mirror before I’ll finally go to my first ever hang out with friends here in the Philippines.
“Going somewhere?” Mom asked.
“Uhm, yeah. I’m going to meet some of my new friends.”
Mom looked surprised, before smiling at me. She took another step closer, as if observing the way I dress.
“Glad to know that you finally made some friends in here. Go on and enjoy then, son.”
I nodded, before giving her a quick forehead kiss. I leave the house before hopping into my own car. I started the engine and drove towards Kate’s house, where I would pick her up before we meet up with Claire. It took me fifteen minutes of driving before I finally arrived, surprised by seeing a black limousine parked in the driveway of their mansion.
I waited for quiet some few times, blowing my horn twice to call her attention. I don’t know if she’s still asleep or something. But somehow, I felt relieved seeing her walking towards my direction, fully dressed up. I was afraid that if she wouldn’t come, Claire will not be there in our meeting place as well.
“Hey, Kate. Let’s go?” I asked.
“Uhm... Sure.”
She got inside of my car before sitting next to me on the passenger seat. I sighed, thinking that Claire should be the one in her current position right now.
“Are you okay? You looked bothered,” I casually stated.
“I’m fine,” was her short reply.
“Okay.” I started the engine before we make our way to the coffee shop where we supposed to meet Claire.
Unlike Claire and Erevell, Kate is too shy and timid. She doesn’t have the confidence that the two possessed in order to confidently communicate with other people around them. Though she’s pretty, she’s wasting it by being too reserved and quiet at the same time.
“So...” I started, breaking the ice of cold silence between the two of us. “Who’s that guy driving a limousine over to your house?” I asked curiously, just to start off a conversation with her. I couldn’t stand the deadly silence that’s been reigning in here ever since she got inside of my car.
“Uhm... That’s one of my Dad’s acquaintance. He’s Atty. Gomez.”
“Whoah. I can’t believe that I’m taking someone as rich as you out on a date,” I joked, but it seems like she’s taking it way too seriously.
“A what?!” she asked anxiously.
“A date. You know, that’s what they called it, right? Getting to know each other and stuffs. Like you, and me, and Claire.”
“Oh.” She just nodded, dumbfounded and maybe ashamed of herself for thinking about that joke as the truth. I chuckled, before saying another word.
“Did you thought that when I said the word ‘date,’ I was pertaining to... I mean, you know... Like romantically.”
“No!” she answered too quickly, only proving that she’s guilty if that was a crime.
I just chuckled to myself, suppressing it not to be a laugh for I didn’t want her to think that I’m just making fun of her. I kicked my brakes as soon as I saw the nearby coffee shop in our school.
“We are here,” I announced, parking the car in front of the place. “Are you not hopping down?” I asked after turning off the engine of my car. She looked so anxious and uncomfortable.
“I will... I just... I need to text someone. You can go inside first. Check it if Claire was already in there. I’ll just follow you after this.”
“Sure. I’ll check for her inside.”
I hopped down from my car, walking towards the entrance of the shop for I couldn’t wait to see Claire anymore. But to my disappointment, she isn’t here. She’s nowhere to be found. I felt bad, unable to see her as I expected.
I took a deep breath, feeling exhausted. I sat down in the mini couch before waiting for apparently nothing. I will just wait for Claire and Kate to come here, since the latter told me her bestfriend will surely come.
But it’s been five minutes and Claire is still a no show. Even a glimpse of her shadow, none. I didn’t see anything related to her at all except of Kate. Until finally, that woman decided to finally hopped down from my car and joined me in here to wait for her bestfriend.
“Hey,” she greeted me, trying to act casual but failed miserably.
“You’re already here. Claire is not here yet,” I stated, sounding disappointed.
“Let’s just wait for her. I’m pretty sure that she’s going to come in here.”
While waiting, I ordered some drinks for the both of us. I often started a conversation, just to break the defying silence between us. By each passing time, I noticed that Kate is finally getting comfortable around me bit by bit. Now she can laugh and answer my questions without stuttering or even thinking for a long period of time.
As I got to know her more, I realized that she wasn’t that bad being your friend at all. I mean, she’s great. We have some similarities... Music, movies, and even foods. Common things that most people have specially students our age.
“Have you seen that movie where–” my statement was cut short by the loud beeping sound of my phone. I couldn’t help myself but to flashed a smile as soon as I saw Claire’s name registered on the screen of my phone. “Oh. It’s Claire. She’s calling me. I’ll just answer it,” I excused myself to Kate before answering the call.
“Gab?” she sound weird, though I ignored it.
“Yes this is me. So, where are you?”
“I’m sorry... I’m afraid I couldn’t come there right now. I mean, I’m really sick and–” She coughed. “I don’t want to pass it to you and to Kate as well. I’m really sorry.”
My shoulder dropped down.
“That’s... Fine,” I answered, trying to make my voice sound energetic.
“But please continue the day... Kate is... You know, she’s really looking forward for this day.”
That’s when I suspected that something is really wrong in here. I don’t want to think about it though I can’t help myself. Maybe Kate likes me... And Claire is helping her bestfriend out to spent some more time with me, because she didn’t know that I like her instead, and not Kate. I sighed. I guess I just need to finish this little set up of them.
“Sure, sure. Now take a good rest, Claire. See you at school.”
“See you. Bye.”
She dropped the call, and I sighed in dismay before walking back towards Kate’s location.
“What happened? What did she say?” she asked, trying to act innocent.
“Claire said that she couldn’t make it today.”
“What? Uhm... Let me just text and convince her...”
She took out her phone from her pocket trying to act like she’s going to call her bestfriend or something. But I already stopped her from doing that by holding her hands. I felt her stiffened, and I just sighed in disappointment. I thought I would spend this day with Claire, and not with the wrong person.
“Please don’t bother. She told me that she’s very sick. We could just... Enjoy this date ourselves.”
“O-okay.” She stare on the floor, looking very pleased by my answer.
“So, where do you want to go?” I asked, trying to flash a sweet smile on my face.
And that’s how the two of us starting hanging out without Claire. It’s boring, but I couldn’t do anything about it either. If only Claire didn’t told me to continue the day as planned, I wouldn’t do this. I’m just following her request.
After a very long, tiring day, I finally dropped Kate right in front of their mansion before giving her a tiny smile. She blushed, and I mentally sighed out of frustration. Just, why?! Why does things need to be so complicated like this?
“Bye, Kate. Thank you for this day,” I stated, and then winked at her, trying to looked very thankful for this day even though I’m not.
She couldn’t answer me, so she just nodded as a response. That’s when I started driving my car away, far away from the wrong person whom I just spent my first ever date with.

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  • avatar
    BatoyKely ann

    so cool


  • avatar
    CerdonAna Leah

    wow! I love it 💖


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    de RosasBryce Surjan Alexei

    Ea sports


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