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บทที่ 13 Old Friend

Five days had passed. I didn’t see Darren nor Mr. Herrera for Dad said that we shouldn’t get so worried about our wedding. They wanted it to be perfect so they are organizing it with the help of a highly paid organizer.
Mom and I savour those past few days watching Netflix and any other video stuffs on YouTube. We also went shopping, but as I realized that I already got the rest and sleep that I wanted, I’m started to feel bored. Suddenly, I wanted to see Darren.
“Where are you going?” Mom asked when she saw me wearing a nice outfit.
“Uhm... I’m going to meet Dad,” I lied.
“What? Your Dad has a client meeting for lunch.”
“Oh...” I bit my lower lip, feeling guilty for lying to my Mom.
“Just tell me, Kate. Where exactly are you going?”
“Fine, fine.” I gave up before deciding to tell her the truth. “I wanted to see Darren, Mom.”
She looked at me with amusement in her eyes. As if she couldn’t believe in my words. I chuckled at her facial expression.
“What now, Mom? Can I go?”
“O-of c-curse... You can go. But... I was just surprised that you’re now too attached to that guy even if you barely even know him.”
I sighed, before answering her.
“Trust me on this, Mom. I know that guy would probably love me back. Don’t worry.”
“Sure, I trust you. It’s your father I don’t trust.”
I laughed, before planting a kiss on her forehead. I bid my goodbyes before grabbing my car keys on our kitchen counter. I went outside, opened the door of my car to hopped in before starting the engine.
I decided to drove towards their company... Herrera Corp. I’m so excited to see my fiance and his Dad as well who loves to spoil me with compliments. As I reached their parking space, I went outside of my car, looking up at the tall building before fixing myself. I wanted to look good in front of him.
The security greeted me as I entered into the building. I used the elevator, just like what Dad and I did when we first met Mr. Herrera here. When I reached the floor where the office of my future father-in-law is, the elevator stops and I came out. Excitedly, I walk through the hallways hearing the loud noise coming from my stilettoes.
I’m nearly at his office when I saw someone... Someone that might be called as the backstabbing woman whom I treated as my bestfriend during our high school days. The girl who I loathed the most. I can still remember what Gabriel and this woman did to me back then.
She looked up, and seeing me makes her really looked stunned and surprised at the same time. I wanted to laugh at her, but I didn’t. I suppress the mixed emotions in my chest that was trying to get in the way of my hatred towards her.
“K-Kate? Is that... R-really you?” she asked, disbelief is visible in her voice.
I rolled my eyes, just seeing her is making me really sick. As if she couldn’t recognized me. I changed most of my outside features in the past few years but I can call her a dumb for not realizing that it was still me. The nerve of her to talk to me like nothing bad ever happened between the two of us.
“Well, well. Look who’s here. Long time no see, Claire, my old friend,” I stated.
“I can’t believe it! It’s really you, Kate!” she looked so delighted to see me.
How I wish I could looked at her straight in the eye and do the same thing too. But I couldn’t. She is still looking at me in disbelief. I felt like I wanted to hug her, but please note the sarcasm. More like, I wanted to do the opposite thing. I wanted to slap her annoying face.
“Why are you here?” I asked, arching one of my brows while preventing myself to think of more violent thoughts.
“I’m here because of–” I decided to cut her statement off. As if I care to what she’s currently doing in here.
“Oh, wait! No, please don’t tell me. I want to guess it. You’re here to apply for a job right? Still poor, huh?” I asked menacingly.
“Kate... I’m sorry for what happened back then.” I laughed bitterly as a form of a response.
“Don’t apologized to me, Claire. As if I’m still affected by that. Like, no way! In fact, I already move on. I’m here to meet my future father in law,” I proudly stated, wanting to slap her face by the truth that I already got the life that I wanted.
“Really? Are you getting married?” She looked so surprised and amused.
“Yeah. But I highly doubt that I would invite someone like you,” I look at her from head to toe, making her feel sorry for herself.
And she did. She looked down, looking anxious and hurt. But I chose to ignore it. She wouldn’t fool me again just by looking like that.
“I’m sorry for making you wait,” a familiar voice stated.
I looked up at the man, and there, I saw Darren walking towards me. I wanted to answer him and said that it’s just okay, as long as he’ll be fine at the thought that I’m going to introduce him to my old friend. But I couldn’t, because he came closer, not to me, but to Claire.
He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer into his body. Claire was looking shocked at first, but I knew that she wanted it as well. She looked up only to realized that it was Darren. I felt jealous and betrayed. All the pain of yesterday brought back into my system specially when I witnessed how Gab confessed to Claire before.
“And what is the meaning of this?!” I asked furiously, removing my eyeglasses.
“Hi, Kate,” Darren stated, making me confused by his energetic tone that I’ve never heard before. “I’m pleased to know that you already met this lovely lady, Mrs. Claire Braganza Herrera, my wife.”
I blinked several times, trying to process what he’d just said. I can’t believe it! How come? I mean... Darren and I had a different connection... I thought... I thought he likes me too?
“What the hell? Is this true? How come? Would someone please explain to me what’s going on?” I madly shouted towards them.
Claire looked shocked, realizing that she did it again. She ruined my life... Once more. How can she do that to me? Doesn’t she have any conscience left at all?
“I’m sorry, Kate. I wanted to tell you this a long time ago but... I’m afraid you would be mad...” Darren apologized, I don’t know if he’s sincere or what.
“Mad?! Damn it, Darren! I’m not just mad! I’m badly hurt! How can you do this to me? To us?!” I questioned him.
He looked surprised by my question, but that was nothing to what I felt when he answered my rants. I felt like I was a shameful woman who’s desperate for love and attention coming from the husband of my old friend.
“There’s no us, Kate. That was just our parent’s imagination. I barely even know you! And I love Claire. I met her five years ago and we’re already married now. I’m really sorry.”
Tears started to stream down from my eyes. I looked at Claire in disbelief. She looked back at me apologetically. I wanted to hurt her, but I couldn’t for Darren’s arms are currently wrapped protectively around her.
“I want to talk to Mr. Herrera!” I shouted as loud as I can before stomping into the office where Darren came from earlier.
“Don’t bother to come there, Kate. You’re just wasting your time. My Dad’s not there.”
I stopped, turned around and looked at them with a raging fire in my eyes. I run towards their direction before attacking my old friend. I completely lost my mind because of anger. I slapped her cheek so hard, causing us to hear a loud, banging sound. I bet that it hurts so much to the point that she wanted to cry but she’s just trying not to in front of me.
“Stop it! Kate! I said stop it!” Darren scolded. He pushed Claire aside and grabbed me away from his so called wife.
“You bitch!” I shouted disrespectfully. “You’re always ruining and taking away everything from me! First it was Gabriel, and now... How dare you took Darren away from me?! You’re a slut!”
I tried to spit on her face but it didn’t even reached her. She looked very thankful for that, only making me feel more furious than before.
“Security!” Darren shouted. “Please take this woman out and never let her come here again!” He handed me to the guards who’ve just arrived at the moment.
“Don’t touch me! I can walk by myself!” I shouted in front of their faces before removing the hands of the security guards on my arms.
I madly walked away, suppressing my tears so that people wouldn’t see me crying. Out of humiliation, I ran towards the exit, feeling the awful stares that is following me. For the second time around, my old friend wins. Claire wins.

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