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บทที่ 12 Meetings With Him

“Kate! Wake up! We need to meet Mr. Herrera and his son at the newly opened restaurant in town...” Dad pounded on my door.
I slowly opened my eyes, feeling sleepy and tired at the same time. We had just arrived the other day and yesterday, Mr. Herrera organized a welcome party for us. And now... I don’t know when will I ever get a good sleep again.
“Darren will be there!” Dad shouted from the other side of the door.
I instantly sat down as I heard his name. I badly wanted to see him again. And also, if ever I got a chance, I’ll try to kiss him to test my own capabilities.
“I’ll be downstairs in twenty minutes.”
“Sure. Your Mom is already waiting for you to eat breakfast.”
“Alright, Dad...”
I heard the fading sound of his footsteps, indicating that he already left. I instantly prepared myself. I got up and clean my room. I took a shower before brushing my teeth twice... Or maybe thrice. And then I put a heavy make up before putting on the most seductive dress I could ever choose from my closet.

I climbed down the stairs, bombarded by Mom’s awful facial expression.
“Again? Really, Kate?” Mom asked.
“Ah... She’s not a teenager anymore, Katheryn. Let her be,” Dad stated before winking at me.
I smiled before thanking him. I sat beside Mom, not bothering to get a plate or anything. I wasn’t planning on eating or whatever. I don’t want to look bloated in front of Darren specially now that I chose to wear this outfit.
“Yaya, please get my daughter a plate–”
“No, I’m fine. I’m not going to eat, Mom. I’m just here to be with you.”
“But, our meetings with Darrel and his son is scheduled in lunch. You should eat something first...”
“No, I’m fine. Promised.”
“Okay, okay. Just make sure you wouldn’t be hungry.”
I nodded, and after an hour, they finally finished eating their foods. We chose one of our cars to used while we drove to the newly opened restaurant in town.
“That restaurant is one of my colleagues’ business. I wanted to show support towards him since he’s just starting to make a name of his own so I chose that place to meet up with Darrel,” Dad explained while we all waiting for this long trip to end.
“As if we care...” I heard Mom, and we secretly chuckled. “It’s too far, Armando. We should have just–”
“Stop complaining, will you?” Dad looked annoyingly to Mom. “You’re not the one who’s driving the car.”
“Fine, then.”
Ever since that moment, Mom shut her mouth until we finally arrived at our destination. I tried to ignore them, but I couldn’t because every time that I look at Mom, she’ll just smile at me like nothing happened earlier and she wasn’t hurt by how Dad is treating her this past few years.
“We are here, Mr. Frias,” our driver stated.
“Alright. Thank you. I’ll text you later on to fetch us up.”
“Sure, Mr. Frias.”
We hopped down from the car and I look around the place. This wasn’t so bad. I was amused to see that this place is just a newly built restaurant in town for Dad had told me earlier about it.
“Come... Let’s get inside,” Dad stated.
We all nodded in agreement before we entered into the restaurant. We sat down, and waited for Mr. Herrera and Darren to arrived.
“I think we should order our food first. Kate haven’t eaten anything yet,” Mom proposed, and surprisingly, Dad agreed to her.
We called the waiter and ordered a food for five. We already chose something for Mr. Herrera and Darren. Dad stated that they are on their way now to this place.
Until someone entered into the restaurant. It was Mr. Herrera and Darren, of course. I smiled widely towards them specially to Darren. He didn’t do the same, but I’m still amused by his looks.
“Armando! You’re already here! Are we late?” Mr. Herrera asked, feeling conscious.
“No, you’re not, Darrel. You’re just in time. I hope it doesn’t bother you that I already ordered our food,” Dad stated.
“That’s fine, Armando. I trust your taste.”
Mr. Herrera greeted me and my Mom. Darren did the same. First, to my Mom and Dad, and then, to me. I tried to reach him up as he came closer to me, before giving him a small peck of a kiss to his lips. Darren looked so surprised and even Mr. Herrera too. But he tried to hide it from us. I smirked, knowing that I finally did my plan.
“Let’s sit, everyone. We have a lot of things to talk about. From their engagement party, to prenuptial, and up to their wedding day,” Dad stated.
“Are you looking forward to this, Darren?” For the first time in forever, I heard Mom asked Darren. He just smiled at her, not bothering to answer her question.
“I can’t wait for our wedding day!” I exclaimed, trying to look excited at that thought just to save the conversation.
“How about if our children will have a beach wedding? Wouldn’t it be nice, Armando?” Mom said again, pertaining to my Dad’s direction.
Dad nodded, and they started to talk about everything for our wedding. From the place, to the food, and the number of guests that they will include to the party. I tried to participate, but I was lost in my own thoughts just by looking at Darren’s bored expression. He often laughs and join in the conversation that melts my heart even more. That only means that he’s interested in this wedding.
The meeting goes on and on until dinner time. After we ate, we decided to bid our farewells to each other again. This time, I wanted to take my chances again to try and kiss my fiance. But this time, I failed. Maybe because of the fact that Darren is fully aware and alert right now to avoid it. But I highly doubt that. I know he likes me too. Maybe he’s just playing hard to get.
As I try to reach him, he averted his gaze towards the other direction. I felt humiliated, knowing that he refused my kiss. Though I didn’t let Mom and Dad to see it. Mr. Herrera waved his hands as they got inside of their limousine. They drove away, leaving us standing in front of the place.
“So... I guess we can call it a day. Come on, Kate. Take a rest. You still have a lot of things to do for your wedding.”
Dad walked away, followed by Mom. I smiled to myself, realizing that even if Darren wanted this wedding or not, it’s definitely gonna happened. Maybe I don’t need to push myself that much towards him. Maybe he needs to learn his lesson too.

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