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บทที่ 13 Meet The Parents

After lunch, I still couldn’t compose myself properly. Darren and I bid our goodbyes to Alexa before deciding to leave. I just let our Dad sleep as much as he wanted and we didn’t bother to wake him up. He needs to rest as much as possible.
“Stiff at my presence?” Darren arrogantly asked while driving his car.
I didn’t answer. I just rolled my eyes on him instead.
“Don’t worry. Whatever it is that I’ve said earlier, it was all for a show.”
I was stunned for a moment. I shook my head at how stupid I am to believe in his lies. He’s right, everything that we’re doing is only for a show. For the sake of our fake marriage.
“Are you alright?”
He sounds worried but maybe I was just assuming and imagining things again.
“Hey, did I say something wrong?”
“Nothing. Just keep your eyes on the road.”
He followed my orders but still, he looked anxious while driving the car. We stopped at the nearby salon so that I can have a make over. And also, Darren requested to the beautician to cover up my bruised cheek. I’m glad that Alexa didn’t notice it earlier.
“Please cover the bruise on her cheek. And just put on a light make-up.”
“Sure, sure, Mr. Herrera. Your wife is already beautiful even without cosmetics. I’m afraid that we couldn’t done much more job because she has this natural look.”
“Yeah. She is.”
He smiled at my reflection on the mirror but I didn’t return the favor. I didn’t smile back to him. I avoided his gaze instead. I’m sure he already notice my cold treatment to him because his brows suddenly furrows for apparently no reason.
“What do you want us to do to your hair, Mrs. Herrera?” one of the Salon’s assistant asked me.
I’m still not comfortable at hearing those words. People calling me Mrs. Herrera feels really weird. Maybe because of the fact that I’m not used of hearing that name.
“You can choose anything that you wanted to do with it,” I answered, bored.
“Perfect! I have a unique idea just for you.”
They started to work on my hair while the others are doing my make up. Darren just sat in the corner, waiting patiently while reading some magazines.
“We are almost done, Mrs. Herrera. I’m sure that your husband will be having a hard time removing his eyes on you.”
I timidly smiled at them before looking at Darren’s reflection in the mirror. I couldn’t see his face because it was covered by the magazine he was currently reading.
After hours of fixing my hair and make up, we’re finally done. They help me wear this new seducing dress. It was too revealing for me but I couldn’t complain anymore. Not with Darren around
“Mr. Herrera, we’re done. Look at your fabulous wife! She’s so stunning!” one of the workers commented.
Darren closed the magazine he was reading. Then he look at me from head to toe in awe. He stood up and walked several steps towards me.
“You’re... Gorgeous.”
I looked away, blushing. I felt his hand brushed against my cheek as he saw it flushing with red colour. I hope that the make up help me hide all the blushing and stuff.
“You know what, when someone said a nice thing about you, you should learn how to thank them,” he held my left hand.
“T-thank you.”
He clapped his hands and suddenly, the room was already empty. I look around and there’s nothing left but just the two of us. All of the workers were already gone.
“Tell me, did I do something wrong? Why are you avoiding my eyes, Claire?” he asked seriously.
“N-nothing... It’s just that...”
“What, Claire?” he took another step towards me.
“Don’t m-mind me. It’s n-nothing.” I began to stuttered badly.
He took another step forward... And another. He move closer and closer towards me. Until finally, he cornered me through the wall. He put his arms on my both sides and I almost lose my breath when I realized that his face was only a few inches away from mine.
“Whatever it is, I’m sorry. Just please, tell me. You know that I hate to be clueless, right?”
“It’s not that important, Darren. Our feelings... It’s not part of our deal so it doesn’t matter anymore.”
“You have to tell me...”
“I don’t have to.”
“Tell me, Claire... Or else...”
He moves his face closer to mine that I could already smell his fresh breath. He look me straight in the eyes, and I saw his orbs move slowly from my eyes, down to my lips. When I realized that he’s dead serious right now, I closed my eyes and decided to accept anything that’s gonna happen right now.
But nothing happened. Our moment was disturbed by his vibrating phone. He move away from me and answered it.
“Hello? Dad? Yes. We’ll meet you there. And please don’t be shocked. I want you to meet someone... Someone who’s very special to me.”
He stare at me for a moment before he continued talking to his Dad.
“Sure, sure. Yeah. We’ll be there after an hour or so.”
He turned off his phone before returning his gaze on me.
“Wait here. I’ll just change my clothes.”
Without anymore words, he left me there, standing alone. My knees trembled as I remembered how close we are to kissing earlier. If only his Dad didn’t call. I cannot understand the fact why am I so disappointed right now.
After fifteen minutes or more, I finally saw him coming out from the comfort room of the salon. He’s wearing a black suit and pants and I instantly knew that we are going to a formal dinner with his Dad, of course.
“Are you ready?” he asked.
“Don’t be nervous... I’m here.”
I feel the weight of his hands on my shoulders. He stare deep into my eyes and for a moment, I wanted to believe him. I felt safe whenever he’s around.
“A-alright. Let’s do this.”
He smiled before offering his arms to me. I smile back at him before letting myself clung into it. We walk towards his car together, and finally, we drove through the path that leads to his Dad.
After almost thirty minutes of driving, we reached one of the most finest restaurants in our country. I’m so amazed by the exterior design of the building. As we stepped inside, I could smell the delicious scent of different foods in the kitchen.
“Let’s go in the VIP dining rooms. Dad is already waiting there for us.”
I just nodded at Darren. We talked to the receptionist for a short time before he motioned us to go to the place where Darren’s Dad is currently at.
“Here you go, Mr. and Mrs. Herrera. Please come in.”
Darren snaked his arms around my waist as we entered in the room. There, I saw a man with a very dominated face, looking blankly at our direction.
“Good evening, Dad.”
“What the hell is this, Darren?! Armando called me earlier. What did you do to his daughter?”
“I did not do anything wrong. Kate was the one who attacked us. She attacked my wife.”
“Your what?!” He look at me with disbelief in his eyes. “Darren, are you insane? How come did you get a wife so fast?”
“Dad, Like what I’ve said to Kate earlier, I met Claire five years ago. This is the reason why I don’t wanna get married. ’Cause I already have a girl in heart.”
“But Darren...”
“This is what you want, right? I finally settled down with a woman I love. And sooner or later we can bear you a grandson or a granddaughter if you want. What more could you asked for, Dad?”
His father stopped for a moment, thinking about something.
“Is this even legal? How come I didn’t knew about this earlier?”
“You want to see a copy of our marriage contract? You can ask Attorney Gomez about it,” Darren proudly stated.
“There’s no point in doing that, son. However... I wanted you to prove it to me right now... Kiss that girl.” He pointed at me.
I was shocked, but Darren didn’t even sweat even just a little bit. Suddenly, I felt his cold lips on mine. It was a quick kiss, but I almost run out of air.
“Is that enough?”
His father shook his head, still couldn’t believe on what’s happening right now.
“Let’s eat our dinner first. Hija, please take a sit.” He motioned me to the chair next to Darren.
I smiled at him and surprisingly, he did the same.
“I’m sorry for doubting you. But... I just couldn’t believe how fast things like this happened. It only been days since we are talking about Darren and Kate’s engagement.”
I looked down, embarrassed by the thought of me ruing my old friend’s supposed to be grand wedding.
“Dad...” Darren noticed my reaction and he tries to stop his father.
“No offense, hija. First things foremost, I wanted to make sure that this wasn’t some kind of a joke. It’s not just my friendship with Armando is at stake here, but also the future of the company. I’m ready to retired if you two will prove to me that you really are, married.”
“Of course, we are, Dad. Do you think I’m only fooling you?”
“Maybe. I know how smart you can get, Darren. You are my son, after all.”
“Fine, fine. So what is it you wanted us to do?”
“I wanted to see you two getting married... At the church... With me.”
“Did we really need to do that? What’s the difference, Dad?” Darren asked furiously.
“Why? Don’t you want to married this lovely lady in front of everyone?”
Darren shut his mouth. I couldn’t say another word because I know that it could worsen our situation. Getting married at the church... That is not part of our deal anymore.
“Sorry, hija. I haven’t introduced myself properly yet. I’m Darrel Herrera, your father-in-law.”
I tried to act normal, at least. I offer my right hand as I stated my name.
“Nice to finally meet you, Mr. Herrera. I’m Claire Braga–Herrera, your son’s wife.”
I felt Darren’s hand reached my left palm under the table and gently pressed it. Mr. Herrera and I shook hands before we started eating our dinner.
“So, Claire. Tell me, how well did you know my son?”
I know that he’s father is testing us right now with that kind of questions. Thankfully, we are prepared for this.
“Since I’ve known him for over five years now, I almost got his personality. He’s kind... He’s gentle and he loves his Mom more than anything. He hates kids, but he’s trying to change it for me... He’s the man I could myself spending the rest of my life with, sir.”
“Very well, then I hope you are very pleased to know that you two are gonna get married to the church right? That’s what every girl’s dream, I think. Having a grand wedding at the church.”
“Well, I don’t belong to those group of girls, sir. I don’t really fantasized myself having a grand wedding day. As long as I’m with Darren, that’s fine.”
Again, I felt Darren squeezed my hand under the table. I look at him, then smile. He did the same.
“Looks like you two are very in love with each other. Let’s see. How about a wedding in Paris, right?”
“Fine. We’ll do it,” Darren proudly stated.
Mr. Herrera smirked, before he continue eating his meal. After that dinner, Darren promised me that he’ll take me back to the hospital since his Dad are going to spent the night in their office.
“Let me take you back to the hospital.”
I just smiled and nodded at him.
“Hey... Thanks for helping me out there, Claire. If it wasn’t for you, maybe Dad already found out about the truth.”
“Thanks. I did everything for the show this time, Darren.”
He look at me, confused. Suddenly, he pulled my hand and hugged me tight. That made my heart thumped loud enough that I could feel it wanting to get out of my chest.
“I know this is too much but... Would you still help me about the wedding in Paris?” he whispered into my ears.
“Please, Claire. Just play along for now... I promised I’ll find a solution for this. Just help me... I’m begging you.”
I unconsciously nodded before hugging him back.
“Thank you, Claire.”
I could hear the happiness in his voice. He removed his arms around me and look me in the eyes. My heart started to beat fast as I remembered his cold lips on mine earlier. Is that going to happen again right now?
Instead of kissing me on my lips like what I’ve expected, he planted a gentle smack on my forehead. I find it sweet, but also romantic at the same time. And here are the unconsciousness again. I could barely control myself and out of nowhere, I was smiling like an idiot for apparently no reason just because of him.

หนังสือแสดงความคิดเห็น (139)

  • avatar
    Mat Daud

    very good sentence and the story very interesting also good plot.


  • avatar
    Nat Nat

    butiful story


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