

Chapter 3.2

If the car that was about to pass in front of me hadn't honked at me, I would have gone running straight. My father caught me and I didn't have a choice but to face him.

He hugged me and I cried a lot again.

"D-Dad—" I said while my face was on his chest.

"I'm just heart, sweetheart," he whispered, and his voice got broken. He let me cry. He stroked my hair using one hand, and the other hugged me.

"It would be better if you would face him. There's nothing you need to feel afraid or ashamed of, Elyana. Your Mom and I won't let him just get away with this. Your lawyer called us today and sent us the divorce papers for you and Finn to sign. After that, you're free from him. I know that's what you like too and I agree with that decision of yours," dad said while still hugging me.

My courage seemed to run out when I surprised them the other day, but dad was right, I have nothing to fear and be ashamed of. I didn't do anything shameful. I'm not the one who cheated and I'm not the one with another lover.

Dad convinced me to go with him. Finn couldn't look directly at me. I saw bruises on the corner of his eye and even his lip seemed to have cracked.

I gave dad a meaningful look when I saw the look on Finn's face. I felt no pity. I even thought of splashing him with cold water at that moment.

Dad pulled me to a chair. I was face-to-face with Finn. Mom handed the piece of paper that Finn and I needed to sign, and I was the first to sign it. When it was his turn, I noticed his hands were shaking. I don't know if it was because he was afraid of Dad. His parents were there in front of us and, like him, they couldn't look at me.

Some photos are scattered on the table. Copies of what I sent to my lawyer yesterday were all there. Finn's mommy cried a little while sitting next to her son and I couldn't bear to see her like that because she had been good to me for five years. Finn's father was the only one I didn't like that much, because he was a very strict and perfectionist person. His father was giving me a different vibe at that moment. He still seemed so proud. That made me ask if he was proud that his son cheated on me.

Well, he was also a cheater. His wife knew. He was forgiven a few times and still repeated it.

I'm not stupid to just let Finn's act of cheating slide. As they say, a cheater will always be a cheater, so let's not give him another chance.

"Can we talk about this first? Just the two of us, Elyana." I was surprised when Finn put down the ballpen he was holding and asked this.

His parents raised their heads and turned to their son. I saw different emotions on their faces. His mother is hopeful, while his father seems to stop Finn from what he was asking.

I turned to my parents to check their reactions. They seemed confused and mad at Finn, but with the look in their eyes, it seemed they wanted me to be in charge of the situation, and that they would respect whatever decision I would make.

I looked back at Finn and took a deep breath. There was no one else in that restaurant but us. There were only six of us. It seems they were afraid of being embarrassed around other people.

I think they were afraid I would create a scene. As if I was going to do it. Dad had already taught him a lesson.

"I only have a few questions, Finn. Answer it and we will decide based on your answer, " I uttered, even though I was very nervous about the answer I could get from him.

"I will," he retorted, and he looked straight into my eyes.

"O-Okay—so, for how long have you been cheating on me?" For my first question.

I had a clue how long it had been. It's been almost 6 months since I noticed a change in him, but I was stunned by his confession. It was longer than I knew.

I held on to the table because I felt I would lose my balance. My Dad stepped right next to me when he noticed it to give me support.

"I'm okay, Dad," I whispered, even though it was obvious I wasn't and for the final question, I wanted to know, "What is the reason, Finn?"

I know he got what exactly I meant by that question. I don't need to elaborate any further. I just needed his answer on that one, so I knew where I was lacking.

"Because you couldn't give me a child—"

He didn't finish his answer, because mom's hand landed on his cheek. He slapped him real hard.

Mom was about to hit him again, but Finn's father blocked his arm and his arm was the one mom reached instead of Finn's face.

"Signed this paper! You don't deserve my daughter!" my mother yelled angrily at him.

My world seemed to stop. I could hear my mom and Finn's father arguing, but I just stood there watching them. I could hear them loud and clear. I wanted to stop them, but I couldn't move my feet. It was like I'm just watching a movie drama. The only difference was, it was life and the star of the show was us.

I just wanted him to sign the divorce papers. I wanted to leave him for good and never see him again.

While they were still fighting, my vision suddenly went blurry, and the next thing I knew—everything turned dark.

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  • avatar
    Kak Long



  • avatar
    Mary Love Comahig Goyonoche

    so very nice


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    Goku BlackYuri



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