

Chapter 3.1: His Reason

I felt I was in a safe haven after I fell asleep with my head on my mom's lap. We slept on a huge bed in the VIP room of a five-star hotel where I checked in after I left my shameless husband's house.

I woke up and Dad was nowhere to be found. Mom had just come out of the bathroom when I opened my eyes. Dad left, she said, and Mom told me she didn't know where he would be heading so early.

Our breakfast came and even though I didn't feel like eating, I ate a lot because there was a dragon watching and ready to attack if I didn't obey her. It would be good if Dad were there. He would let me eat a little, but with Mom—she's like a monster when she's mad, so I tried to avoid making her angry.

She's not my mortal enemy, not my best friend, either. She's still my mother, so I love her and that's just how Mom shows her care and love. Unlike my Dad who is showy and sweet all the time.

While we ate, Mom kept telling stories about my childhood and how picky I was when I was young. Until now, I was able to explore different cuisines when I got married to Fi—

Forget it— we are in front of food and my mother's legacy of not saying bad words in front of grace.

I knew mom was just babbling to make noise. To help me not to think about anything that will only hurt my feelings.

It was before lunchtime when Dad arrived. It looked like something bad happened based on the wound in his fist.

"What happened to your hand, dad?" I asked when I noticed that and Mom rushed to check it and immediately asked ice to take it to our room.

He didn't want to say how and where he got it, but because I was convinced that nothing had happened, I didn't stop asking him.

"This is nothing, sweetheart. I promise," he answered with a smile on his face while we waited for the ice to be put on his swelling hand.

He sat on the sofa and Mom went to the bathroom to get a towel. Dad seemed frustrated. My parents are both old, but they are not like their peers who have neglected their bodies. They work out together to maintain their bodies, even though they are about to reach sixty. Though their age is not that obvious.

"D-Dad, tell me what happened?" I asked him again.

"I just punched a wall, not someone else's face," he said later on when he was already annoyed with me.

I still have doubts about his answer, but I don't know—I was a little disappointed that my father only punched a wall and not the face of someone I know.

The ice in the bucket had arrived, so dad soaked his fist in it to numb the tingling pain. It had turned purple and had a small wound. Mom took dad to the clinic just in the hotel's vicinity.

I was left alone in the room for a few hours. I felt I would go insane with the silence.

I lay down and stared at the ceiling. Questioning my worth and what I did wrong to deserve to be cheated. I felt worthless, useless, and ugly. All the hurtful words—I just called myself. I'm not ugly, to be honest, but my husband still cheated on me.

Thinking about him again and the scene I saw—my tears started falling like heavy rain. Being ugly or not sexy is not a valid reason for someone's partner to cheat and I don't remember any serious problems we had for him to do that.

I cried. I took advantage of the time my parents weren't around. I hid in the bathroom and soaked in the warm water in the tub. I stayed there for more than half an hour and I didn't realize that it was night when I went out and my parents hadn't returned yet. I got dressed and when I was done, I suddenly thought of turning on my cellular phone that I had turned off since yesterday. I received a few messages from Finn, but I didn't bother to read anything. I also received a message from mom, telling me to meet them at a restaurant nearby for dinner and that they would wait for me there.

I didn't want to go out, but I felt like I was going to lose my head being alone inside a room so quiet. I went to the restaurant where they told me to go. I didn't even bother to put anything on my face to hide my pale skin or put on any fancy jewelry. I wore a simple plain black dress paired with flat sandals and that was it.

Since the restaurant was not that far, I walked. It only took me more or less ten minutes. When I entered the restaurant, I immediately saw the table where my parents were and, to my surprise, there were other people with them. Not just one, three, and even though they were far from the entrance, I knew one of those three, even though I couldn't see his face.

The first thing I thought of—was to walk away. I moved my feet and immediately turned around, but before I could—I heard my dad's voice calling my name.

I don't want to look back. I knew that when I turned around, I would see the eyes of those three people at the same table staring at me. I ran away to escape, but dad caught me.

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  • avatar
    Kak Long



  • avatar
    Mary Love Comahig Goyonoche

    so very nice


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    Goku BlackYuri



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