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Chapter 8

“For me?” I asked, “h-how can a Hellhound come for me? I never made a deal with a demon!” I frantically said to my dad. My dad turned to me, “sweetheart, I know you didn’t. None of us did.”
“Then why are they here for me?!”
“I can’t really explain it to you right now, sweetie, but please just – just follow my lead, okay?” he said then he turned to face the invisible animals when we both saw a shadowy figure enter the warehouse….whistling.
“Now, now. That’s not how we welcome our guests,” a woman said. She had a very sultry voice, it was – how do I say this? – like Marilyn Monroe’s but how she spoke to the hounds brought chills down my spine. She lifted her head up, it may be too dark to really see her face, but the shine of the moonlight gave me a glimpse of her crimson red lips, even her smile looked scary to me, I thought. “That was rude, Mia,” she said, acting really offended, “yes, I heard your thoughts. My smile is not scary.” She slowly walked towards us, then she stopped in front of my dad. I can see her clearly now. Her skin is pale – like she died kind of pale – her red lips, sparkling eyeshadow, and a bit of pink blush added color to her face. I also noticed her auburn hair underneath her classy bucket hat.
She’s also wearing a sophisticated ensemble: grayish pencil cut dress that hugged her curves, an open black cardigan, and red pumps that matched her lips. Her piercing green eyes scanned my dad from head to toe and to my surprise, she kissed him. On his lips. My eyes widened and jaw dropped. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your daughter?” she whispered. “Go to Hell,” my dad replied. He sounded angry, kinda like he wanted to kill her, but how can you kill what’s already been dead?
She let out a laugh, “oh baby, I’ve been there. In case you have forgotten, I lived there. I am the first.”
“Lilith?” I impulsively whispered.
“Mia,” my dad growled at me.
“Oh my, my, my!” she squealed a little bit and then walked towards me.
“You stay away fro –“ with a swift move of her finger in the air, she cuts off my dad by silencing him – losing his voice – and his ability to move. She ran a finger to my cheek, going down to my neck, and stopped at my chest where my heart is, then the smile on her face faded. She intently glared at me until I slowly felt like my insides were burning. I started to choke, then I let out a cough. Blood started coming out of my mouth uncontrollably.
“Lilith!” a powerful voice shouted, “that’s enough!” She removed her finger from my chest, and I felt myself getting better. My insides stopped burning and I also stopped coughing up blood. Her eyes were still on me – glaring – like I’m some kind of bug she wanted to squish. “Tell your hounds to leave, we don’t need them here. At least, not now,” he demanded, and she gave him a nod. She turned to the invisible hounds, “revertere ad inferos!” one by one they ran out of the warehouse, their disembodied barks fading to the distance. Whoever these people are, they’re starting to terrify me.
The man with a powerful voice moved closer with 4 other men behind him. He was wearing a white button-down shirt, black pants, and black shoes. He looked really sharp in it, with his devilish smile, he looked fucking good. I started to notice he has a mousy brown hair and light brown eyes. “Alex, we meet again,” he casually said, then he snapped his fingers and my dad coughed, catching his breath. “I apologize for what Lilith have done,” he mused then his eyes did a double take when he saw me. He gave me a puzzled look, maybe asking himself why I look like a mess, then his eyes reverted to Lilith. She started to groan, then she fell to her knees. Her eyes were turning white, she couldn’t scream from the pain she’s feeling right now, but she took all her strength to be able to talk, “I’m…so…rry….fa…ther….” then he blinked and removed his eyes from her. This time, it’s her turn to cough and catch her breath. 2 of the men helped Lilith get back to her feet, she then fixed herself and just stood still.
“So, where were we? Ah, yes,” he clapped his hands together after remembering what he was about to say, “Alex, is this Mia?” without waiting for my dad to answer, he walked towards me and placed both hands on my shoulders, looking at me intently. “You look just like your mother,” he said while scanning my face, then he covered my lips and chin with his hand. When he removed it, the blood on my face disappeared. He just magically cleaned the dried-up blood off my face!
“Why did you lure us here?” my dad started, “what the fuck do you want, Lucifer?!” my mouth went dry. Lucifer? What the hell? I thought. He licked his lips, “what do I want? Do you really want to know what, or who, I want?” then two of his men, or demons, grabbed me. “Hey!” I started shouting.
“Mia!” my dad started, he was about to run towards me when the other two demons held his arms. Lilith took an old stool, and they held my dad down. The two demons who were holding my arms are strong, too strong. I couldn’t fight them off. He was pacing, “you know, Alex, you never should’ve hidden Mia. I mean, wouldn’t you want for her to meet little ol’ Uncle Lucy?”
“Don’t,” my dad warned.
“Why not?” he paused then a moment of realization hit him, and he started laughing, “Oh! You mean? Hahahaha! Your daughter doesn’t know!”
“Know what?” I started to ask.
“Mia, don’t! Stay out of this!”
“Oh, she cannot stay out of this! This is her we’re talking about.”
“Mia,” my dad said, “do not believe him! He’s the Devil! He will lie to you! That’s what demons do, they lie!”
Lucifer laughed then he turns, walking towards me. He bent down and whispered to me, “your mother is an Angel. She’s my sister. Your dad fell in love, and they had you. A Nephilim,” his eyes turned red, “you’re an abomination. You deserve to die. But if you join me, I will make you the most powerful being. No one’s ever going to get in your way. No monster will ever touch you again. You will have the world on the palm of your hands. What do you say?”
All I can feel right now was anger. I hate not knowing whether Lucifer was telling the truth, or he was just simply lying to my face. I slowly turned my head to face him and I spitted at him. He took the handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the spit off his face, he then slowly stood up straight and just when I thought he was just going to walk away, he slapped me so hard my lips bled. He cupped my face, his nails digging deep in my cheeks, “every angel, every demon, and every monster out there is going to hunt you down. You hunt down monsters when you’re a monster yourself. Your mother died trying to protect you. She’s dead because of you!”
My jaw dropped open. I couldn’t speak. The next thing I know, my eyes were watering. There was ringing in my ears, I couldn’t hear anything. I blinked the tears off my eyes then I saw the 4 demons beating up my dad. Lucifer and Lilith walked out of the warehouse casually, smiling at what’s happening to my dad. I screamed but there was no sound coming out. They couldn’t hear me. I tried moving but I was chained to the wall. I yanked the chains trying to free myself, kicking it as hard as I could, hoping there were lose screws. I looked around for a sharp object that I can use to get these chains off my wrists.
I saw a rusty nail on the floor, I stretched out my right leg trying to reach it. When I was able to reach it, I immediately unlocked the cuffs from my wrist. I charged towards the demons who were beating my dad, and I stabbed them with the blessed knife my dad passed to me before we went inside. In my head, what he said earlier this evening replayed, “that blade can kill any common demon you might encounter,” my dad said. My mind went back to the present where I am literally fighting off demons. To finish off this fight, stabbed the last one through under his chin. Watching the blade go through his mouth up to his nose, he screamed and black of his eyes disappeared. Revealing a regular man’s brown eyes, then I pulled the knife out, pushing him to the ground. I limped towards my dad, crying out for help. I leaned my ears to his chest, I can still hear a faint beat of his heart, I thought. I took my phone out of my pocket only to find it broken, my dad’s phone, too, broke when he was getting beaten up.
My dad slowly lifted his hand and held my face, “dad, dad, you’re going to be okay. Help will come soon,” I said then I started sobbing. “Mia,” he started, “I’m…ugh! I’m sorry. Lucifer….he’s….he’s telling the truth.” He started coughing up blood and I started crying again. “Dad, no, please! Dad! I just found you! I can’t lose you again! Dad! Heeeeeeelp!” I continued shouting for help and keeping my dad from closing his eyes.
“Dad, please! Don’t close your eyes. Please! Stay with me!”
He slowly closed his eyes, the color from his face started to fade. I shook him to wake him up, but he was only getting colder. I stopped crying when I saw his blood becoming a puddle all around him. I frantically checked where it was coming from, only to find a huge gash on his back, like an animal with a sharp claw made it.
I slowly laid him back and I cried like a 5-year-old. Cursing everyone, cursing God for taking away my dad too soon. I just cried and screamed.

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    Hael Mendoza



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