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Take Me To Your Heart -Chapter 3-

ORCEL could not sleep that night. The face of the man she had seen earlier was in her mind. It just happened to her now. She has met and courted many handsome men. But my goodness, that one hit her strangely. She can say that true love hit her. This is the moment she's been waiting for because many say true love never dies. 
"What are you doing, Orcel? If you can't sleep, let me sleep," Myra said with a little irritation. 
"Sorry, I really don't feel sleepy. What can I do?"
"Why? Does something hurt you?"
"No, I'm fine!"
"Then what's the reason why you can't sleep?"
"I'm really sorry, Myra. I'll go out first so you can sleep." she was about to stand up. 
"Hey! Orcel, you're going to leave me now that I can't sleep either," Myra interrupted. 
"So that you could sleep."
"Just tell me why sleepiness won't visit you, huh, Orcel?"
Because of what her friend said, Orcel faced Myra. 
"Oh, does that look heavy you're carrying because I've only seen you like this now in the time we've been together?"
"Because he can't get the man I saw earlier out of my mind, I want to sleep, but every time I close my eyes, I see his face."
"Oh my gosh, Orcel, is that true? Or, maybe someone bewitched you; just tell me, and I'll get you a healer tomorrow."
"No, do you believe that we are not on the mountain, Myra?"
"I don't know because you're just doing something like that now for the first time," Myra realized what she said. "Oh, that's the title of Kc and Richard's movie, huh, for the first time."
"You know a lot, Myra, huh?" Orcel shook her head. 
"So, what do you mean, Orcel, you immediately fell in love with that man even though you didn't know his name?"
"I don't know, Myra, but if you think of him, will you fall in love right away?"
"I don't know either, but you're the only one who knows Orcel, but maybe that's the sign of someone being in love that you're doing now."
"I'm in love already?"
"In that case, what will you do?"
"I don't know, Myra, because he seems stuck up and grumpy."
Myra laughed."Is there a man like that in this day and age?" "All I know is that you just smile at a man now and he will come to you."
"I don't know, Myra, because that's what I saw on his face."
"That's what you saw; why are you thinking about him?"
"Because even though I saw him like that, he still looked handsome, Myra." Orcel couldn't hide the smile on her lips. 
"Geez, you are really in love, Orcel." "You just said that he was handsome, then you are thrilled." Myra shook her head, but deep inside she wanted to feel that too. 
"It's true, Myra. If you saw him, maybe you had a crush on him; his clean look and, above all, his scent were so good to my nose, I want to hug him so that I can smell him properly," she said as she closed her eyes. 
Myra laughed again. "Crazy you, you don't know that man yet, yeah, just dream on Orcel, we'd better go to bed, maybe you dream about him there, you can hug and kiss him, okay."
Orcel agreed with what she said. "Alright, Myra, go to bed now,"he's s not sleepy yet. 
"How about you?"
"Later, Myra, but I'll be right here next to you."
"Alright, it's up to you, but don't move, I'll scold you when I have eyebags tomorrow!"
"Yes, go to sleep so you don't get eyebags."
Myra turned her back to her. Orcel was lying down. She's not really sleepy yet. When she remembered the man, a sweet smile appeared on her lips. 
At the mansion of the Victorinos, even Anthony can't sleep because the woman walking in the burning charcoal enters his mind. 
"Geez! Why am I thinking of her? I just saw her. And I don't even know her name." He looked at his mobile, which was on the side table. He remembered taking a picture of the woman when he reached for his mobile and opened it. When he saw the picture of the woman, he smiled. What kind of feet does that girl have? isn't burning at all. Yeah, she's pretty, and her lips are like a heart. What would it feel like to kiss these lips? Because of what he was thinking, he scolded himself. "Damn you, Anthony!" and his mind told him so. Remember that all women are the same as your mother. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes, trying to go to sleep. 
In the morning, Anthony's head hurt because he didn't sleep much because he thought about that woman. 
While they are eating breakfast. "Son, you didn't sleep well, did you?" Don Martin asked because he saw he got some eyebags. 
"Oh, because I finished some papers that I need in my office, Dad," his alibi
"Son, how many times have I told you not to bring your work home? You go home to rest, not to work."
"Sorry, Dad, it won't happen again; I just really need it."
"Are you going to work, son?"
"Yes, Dad, because this noon I had a meeting."
"Good then, so you can sleep again."
"Good morning, Grandpa, Uncle," the siblings greeted. 
"Good morning to you too, Nicole, Nick, Did you two enjoy yourself last night?"
They kissed each other's cheeks before answering. 
"Yes, Grandpa, I hope we go there again tonight, please; after all, we don't have school tomorrow," the young girl said. 
"It's not me you're asking, Nicole; it's your uncle or your Dad."
The children's father approached right away. 
"What is going on here? Good morning," he said. 
"Daddy, please come with us tonight!"
"Where should I go with you, Nicole?"
"Dad, you don't know there's a carnival over there in the plaza?"
Their father frowned."No, because I just arrived."
"Dad. Please, please!" the young girl begged her father. 
"Sorry kids, Daddy's are still busy. Ask your uncle if he's not busy."
"Uncle. Please, please!" both turned to Anthony. 
Anthony wants to, but he doesn't want to see the woman at the carnaval. "I'm busy too!" he said. 
"Why are you all busy? It's okay, we'll go with Auntie Nena again. Is it okay, Grandpa?" said the siblings in a sullen tone. 
The father and son looked at each other because of what the girl said, and they smiled. 
Anthony felt sorry  really his older brother; couldn't do it to go with them. "Okay, so you don't sulk anymore; I'll go with you."
"Really, Uncle?" They were suddenly happy. 
"Yeheyyy! Thank you, Uncle," the two children said, and hugging him. 
"Uncle, let's watch Miss Pretty again, okay?" Nicole exclaimed. 
That's why he didn't want to accompany the two—to avoid that girl. But wait, why would he avoid it? If he is attracted to her, He shook his head. 
Don Martin noticed his son shaking his head."What happened to you, Anthony?" Why did you shake your head? Something wrong?"
Anthony looked at his father; of course he would lie. "Nothing, Dad. I just remembered something."
"Uncle, did you remember, Miss Pretty?" Nicole asked. 
"Hmmm, who is that, Miss Pretty, Nicole?"
"Dad, she's working at the fair; she's walking in the burning charcoal. Yes, Dad, she's really very pretty, isn't she, Uncle?"
"Huh? Yes." He answered because his father and older brother were looking at him. 
"Too bad I didn't ask his name because Uncle scared, Miss Pretty!"
"What? Why I didn't do anything to her?" Anthony protest. 
"Yes, Uncle, but you made it like this, oh." Nicole frowned hard, her eyebrows almost touching. "Maybe that's why Miss Pretty couldn't speak."
The Don laughed."Is that what your uncle did, Nicole?"
"Yes, Grandpa."
"Goodness, your uncle has used his woman-hating attitude again."
"Grandpa, what is that?"
"Dad, please, they are still young for you to say these things," Anthony said. 
"Anthony, it's time for you to open your heart again. I've told you several times that not all women are cheaters; it's just that the woman you love wasn't meant for you. And their is someone coming that you'll love will accompany you until you grow old."
"Still, they are the same! Those words. I love you; you will be with me. Is that what you thought would happen to you and..." Anthony can't mention his mother's name or even say Mom. 
"Whoa, that's enough; let's eat first, shall we, kids?" Rafael weaned. Because he knew where the father and Anthony's conversation was going. He knew his brother hated their mother so much. Or it's not just the mother but all women in the world. 
"Yes, Dad," Nick replied to his father. 
"But, Uncle, we'll wait for you later." "Promise you'll come with us?"
"Yes, I'll go."
"Say, promise first, Uncle."
His father and older brother looked at him so that he wouldn't get away. 
"Right, say promise, Uncle," Nick said. 
Anthony just shakes his head; he can't do anything. "Okay promise."
"Yes!" the siblings shouted. 

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  • avatar

    is so cool love story


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    Mark Joshua Briones

    very nice


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    جيد جدا


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