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Take Me To Your Heart -Chapter 2-

"HURRY UP, Orcel, there's a lot of people outside!" Myra rushes her. 
"Yes, I'm done dressing up, Myra." 
"Oh, you two, why are you moving so slowly? Go do your job so that we can earn a lot tonight!"
"Yes, Madam, relax your blood pressure; it's going up; you might be passed out without time; remember your fafa is handsome; I'll catch him if something wrong happens to you," she joked. 
"You're crazy! You talked nonsense. Do you want to die first? I could kill you now. Would you like it, huh?" He said it angrily. 
"Madam, relax; your beauty is going to wash out. Remember, you will be ugly when you are angry. Peace." Myra even raised her two fingers. 
His anger disappeared immediately after hearing her beauty. 
"Oh, go ahead and go to your place," he said gently, then left them. 
"Wow, Myra, you know exactly where Madam's tickle is, huh."
"Yes, Uncle, please," the siblings said together. 
"Okay, this is the last one; it's late."
"Yes, Uncle, I promise."
"Auntie, come watch it too."
"Thank you, sir."
"Who else wants to come in? Come in to see the woman walking on the fire; they say that the skin on the soles of her feet is thick. Because she doesn't get burned, but the skin on my face is even thicker," said the male caller. 
The siblings were excited by what they heard. 
"Come in, it's about to start."
"Uncle, hurry up, it's about to start."
"Yes, here is the ticket." Anthony caressed his niece's hair."You're too excited, Nicole."
The girl nodded at her Uncle.
When they entered, they were immediately greeted by the heat of the charcoal burning. 
Before the show started, a woman spoke. 
"Just a moment."
"Why ma'am? Do you have a problem?"
"Is that real or is it fake?" she asked the man. 
"Do you want to know if it's real or fake, ma'am?" You can touch it if you have any doubts. We'll allow it, but if you get burned, it's not our fault. Because there's a warning posted outside," was the man's response. 
The woman seemed embarrassed, so she didn't say a word anymore. 
"Because you asked, you didn't get embarrassed," said her companion. 
Anthony just shook his head at what he heard. 
"Uncle, we sit in the front so we can see what he's going to do."
"We are about to start, and here she is. Please welcome none other than Miss Fired."
When the woman came out, everyone watching focused on her, not because of what she would do but because of her beauty. 
"Wow, Auntie, she's beautiful." praise of young Nicole. 
"Yes, Nicole."
"Uncle, she's pretty, right?" said the boy. 
But Anthony did not say a word to what his nephew said. 
He just stared at the woman. Yes, it was, but they were all the same woman. He looked at her with no emotion on his face. 
When the woman started walking, the two children closed their eyes as if they didn't want to look at her. 
"Uncle, isn't she burnt?" Nicole asked. 
Anthony smiled because of the reaction of his two nephews. 
"Open your eyes, sweetie; she's not getting burned at all."
Because of what their uncle said, they slowly opened their eyes. 
"Wow, she's a great uncle; can you take a photo of her?"
"Nicole, no, maybe it's forbidden to take a photo of her."
"Wait, Uncle, I'll ask the man there if possible." Nicole immediately approached the man. 
Anthony wanted to stop her niece, but he couldn't because it was quiet inside. 
"Uncle, can we take a picture of her?" The girl pointed to the woman who was walking in charcoal. 
"Yes, it can be done just once," the man replied. 
"Thank you, Uncle!" she said and quickly returned to where her uncle was sitting down. 
When Nicole approaches her Uncle Anthony, "Tito, he said it's okay; you can take her a photo, but only once."
Anthony shook his head."Really, what you want, you should follow."
"Please, Uncle," the niece smiled. 
"If you're not cute, Nicole, I won't let you." He ruffled the girl's hair. 
Anthony immediately took out his cell phone to shoot the woman. 
Right when he clicked on the camera, the woman also turned to see where they were. 
Orcel was surprised when something suddenly lit up, so she lost control of what she was doing and felt a little heat on his soles. She immediately ended the show. She was going to do some tricks but didn't continue because she couldn't return her concentration to what she was doing. 
People stood up when it was over. 
"Who could be that nuisance that almost sprained my foot?" I need to talk to him.
Orcel chased him to the exit."Mister, just a moment!" she said loudly.
When the man turned to her, Orcel was about to confront him, but her tongue retreated when she faced him. 
"Yes, Miss, are you talking to me?" Anthony asked the woman. 
Orcel couldn't answer immediately because her heart jumped when she heard his voice, which sounded like music to her ears. and her heart kept beating fast. 
"Sister, do you have something to say to my uncle?" Nicole asked. 
"Huh," was all Orcel could say because her voice didn't want to come out. 
"Nicole, let's go; don't bother her; maybe she's not calling me."
"Maybe, Uncle."
They had already left, but Orcel still hadn't recovered from her stupor. Her eyes were fixed on the man who was walking away. 
"Hey Orcel, what's there, you looking at? I can't see a good view, huh." Myra said while her eyes followed where Orcel looked. 
"There was a while ago, Myra; he's handsome," Orcel said with a shudder. 
"Oh, I think you're possessed by an evil spirit, Orcel, maybe you need a healer; just tell me," she couldn't believe it because she had seen nothing. 
"Hmp! "No, he's really handsome," she said excitedly. 
Myra raised her eyebrows; she said he was handsome, but she wouldn't believe it. Well, she didn't see anything as they say. To see is to believe. 

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  • avatar

    is so cool love story


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    Mark Joshua Briones

    very nice


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