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บทที่ 19 Coolest Guy

Kelly's POV
It's already night time, so I decided to lay down on my bed and read a book entitled 'Heiress of dark world' book 2 series of The Silencer. It's a great story! You must read it too!
I was on the most exciting part when suddenly, *Twinkle twinkle little star-*
"Yes?" I answered my phone.
"Kelly." Stella cried which made me worried.
"Hey Stella, what's wrong?" I asked in a worried tone. What is wrong with her, did something bad happen?
"I can't sleep. Something is bothering me." She sadly stated which made me sighed in relief, she scares me there I thought something bad already happened to her.
"What's bothering you?" I asked.
"Am I bad at singing?" She asked all of a sudden.
"Does that bother you?" This girl... I sighed once again.
"Yes. Am I?" Her voice turned sad.
"I haven't heard you sing though."
"Then I'll sing for you. Tell me the truth, okay?"
"For sure!"
She cleared her throat a little to get her voice and started singing.
"Wherever you go, whatever you do,
I will be right here waiting for you.
Whatever it takes, oh how my heart breaks,
I will be right here waiting for you.~~" She sings.
"Did someone break your heart?" I was surprised with her voice and confused why she chose that song among others.
"Ahm, is my voice that bad?" She asked, ignoring my question. Okay, it's her life and she has her right to privacy.
"Why don't you try to join a singing competition? You'll surely win!" I cheered.
She laughed, "So, is it good?"
"No, it's not."
"What!?." She cried once again.
"It was amazing! You have a great voice Stella and as your friend, I won't lie to you." I happily stated.
"Really!? Thank you, Kelly! I can go to sleep now." She giggled.
"Okay then, goodnight!"
"Goodnight! See you tomorrow!" And she ended the call.
Hhmm... I smirked. My friend is in love.
I woke up from a strange dream...
~~I was walking inside this school and suddenly my feet took me to the back which is a big forest. I walked continuously until I was brought in a wall of vines but I still continue walking towards it and opened the vines as I get inside, it reveals... a small cabin.~~
So strange because my dreams are mostly true. Why did my feet take me there, who's living in the cabin?
Before curiosity crept on me more than it did, I got out of my bed and prepared for my class.
My classes went well until the bell rang. I let all the students walk out of the room before I stood up and just enough that Stella called.
"Wazzup!" I exclaimed through the phone.
"Wheels Garden!" She cheered and I laughed.
"Okay, let's see each other at the field." I stated smiling.
"Great! See you!" And she ended the call.
I walked towards the field at the same spot at the bench and took a seat. Looking around I can see students walking from different courses. Some are playing frisbee which is good in sight. Everything looks so peaceful... Suddenly my eyes caught something at a distance, it was shining from the sun rays that were tempting me to pick it.
I stood up and slowly walked towards that shining thing, when I got closer it was a silver and partly black colored watch. Who might have fallen for this watch here? Seems like it's still working... I picked it up but the moment I touched it a vision popped into my head.
~~10:30 pm tonight... this watch fell on the ground at the back of the administration building from the wrist of... Vincent Herraño!? And in front him are Men, the routers and then after a moment they fight... he's so fast... I can't even see him... he was ruthless. He killed them all and he won, but suddenly someone shot him at the back which made him fall, it wasn't just a normal bullet, but a poisonous one that immediately made him paralyzed.~~
I suddenly hold my heart... it's beating too fast, why?
"Kelly!" I was out of dazed the moment I heard Stella call my name.
I looked up to see her smiling, beside her is Elena and... the girl from yesterday still wearing red gloves.
"Kelly, we have a new friend, Jenna." Elena stated the moment they stopped in front of me.
"Hi Kelly! Nice to meet you, I've been wanting to see you so I could personally say thank you. Thank you for yesterday." Jenna said, smiling shyly.
"Oh don't mind it, I'm glad I've helped." I smiled reassuringly which made her smile widely.
"By the way Kelly, where did you get that?" Elena asked, pointing at the watch I was holding.
"Ow this, I saw it right here on the ground, seems like someone lost it. Could any of you possibly know the owner?" I asked innocently.
Well, I knew the owner of this watch.
"Yup, Vincent was looking for that since this morning." Elena said and then smiled teasingly "So... he's still single you know." She wiggled her eyebrow.
I don't know why I can't help but bite my inside cheek hiding the smile that wanted to show up. "Tch." I rolled my eyes at her.
"Hey! What's with that look? Are you interested in him!?" Stella asked, smiling playfully while Elena and Jenna smiled teasingly.
"Stop it. I'm not, okay?" I defended but damn! My lips were forcing me to smile!
"Speaking of. Powerful auras are approaching." Jenna stated looking at a far distance of the road.
"That freak again!" Stella said using her hard voice while glaring at someone and I think I know who.
I turned around to see girls giggling while others were taking pictures of 5 boys walking along the road. The super 5.
Suddenly my eyes caught him and my heart beats erratically like some wild animal. Oh Vincent, what did you do to me? I felt heat radiating up to my face, his intimidating aura makes him more handsome than ever, I felt like he is the coolest guy in my eyes.

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  • avatar
    Abbigail Maruquin

    Super love this story also. I recommend this story, also the heiress of dark world 🥰 the best fantasy work ever. More work to come author, thank you for this wonderful story of yours.


  • avatar
    Marianne Dela Vega

    Highly recommended for those who loves reading fantasy/supernatural stories! I enjoyed reading your story author, keep up the good work!


  • avatar

    I can't stop reading. Author this book is the best, I really like it👍🏻😻


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