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Wow, congratulations to my brother Isaac and my sister Sophia. I wish you well." I said with confidence wondering how I was able to maintain my poise and gait as I catwalk away from them.
"Wait Derin!!, don't listen to the idiot!" Isaac screamed after me.
"Oops, too late lover boy" I replied sweetly.
I couldn't hold back the tears that were flowing freely. Hmm, just when I thought it was going to be my turn to be married at age 27? The devil struck or what can I say did happen over there? I never knew when Newton, the crazy boy came over and touched my shoulder. I fluttered and glanced at him. OMG, he was the last person I hoped to see. I have always been strong and confident and now he's seen me at my lowest ebb.
"Oh sorry, my babe, who broke your heart?"
I was stupefied. Was I so transparent that Newton should discern my problem? I have never known relationship heartache, so I may not understand how they feel but for me, it was hell! Before I could shrug off my pain, Newton brought out a clean handkerchief looking new as if he had been waiting for a day like this. I quickly received it with quivering hands and what he did was unbelievable. He grabbed the hankie from my hands and was using it to wipe my tears.
"Oh no, so soon you've warmed your way into another man's arms. How low can you go to get a man, Derin!" Isaac growled at me.
I became still, breathing in and out to calm myself before saying a word. This has always helped me whenever anger comes unannounced. Newton stood looking at me to know how I will react.
At last, I was in control of myself, I smirked and turned to face him squarely face to face, eyeball to eyeball. It helps my self-confidence.
"You stand there to judge me when you are a phony, a charlatan, and hmm.."
"A desperado." Newton completed my sentence feeling amused.
"Derin, you dare to call your brother names in the presence of this thing.?" Isaac growled, unable to control himself.
"I'm sorry brother, you asked for it." I retorted, feeling a bit weak inside. I trusted Isaac so much and I wished things did not turn out this sour between us.
"Okay then, I leave you to enjoy your man." Isaac left and I stretched out my hand as if a large part of me had left.
"Good riddance to bad rubbish. He is not worthy of you at all. Hey forget the fool and let's start ours. " Newton encouraged.
But what does he know?
Chapter Five.
"You know nothing about me" Newton, I reacted to his statement.
"How do you mean?" He retorted as he narrowed his eyes.
"Don't ever think I will start a relationship with you just like that ." I was determined to teach him some things about it.
"I'm ten times better than that compile"
"You think so?"
"I know so. Can we have a date tonight please?" Newton announced to me as if he was doing me a favor.
But I declined. I needed to sit my ass down and think. I became confused when an opinion came forcefully,
'You are going to be twenty-eight by January next year and not yet married. Why can't you use the opportunity you have while he's enthusiastic? A time will come when no one will glance at you. You will become an old maid!'
I held my head in discomfort. To make matters worse, Newton asked,
"A penny for your thought! You seem lost somehow."
"Hmm, I'm fine," I mumbled.
"Fine, get ready for us tonight. I'II pick you up by seven."
"Not so fast, thanks for the invite but I have some questions to ask you."
"Say on babe"
"Can two work together except they agree?"
"Nope, why do you say that?"
"I thought so too. I don't believe in dating at the beginning of a relationship."
"I love to learn. Please tell me what you believe."
"Why Can't I Date?
A lot of young singles ask this question
Dating is a form of romantic courtship according to the dictionary.
How will I know who to marry? You will allow the Holy Spirit to lead you. You cannot know the will of God in the flesh, It has to be by praying.
Christians don't date, they find a wife in God's favor. Proverbs 18:22. 'He who finds a wife finds a good thing And obtains favor from the Lord. ".
Christians marry according to the will of God by waiting on Him to direct and lead them. Proverbs 3:5-6 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your understanding, In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path. Jeremiah 10:23" O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself. It is not in man to direct his steps" Read psalms 37:5.
Dating exposes you to temptations. You may be confused to choose among so many you have dated.
Dating can lead you to fornication. You may end up sleeping with multiple men and women. This can turn you into a prostitute.
Human desires are insatiable.
This thing called dating is trial and error. The lady or boy that is later rejected may be bitter and cause harm. Hmm.
Dating in courtship is good but you must be disciplined enough to keep yourself pure.
Dating in marriage is highly recommended. Take your partner out. It renews and refreshes your relationship.
Don't date to know the will of God. Date after you have known the will of God.
So Newton, go and pray" I lectured.

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  • avatar

    I didn't expect to find a Christian content in romance novel. It feels really refreshing and new. Keep it up!


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    Jhea Onelan Relox

    it is very idealistic novelah I read


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    Jellyn Garcera Samonte



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