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Episode 3

So far, I have rarely seen a man who has as good intentions as Yovanes. How could I not? When I woke up and opened my eyes, a cup of coffee was already on the bedside table, complete with a memo that read, "Here's coffee for you. I'm waiting downstairs."
I had no other impression. Except, for a smile that was printed firmly on my face. As soon as I wake up, I make his bed as if this room is my own room.
I looked around while looking for my clothes. That as far as I remember was scattered haphazardly last night. However, the clothes were not on the floor. It turned out that Yovanes had folded it neatly and put it in the bathroom. He's not a random guy, I thought.
After taking a shower I went downstairs and found the man facing a frying pan with two hard-boiled eggs and five pieces of sliced ​​bacon.
"Good morning," Yovanes greeted briefly before returning to battle, avoiding the splashes of hot oil that reacted to the white egg and remaining water from the frozen sliced ​​meat.
"Morning, I'll be going now..."
"I don't say you can go now. Please, have a seat. I made breakfast for you. Would you like some more coffee?" Yovanes refused without looking up at all.
I bit my lower lip out of embarrassment. No one ever offered me breakfast after they hired me. Should I be suspicious of this one? I was so confused, I remained standing in my place.
Yovanes turned off the stove and poured the contents of his pan onto a plate. "Sit down. I don't accept your rejection. Or I won't pay you."
I smiled shyly. I decided to pretend to look at my watch. To disguise my suspicions.
"Do you have class today? What time?" asked Yovanes as he sat down.
"Half past nine, later." I'm approaching.
"That's still another 40 minutes. I'll take you if you want. Breakfast first. I took the trouble to make it." He laughed. "It's really not difficult. It's just fried eggs and bacon."
"Uhm, thanks. Sorry to bother you."
"Don't worry. I hope my attitude doesn't make you uncomfortable. Other women suspect me when I act like this. What are the men out there supposed to like?"
Hearing Yovanes grumble like that made me even more confused. I didn't answer and used coffee as an explanation. "Your coffee is delicious."
Yovanes looked at me. His face looks surprised. "Don't tell me you suspect me too."
I can not take it anymore. I let go of a smile.
"Do I look that terrible?"
"Do you hire prostitutes every day?" I asked curiously.
Yovanes opened his mouth. He paused before answering, "I... You see... I always take care of my hygiene and health. I make sure to be free from illness. Even if I hire someone..." Then he cleared his throat.
"It's okay, Yovanes. There's no need to feel so bad. We're not getting married tomorrow."
Yovanes looked down. The skin of his clean cheeks was discolored with embarrassment.
"Thanks for breakfast. After this, I have to go to campus." I shoved food into my mouth.
"Alesia," he called.
I swallowed my chew. "Yes?"
"I'll rent you 2 or 3 times a week. I'll pay you every time you come. Is that okay?" asked Yovanes while putting his money on the table.
I noticed his trembling fingertips. Then I nodded. I put the money in the bag.
"No problem. Just let me know if you're in the mood."
"Do you still sleep with other people?"
I stopped chewing. "Of course, Yovanes. I'm a prostitute." I shook off the delusion that had just been created in my head. How could a man like Yovanes like me?
I admit, sometimes pride gets me into other troubles. Yovanes and I had fun chatting. I refused to be driven to campus in his sports car. And I'm late.
I ran headlong into the lecture hall. From the window, I saw my classmates already sitting there. Some who accidentally saw me outside waved for me to come inside immediately.
I circled around the building, broke through the lobby, and continued running down the hall to class. Arriving at the door, I relieved my breath. I knocked.
"Good morning, Madam..." I greeted softly. Shame to be more precise. I've never been late for class. Never in my life. Never to this subject.
"Good morning," answered the curvy-bodied and round-faced lecturer. She smiled, perhaps my fate survived today.
"May I come in?" I asked.
The friendly smile of the lecturer sticks out even more. Her mouth prepared to answer, "Please."
With relief, I stepped into the classroom.
"Please close the door again." The teacher gave the order. I returned to the door, clutching the handle.
"Please close the door again from the outside," she said again.
"Pardon, Madam?"
"Close the door from the outside. You're an hour late. You can't join my class. Try again next week."
I swallowed saliva and also my shame. The class that used to be conducive turned into a haunted atmosphere. Whispers like the wind pierced my chest. I nodded. Then I step back. I close the door again. From the outside.
In a gloomy mood, I ordered a glass of iced tea mixed with milk. While waiting, I tried to suppress my panic.
I am Alesia, and my discipline attitude makes me popular. Let's say I'm not a bad student at all. But more people appreciate my existence because of what's in my head.
And look at me now. I was kicked from class for being late! All because of that damn breakfast. See, how the universe wants me to be self-aware and not to be lulled by my high delusions about Yovanes.
Next time I won't let that man get in the way of my time management again.
"Here's the tea order. It's already paid." The peddler held out a glass of tea to me.
"Hey, Alesia." A woman greets me.
"You paid for my drink?" I asked without noticing her face.
"Yes, thank you for walking me to the seminar room yesterday..."
I remember her. Maya.
I immediately turned my head. Found her thin body standing with an awkward gesture. She wore a soft pink shirt. The black shorts she wore made her legs even more pleasing to the eye. I'm not kidding, Maya is a good-looking girl.
But I'm in a bad mood. I'm not sure I can talk fluently right now. I could have snapped at her and misled her.
"Maya... What business do you have at my campus?" See? What is that question, Alesia? I scold myself.
"I'm looking for you. Yesterday I didn't have time to thank you," Maya explained. She didn't look offended.
I scan around. Picking up word for word to subtly drive her away.
"Maya, I'm just... Well, let's just say I have a bad today. And I'm just not in a good mood. I'm not in my right mind and I don't want to poison you with my rudeness. But..."
Maya raised her eyebrows. A smile broke from her thin lips. Which miraculously faded the annoyance in my heart.
"I'm sorry... The lecturer just kicked me out of class."
"Oh, geez... I'm sorry. I'm going to get out of the way." Maya looked even more awkward.
"I apologize." I looked down with embarrassment. She shouldn't have expressed her frustration at her. It's not her fault.
"No need to apologize. We can hang out another time. I'll be home then."
Because of her calm demeanor, I'm stricken with guilt now. "Maya, wait!" I called her. I held out my phone. "Give me your number. We'll hang out next time. I'll call you first."
Maya grabs my phone. Type in the number. Then return it to me.
I read the name one more time. Maya Summer.
"What's your name?" Maya was ready with her cell phone.
"Alesia. Del Winter."
Maya looks shocked. "Seriously. What a coincidence. I'm a sun, and you are the snow!"
I do not understand.
"Summer? Winter?" Maya explains her joke.
I was flabbergasted. Then regretted my stilted attitude and bad humor. "The season you mean. All right." I fake laugh.
"Fine then. I'll be going. Don't forget to call me later" Maya whispered as she gave me a goodbye hug.

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  • avatar
    Yogs Zonemne Yorrat

    it's very good good morning


  • avatar

    good 👍


  • avatar
    Sit Lumuma

    superrr cute


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