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บทที่ 3 I'm Next!

After the scene, I have no choice but to get inside the van. I cried the whole time until I fall asleep.
I felt someone slapped me, and then another... harder than before, I'm so shocked to see my uncle in front of the passenger seat slapping me. How dare he!
"Why did you do that!?" I asked shocked.
"It's part of your training, expect more of that and not just that, expect this," suddenly, I saw a punch coming towards my face and things get blurry. What did I do to deserve this? Then, everything went black.
I woke up the moment I felt the water. I gasped and looked up to see uncle holding a bucket. Did he just throw a bucket of water at me!?
"Good, you're awake. You've taken your nap for too long. Now, time for your training. Sit in the air for 2 hours, arms forward." He said calmly like it's not a big deal.
"What!? I'm just 6 yo! I can't do that!" I yelled at him, but I received a slap on my right cheek.
A tear flows down from my eyes... I glared at him and received another slap on my left cheek, I looked down. Sobbing.
"Do as I say or you will get hurt, now!" He snapped at me, I immediately obeyed.
It's like a squat and every time my arms fall, he hit it with a stick, and if my knees fall he hit my legs.
2 hours have passed and I can't feel my legs anymore. I'm crying the hell out of me, it's too painful!
Sitting in my bed I don't even know if it's a bed, it's too hard! Not a foam. I only have a blanket and a pillow.
After 30 minutes, he entered my room with a tray of food. But he left it on the table far from my place. Oh no! I can't walk and I'm hungry!
"If you want to eat, you must walk in here straight. Don't crawl or you won't have your food. You can only have your food twice a day. After you eat, take asleep because we will have a training early in the morning." He said calmly turning his back at me. Suddenly, he stopped.
"Before I forgot, here's your watch, always wear it and look for the time. I don't like late, so better have it." He throws a watch and walked away. I was taken aback, so I wasn't able to catch it.
I took it which is not far from me. I'm so hungry!
I remembered not having my lunch. I attempted to walk many times but always fall until I reached my destination. I ate the food, feeling hungry that I forgot to use a spoon and spork...
Sometimes I winced when I looked at it... Oh my gosh! It leaves marks on my skin!
When I reached my bed I cried, he will kill me! Why did my parents give me to that bastard! He's not human, he's a total Devil!
Only if they can see him doing this to me. Mother wouldn't like it... She will kill him! Ugh! I don't know what he'll do next, I just know for sure, I wouldn't like it.
I was crying when I decided to take my bag and examine it. I smiled, thankful to see my sketchbook and colors. I'm sure mom put it in here for my enjoyment.
I started drawing to ease my worries until darkness took over, as I fall asleep after I heard my last sob.
The next day, I woke up from shuffling inside my room. I looked around but saw nothing. I looked at my watch to see it's 3:40 am. Thank God I woke up early, I immediately stood up, but just went back sitting. My feet hurt so bad.
So, I massaged it for minutes and try my hardest to prepare and get out of the room.
At exactly 4 am I saw my Uncle in the living room, drinking. And worse it's alcohol! He's a drunken man! I looked around, this house looks like a mansion...
"Good, just at the right time. Now let's go outside." he put down the bottle and walked outside the door, I followed him.
I looked at the mansion, it's beautiful... however, the beauty was not maintained, so it looks like a haunted mansion. And this place is surrounded by trees, we are in the middle of a forest...
Uncle Dos snapped his finger in front of me. "It's good you like my house, it will also be your house from now on. Now, we will go running until the sunrise. You have to follow my pace or you will get lost in this place. Breakfast will be waiting inside this house." Tch. he was talking to a person his age. What a devil!
I nodded as he started jogging, so I run after him even though my feet, hurt. Not long after, it got used to it, and the pain from yesterday changed by a new and fresh pain from this running.
He is jogging, but it looks fast with these little feet of mine. Worst, the longer we run, the faster he jogs than the normal pace.
He turned towards the forest, running, "or you will get lost in this place" I remembered he said before we started.
He's trying to lure me!
Thankful, I took a crayon before I walked outside. I like having my crayons around. Vandalism was the reason dad always scolded me, but it soothed me.
I run following him, never forget to leave a scratch of crayon in every tree we passed by. He can't see what I'm doing because I'm behind him, of course, following him.
He's been jogging and turning in trees many times my feet hurt because I'm on my limit, I know that he knew it for sure. The distance we had run was too far.
"Please stop, I can't run anymore," I said to no one while catching my breath, I don't even know if he heard me.
"Okay, let's go back." He started running, what? running?! I knew it! He's a devil! Ugh!
"Hey! I can't run anymore!! Stop!" I shouted but he runs faster.
"I told you to follow my pace or you will get lost!" He shouted back.
I walked towards him but then I lost sight. He is like a bubble that disappeared into thin air.
I sat down under the tree to take some rest, I don't care about him, I can go home on my own. I smiled at myself.
On my way back, I saw a guava tree with many fruits so I stayed and eat. After a while, I decided to go back.
When I reached the kitchen, seems like he just finished eating his food... Why? Maybe he waited. Or maybe not. Tch. He is impatient.
"So, I'm next!" I placed myself in front of the table and looked at him.
I saw him shocked and then he saw the guava fruits in my arms looking confused. "Oh this, I took it from the trees I saw on my way here." I don't care if he wants some, I wouldn't give him any, hmmp!

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    Zarina Gela Mae Royeca

    very nice huhu


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    ele é MT bom msm n é 5 estrela é mil


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