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A sister and a Mate

"Do you really think it was a wise idea to invite her to practice?" Anna asked Ena as they walked into the kitchen.
"It’s his mate dear, I'm surprised he hadn't asked her himself," Abigail answered instead, laying breakfast for them. She sighed taking a look at the breakfast she had just prepared, a lost look in her eye, “besides, I believe that we all have to start accepting what Khloe is to Azian.” She looked up at Maria who had reached for some bacon, across the counter, before trailing over the rest.
Ena nodded taking a seat beside her sister, "I'm surprised about many other things," she muttered.
"Like what?" Anna eased, folding her arms.
"You don't see anything strange about the two of them?" Maria asked licking her fingers.
Abigail moved towards the stair, one leg on the first step, peering up it, "Boys and girls! Breakfast!!" she yelled, before returning back to the older witches.
"What strange things?" Anna replied, her eyebrows drawing together as she looked up at Maria.
Ena glanced at the stairs momentarily before looking at the three women before her, "They really don't behave like mates," she whispered lowly.
The silence that befell the room was one that meant everybody had seen it. There was something about Khloe that didn’t click. Abigail couldn’t quite understand how it was that Azians own mate could not see through his glamour or why Khloe was so hesitant to introduce them to her family. By Erania, she had been part of the family for three weeks. It was about damn time.
All this replayed on her mind, though she couldn’t help but also feel that maybe they were overreacting. According to Khloe, she had a human stepfather who would not be able to understand the mate bond. She claimed to want to ease the news to him gently first.
"I might just be too outspoken,” Ena continued, “But I've known a few werewolf couples for years now. And one thing I know about mates is that they can’t keep their hands away from each other. But these two could go days away and still live normally. Azian only speaks of Khloe when she is seen. If I hadn't invited Khloe, I don't think he would."
Abigail nodded, taking all this in perspective. Something was definitely off. Maybe not as deep as it seemed, but she could sense it in her bones that something was definitely not right.
Ena paused leaning in, her eyes traveling among the company of witches, her tone low, "they should be mated already," she whispered.
The second silence was more deadly.
"Whoa, I should not be hearing that," Edwin commented, causing all the witches to turn and see him frozen by the bottom of the stairs.
Abigail leaned against the counter, her eyes a gentle stern, “there is no turning off those dragon ears, huh?"
Edwin grinned, glancing around the witches before walking towards the breakfast-filled counter, his dragon growling for meat,  "No,” he replied, “but I think I know why."
"Know what?" Anna asked him curiously giving him a stern look.
He raised an eyebrow, raising both his hands up, “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, I heard Abi calling us down for breakfast, cross my heart,” he pouted.
Anna’s eyes narrowed on him but never the less pushed the tray full of bacon towards him, "Okay, spit it out," Maria edged.
"Azian is still hanging around his little human possession," he grunted, his teeth sinking into the juicy bacon.
All the witches frowned at this, Abigail being the angriest, “are you sure?”
Edwin looked up from his bacon leaning back, “it’s easy to sense her aura on him since I mastered it the first time. The day he came back with the snacks for your little human book club, he was drenched in her scent,” he looked down at the bacon humming.
"I knew that," Alessia added walking in, "just after you forbade him, he goes and kisses her," she huffed taking a seat beside Edwin.
All four women's eyes widened, including Edwin's.
Alessia rolled her eyes, “he reeked of her scent, and you don’t get that kind of scent on you by just shaking someone’s hand. I'm not dumb before he met his mate, he had his first kiss with his possession,” she grinned, then froze when she saw the look her mother was giving her.
“Oh really?” Anna echoed her stern eyes on her daughter.
Edwin sighed, “I couldn’t tell whose aura or scent it was at first, but I know it now. Alessia’s right.” He huffed.
 Ena shook her head, sighing, "I didn’t know how to get it through to this boy! How many times must I say he must not see his possession anymore? The girl is becoming a nuisance,"
"Ena" Abigail began, dragging her name softly, “she is a clueless human who knows nothing about the dragon that is after her, and she is not at fault. And grace yourself to also remember that she isn’t just any human, that is Lily’s niece,” she added thinking back to there afternoon at the book club. Lily was one of their only human friends that the four witches had managed to get acquainted with after joining the book club.
"I know,” Ena sighed, “I have a lot of respect for Lily. She is one of the few humans we witches can get along with even if she is clueless about our true nature. But you have to agree mother witch, the girl is slowing the process! Alpha will only shift if he is fully mated, we all know for a fact that he will want to protect his mate and the only thing that can against all the forces of the supernatural world is his dragon, and that can only happen if he strengthens his dragon bond with his mate, and that won't happen if he is too focused on his possession," Ena sighed.
"Well,” Maria began softly after a short pause, “it shouldn’t be that hard seeing as his possession is already mated," Maria began quietly.
All eyes were now on her.
"Kaya?" Abigail echoed, her eyebrows drawing together, “she has a mate?” she asked, her eyes flickering, “who?”
"Yes,” Maria replied shortly, sitting up straight, looking at the company surrounding her, “yesterday the prince of Lycans and the werewolf kind visited our school, in particular, my gym class."
Ena’s eyes darkened as a shade of fear flashed through her eyes, "L-Legion? H-He has found us? Why did you not say so earlier?!"
 Abigail touched her chest murmuring to herself, the devil himself had found them.
"because I don’t think he knows what Azian is, or even cares no less,” she replied, “ it seems like he found something else,". data-p-id=3b3cc324ab49edaa30d888022a991292,All eyes rested on her as the silence invaded them.
“No, " Abigail shook her head as she read Maria's face like a book.
"No?" Edwin echoed his gaze switching between witches, quite lost.
"Kaya is Legions mate,” Maria plainly stated, shaking her head, “I saw it in his eyes, a beast, the beast, tamed by a girl no less. "
"Poor girl," Abigail huffed looking quite distressed. She had liked the girl she had met yesterday with the golden-brown eyes.
"Kaya, is Legions mate?" A voice asked from the stairs.
They looked up to see Khloe standing in the doorway.
"Kaya?" Khloe echoed, both eyebrows up as she slowly descended from the staircases, eyes on the group.
"Uh yes,” Abigail replied knowing she didn’t want Khloe to know too much, she was yet to be trusted, “it’s nothing, you won't know her, she is just a random girl,” she explained hastily looking back up at Khloe with the bright smile, “Azians not down yet? How about breakfast?” she asked.
"Kaya Renee Joston, as in my step-sister,” Khloe huffed, her arms folding, eyes widening in surprise.
"Step- what?" It was Edwin's turn to get shocked. Almost choking on the bacon he had, before gulping it all down with some water.
"Yes, Kaya’s my step-sister."
Abigail, shut her eyes shaking her head. This was not going to end well.
A human who had a mate and was the sister of a dragon’s mate. Who also, happened to be his dragon’s obsession? It was a frickin recipe for disaster.
 A complete and utter disaster.

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    i really love your stories.i do hope we can start read part 3 of this.we're all excited😍 plz author can we have it now😩


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    Federico Dalioan

    Star Pls


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    i enjoyed reading novels


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