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Azians POV.
Smart mobile phones were one of humanity’s most prized inventions but one I despised to the core. I found no use in it but appreciated the fact you could stay in touch with those you needed to. I had always kept my phone strictly for calls, I didn’t care about social media and I didn’t care about the text. Neither Alpha nor Omega had a need for such a tool. It was simple, make and receive a call… full stop.
At least that was what it used to be used for until of course, our dear little mate introduced us to texts. An idea she sold to us based slowly on the fact that she would keep us updated on every little thing. And for that, we looked forward to each text we received from her, but the replying was torturous I had to admit. None of us knew how to handle this device when it came to ‘texting’ and the bizarre languages of yellow faces humans called emojis. The only one I knew who knew as much as Khloe about texting was Alessia, but she had been giggling at me from across the table before she headed upstairs.
I knew nothing about the latest trends or ‘pop-culture' all that seemed trivial to me.
Yet I had no choice but to learn how to for the sake of my mate. She had stressed the need for us to use our phones to the best of our abilities. My sensitive dragon eyes ached to look at the screen too long, not used to the strain on it at all, still feeling drained as I had little to no time to recuperate.
"Where is our mate?” Omega asked.
Upstairs. I replied back to him, trying to give reading via the phone another shot.
Yes, she was with Alessia at the moment, but still texting me. Edwin chuckled when he saw my phone buzz for the third time in a row. I tried to steady my hands but the vibration went right through me, disturbing Alpha’s peace who growled lazily at the back of my head. He had strangely been more quiet than usual since we had that nightmare, only grunting softer than usual.
I sent Edwin a dark glare causing him to shut up, though his eye still danced in amusement.
Oh for the love of the heavens I can't even read what she is saying. My eyes were burning and it was because I was physically drained.
“You should rest,” Edwin suddenly suggested, his tone final. I looked up at him with tired eyes, “I just need some air.” I replied getting up, carrying my phone with me. I would not suffer when my mate was a few steps away. Maybe I could bury my head in her hair and take in her scent. That was bound to make me feel better.
I made my way upstairs towards Alessia's room, swinging the door open and there she was, gossiping beside Alessia. Khloe looked up at me, with her bright smile. Her beautiful blond hair up in a ponytail and her seductive figure open for me to stare at.
"Get closer" Omega blurted out. It was the draining that took him out. But being close to our mate would surely help
Grr. Alpha replied, his tone a little bit louder than he had been all this why.
"Baby?" She grinned sitting up, propping herself up, biting her bottom lip, seductively.
That action alone brought a sudden lust deep within me, an urge to claim those rosy lips as my own.
"This is my room!” Alessia yelled, “No flirting of PDA allowed on this premises!” Alessia warned standing up.
Khloe grinned, her eyes trailing from Alessia to me, "well I believe you have a room of you on, right handsome?" She asked standing up really slowly, allowing me to take in her full figure. My hands itched to hold her so bad, but my eyes lingered on Alessia,
Khloe gave me a knowing smirk, she seemed to know what she is was doing to me, and she is doing it well.
She walked past me slowly, making me faze over before closing Alessia's door and stalking after her.
Omega wouldn’t shut up about claiming her. We couldn’t do it here that I knew. When I claimed my mate I wanted it to be in a place she would feel comfortable in, where we could be as loud as we wanted.
But still, he prodded me own, saying it was painful for him to wait so long. I wish he shut up, he forgets I feel exactly what he does.
He doesn't need to say it. Yes, I could feel the excessive need to claim her.
Now. Despite knowing I should wait.
However, that mere thought had opened something deep inside me and before she can make it to my bedroom door I had her pinned against it. I wanted my lips on her skin and I got it, nibbling and biting at her unblemished skin. We could thank her vampire genes for that.
I should have let us go inside but I had to claim those lips, my hands clenching around the doorpost so tightly as I trapped her between my body and the door, I cracked the wooden sides, unable to control the sudden need to tear her apart with my teeth and have her naked in my arms.
We were close now, her hands pinned by mine above her head. Breathing heavily above her, taking in her beauty.
Then suddenly I felt Alpha taking over.
He was by far the strongest of us three, and it after all his mate. I allowed him to join us.
Now we were Ultra.
We all wanted one thing and one thing only. I could feel our combined heat travel to my eyes, the sharpness of my teeth elongating-
It has been ten days since I've found her, loved her. I should take her now so no one else thinks of it.
My other hand travels underneath her shirt, I feel her skin rising to meet mine.
Cool, her blood was cool. I pressed lightly down on her stomach, knowing I needed her to relax for my bite, it was going to hurt like a bitch. But she was a hybrid, she could take the pain, a human would probably die from it.
My teeth graze the base of her neck, my fangs throbbing as my golden ears picked up the sound of her quickening half-dead heart, and it would only take but one bite.
I could feel the hunger grow inside me and Omega is eager to brand her to mark her as ours for this life and the next.
I am eager to do so.  I slowly descend on to her, taking as much self-control as I could master.  I did not want to hurt her, she might be immortal but a dragon’s bite especially one of a golden could do a lot of damage.
My eyes traveled down to those blood-red lips of hers. I would claim them soon after I insured I claimed her soul as my other half. I growled lowly, closing my eyes, about ready to bite, my hand pushing down on her body to stop her from moving and causing too much damage.
I was suddenly held back an inch away from breaking skin, eyes widening at the conflicting force inside me. Alpha growling deeply. I could feel my eyes flicker as ultra-began to disappear confusion overtaking my features as Alpha growled intensely once more, breaking out of Ultra mode.
Omega wanted, no begged we claimed her now as I hovered inches away from her neck, my fangs out.
Alpha remained silent as usual growling at the back of my mind, ere he seemed to into hiding refusing to come out. I couldn’t leave her like this, hanging? Did I have doubts about my mate? I couldn’t make her think I was betraying her in any way. I didn’t understand what was wrong with alpha, the frustration building in me so deeply my lips met her neck, kissing roughly, so soft and slippery like honey though cool, because her blood runs cold. My other hand moved from the broken door fame up her waist pulling her closer to me as I sucked harder, the soft sighs filling my ears prodding me to go further, sucking and biting harder as fingers run through my hair.
I lift my head up kissing her neck, soft like honey dew, but her blood still cold.
My other hand gripping her waist towards me as I sucked harder.
I want her all to myself.
I could feel the lust building as I lift my eyes meeting hers.
Her soft moans pleading as I moved from her neck, hovering over her.
Her fangs were out, sharp but she still managed to look darkly beautiful. Yes, everything about her was perfect. Perfectly mine, one kiss on her bloody lips is all I wanted before I claimed her.
I lowered myself and hovering over those lips, I know she wanted me badly from the way she was holding on to me for dear life, the look of desperation and need in her eyes. The desperation that fueled mine.
She should know there is no need to be desperate.
I am hers and hers alone.
I lowered my lips down to hers, a whisper away when I hear it.
A deep growl, louder than I’ve ever heard, so deep it sounded like a death threat. I freeze there, feeling the angry presence of Alpha. I didn’t know what was going on with him today but that warning lived deep whiting my core.
My eyes opened in that second.
Why doesn't Alpha want me to kiss her? Does he prefer we brand her first? No, he didn't want that either.
Omega is silent, my body is Silent as if I am its only host. I always wondered how that would feel and now I knew, empty.
Khloe opens her beautiful eyes staring back at me in confusion. I can’t explain, and I don’t get the chance to when I hear Abigail’s voice calling me from downstairs.
"I have to go," I tell her with a small smile, I plant a kiss on her cheek, managing to hide both my confusion and uncertainty over what had just happened.
Alpha grunts in approval.
And now I am utterly and undeniably confused as I walk away.

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    i really love your stories.i do hope we can start read part 3 of this.we're all excited😍 plz author can we have it now😩


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    Federico Dalioan

    Star Pls


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    i enjoyed reading novels


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