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I Dream of You

Kaya’s POV
My breath seemed to hitch as I stared into his ocean eyes. Those eyes were so deep I could drown in them, those lips were irresistible as they hovered only a few inches away from mine.  He looked at me with intensity as if I was a puzzle he was trying to solve before giving up the mystery and pressing his lips against mine. I was complete at that moment.
"Kaya" he gasped, kissing me again, "Kaya."
I opened my eyes, staring back into plain brown eyes, contrary to my dream. My eyebrows drew together at the sight of them staring back at me wide-eyed. Then something sent my left chick swinging the other way, a stinging sensation dancing on the surface.
"Ow!!" I screeched rubbing my aching cheek, as I glared at Ally who was looming over me with a smirk, “For Pete’s sake what is wrong with you?!”
"That’s for trying to kiss me,” she grinned, “Let me make that clear for you right now, I don’t swing that way," she retorted.
I scoffed at her accusation still rubbing my stinging cheek, "trust me I would never,"
"Obviously,” she replied rolling her eyes, “but I bet you, I can guess who you thought I was," she snickered wiggling both her eyebrows that seriously had no talent off double jiggle.
” You look ridiculous,” I muttered pushing her off me, her chuckles filling the air as I sat up, stretching.
"It was a good night wasn't it?" She teased.
My face heated up tossing a pillow at her as I rolled over the bed.
Of course, it was him in my dreams. I couldn’t get those stupid eyes out of my head even when my body was off the clock. It was strange that a week later and I still remember the taste of his lips on mine, the way his arms felt around my body. Why? I guess Aunt Lily was right. Typical girl crush I suppose.
I mean I hold no objection to it. He was handsome no lie. If I was going to fantasize about kissing a boy in my dreams why couldn’t it be the very best-looking one? Even if in real life he was nothing but a jerk face. Nevertheless, these were only just dreams, in real life I wanted to stay away as far from Azian as I could. I didn’t care what had happened before, he was clearly not interested.
My sister must be more of a keeper than I was.
"Snap out of it Kaya," Ally began clapping her hands, "get out of your dreams and bed, and get dressed!" she yelled.
"Dressed for what?" I asked yawning.
She gave me a blank look that shifted to one of disbelief “SCHOOL SILLY!” she all but yelled.
My eyes widened knowing that for some reason even though all I think about is school, I had made it a habit to think it didn’t exist if I prayed hard enough.
Dang, it!
I scurried out of bed checking my clock, Ally's chuckles filling the air, as I stumbled into the shower. Getting dressed was easy as pie, well exceptionally better, since Ally had already picked out an outfit for me, God bless her little tinker heart. Ah, she must have been a fairy in her first life.
 I skipped down the stairs step by step, finding both my Aunt and Ally having breakfast, and also almost done with it.
"There she comes,” Aunt announced as I approached them, watching me whilst sipping her coffee, “what did I tell you Ally? This child is always late" She commented as I kissed her on the cheek and settled beside her.
Ally grinned handing me a cup of already made coffee, "That only makes it better for me,” she grinned, “I get to eat both here and home.” I sent her a knowing look, chuckling at her reply.
"Agh! Too hot!" I yelped, spilling some coffee over the edges as I frantically put it back on the counter.
"It’s supposed to be,” Aunt Lily replied with a sigh, “you sip it, Kaya, not gulp it down," She explained making me roll my eyes but nevertheless, actually sipping this time.
Ally took the cup out of my hands setting it on the table, making me pout, "Enough of that, we're late."
"But I haven't even eaten-" I complained scanning the heavy breakfast before me as Ally dragged me away.
"Breakfast is for people that actually do things on time, like me," she smirked pulling me along.
"And me!" Aunt Lily yelled as we walked out the door.
Reaching Ally's car, small, nothing fancy, a little faded but homely and clean, we entered and began our drive to school.
Yesterday, Ally decided to become my "personal driver", and I was glad I had someone else driving me to school, not that I didn't love it when my Aunt did, but rather because she had the habit of treating me like a baby. A caring gesture but had the tendency of making you stick out like a sore thumb.
We pulled up in the driveway just as the siren sounded.
Yes…we were that late.
At least, we both had the same class. Good old physics.
 We bolted through the doors just before the physics teacher could, making him take a sharp step back, to avoid a collision.
Jumping into our seats, he walked in sending a glare, "Glad to see all my pupils are on time this week,"
Ally and I giggled, as he began to teach.

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  • avatar

    i really love your stories.i do hope we can start read part 3 of this.we're all excited😍 plz author can we have it now😩


  • avatar

    its good


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    Federico Dalioan

    Star Pls


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