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Nose Bleed

Kaya’s POV
 I took out a bunch of books from my locker trying desperately to find my science book. My back jean pocket vibrated and with one hand I reached for my phone whilst balancing the stack of books in my other
 I answered it tucking it between my ear and shoulder while glazing over the books for the right one. Day three of school and already a truckload of school work. Yeah, School shall not be missed once I graduated.
"Ally? I called through the phone, grunting as I balanced the books, “where are you?" I asked slipping a few books back into the locker,
 "I just pulled up, where you at?" she replied.
"By my locker," I replied changing shoulders
"Okay, good, I'll be right there soon."
I tucked my phone back in my back pocket, finally finding my science book, closing the locker shut.
"Hey Kaya," A smooth voice greeted. I froze in position at the sound of that voice. I could never forget it, I turned around slowly like a busted machine, "Khloe," I stated drily
She smiled, her perfect features showing off her well-chiseled face. I had never had a full conversation with her about anything important and truth be told, we had never even gotten to know each other. Something in me would always want to push her away. Maybe it was that she acted like little miss perfect slash shopaholic or maybe it was because of her toad mother, either way, she was highly disliked by me.
She wore some skinny jeans paired with a cute green top and some cute heels that really came together harmoniously with her whole outfit despite desperately trying not to compliment anything about her. That was kind of hard when the girl looked like Gigi Hadid.
Knowing Khloe, she probably would never wear that outfit again.  I had never seen her wear anything twice.
"It’s great we're finally going to the same school don’t you think?” she asked nicely, it may give us some time to catch up," she finished.
"Yeah," I replied, "It might" I dryly replied
 She nodded, "so,” she dragged seeming to search for words to prolong a conversation I didn’t even want to be in, “how are you finding your first week? How is it going for you?"
I know what you’re thinking, she seems nice. Yeah maybe on the outside but I know somewhere down there was resting bitch,
 "It’s alright, I was going to ask you the same thing but I know you are doing...pretty well," I said looking behind her to see the popular two staring back at us from the end of the hallway, clearly waiting for her. Azians eyes were focused entirely on her as if we handle kissed two lockers away from where I was standing three days ago. What was wrong with this boy?
She glanced behind her momentarily, "yeah."
My eyes stayed on the two boys who were now conversing with themselves.
The dark-haired one leaning against the locker with one foot, while Azian stood in front of him.
He glanced back at the two of us and our eyes locked momentarily
Something about those eyes… they flickered gold momentarily and my eyes widened.
Wait. Did his eyes just…Change.
Blue and now gold but blue again?
"Kaya," Khloe began snapping me out of my trance, my eyes trailed back to her blinking twice in confusion.
I must have been mistaken.
The dark-haired boy had his hand on Azian's shoulder and he was staring back at him, seeming to be now engrossed in a deep conversation with him.
"Is she your friend?" Khloe asked, her tone seemed impatient as she glared at someone behind her.
"Uhm what?" I asked a bit dazed.
"Her" She responded pointing at something behind me I turned around sharply only to be hit in the face with the door of my locker sending me back a step, my hand covering my face.
As the pain settled in I could hear the frantic voice of Khloe say "see you later".
I waited a few moments before glancing at the palm of my hand which was covered by blood as a result of my bleeding nose.
"Kaya"! Someone screamed, a voice I recognized as Ally, rushing towards me with a look of concern plastered all over her face
"What happened?” She asked, eyes widening once she took a good look of my little accident, taking a hold of my arm glancing at my blood then something behind me.
I shook my head completely dazed, my forehead bruising so badly.
"Come on," she eased stooping down to pick up my books which had dropped at the time of impact, before pulling me along,
"Let’s go get you washed up. You’ve got to be more careful, geez it’s like a waterfall," I nodded completely aware of the students that were staring at me, some pointing and chuckling at my pain.
She dragged me towards the bathroom leading me to the sink turning the tap on, I let the cold water run onto my hands, washing my face, Ally lifting up my hair for me to avoid it getting wet.
"That's it, gently,” she soothed
I sighed turning off the tap glancing at my flushed reflection in the mirror.
“Are you okay?” she asked yet again.
"Yeah", I breathed out, sighing for a moment as I leaned again she sinks.  "You see what I mean? I always embarrass myself whenever I'm around Khloe," I muttered out, as she handed me a tissue.
"What happened?" She asked.
 "I was talking to her,” II explained rubbing my nose which hurt so bad “then I turned and hit into my stupid locker," I replied feeling stupid, "I could have sworn I shut it.”
I paused staring at the sink that was stained with my blood, "why am I always so clumsy around her?"  I asked no one in particular. I know a few students had seen my accident as well.
"Mm," Ally grunted in truth.
I turned to face her, surprised when I met her expression.
She seemed to be in deep thought like she had a day ago.
"Ally?" I asked.
She glanced at me as we heard a toilet flush.
I turned back around knowing full well someone was inside.
The girl stepped out walking toward the sinks, to wash her hands.
She paused turning to us and I immediately recognized her. She was usually with the popular two. Young as I expected, but seemed wise for her age.
 Her coffee skin, blending perfectly with her green dress, and her frizzy untamed hair bringing out her natural beauty.
"Kaya right?" She suddenly said looking up at me with the most intrigued expression ever.
How did she know my name? Had Azian talked about me? But even he didn’t know my name…could he?
Eh, I was the new kid, I guess almost everyone did.
I nodded, "yeah that's me,"
"I'm Alessia," she introduced after washing her hands.
"Nice to meet you,” I replied still puzzled myself, “Oh, and of course this is Ally," I continued.
She seemed sweet, like a little sister I would never have.  She gazed at me as if I was the most interesting object in the world adding to my uncomfortable state.
Her eyes furrowing with a small frown, before glowing up again.
Ally and I stood there awkwardly, as she seemed to be examining us, well me from head to toe.
"Your eyes," she suddenly stated.
“What?" Both Ally and I replied at the same time.
We exchanged glances as she continued to speak.
"What color are they?" She asked still with that intrigued look on her face.
"Plain old brown," I replied with an obvious tone.  I had seen my eyes a thousand times, and let me tell you, they were as normal and as plain as the rest of the higher population. There was nothing remotely fascinating about them.
"No, they aren't," she replied softly.
Ally slanted her head to the right glancing at me, "looks pretty brown to me," she commented.
 Alessia grinned as if she knew something we didn't, "Nice to meet you, Kaya and Ally," she finished giving both smiles of approval before turning around and walking away.
"Weird," Ally began staring at the empty space Alessia once occupied.

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    i really love your stories.i do hope we can start read part 3 of this.we're all excited😍 plz author can we have it now😩


  • avatar

    its good


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    Federico Dalioan

    Star Pls


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