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Aunt Lily

Kaya’s POV
I sat staring at the cream white ceiling, ignoring the barks of the neighbor’s dog that seemed to never want a moment of peace and quiet.
Nevertheless, I was glad my first day of school was over, if anything, it sucked, and was downright confusing.
I glanced at my window, pausing a second, staring at the fading light of the sun as it continued its climb down from the sky. I couldn’t help but wonder at its serenity, the calm peace of it all.
Very soon it would be home and the moon would come out to play.
Knock, knock.
I glanced at the door blankly for a moment before getting back to reality, "Come in!" I yelled, crossing my legs beneath me as I sat on the bed.
It squeaked open and my Aunts head popped in.
She smiled opening the door wider, "that bad huh?" She asked, leaning against the door frames with a small smile grazing her lips as she studied me. I hated that talent she had of sniffing out all my tiny problems. She reminded me too much of mom.
I nodded, eyes trailing back to my fumbling fingers.
I could feel her presence draw near thanks to the sound of her footsteps. One reason I preferred living with my aunt is that I could tell her anything, another quality she and mom shared.
"Come on, spill it,” she podded, tell me whose parent I have to call tomorrow.” She dragged, grabbing a pillow and making herself comfortable beside me.
I chuckled at that statement. That's my aunt for you. Always ready to fight, always ready to defend those she loved. She could throw a mean punch and rarely ever missed.
"I'm not in kindergarten anymore Aunt Lily,’ I sighed, “That’s not necessary, and no I was not bullied, so you can just chill," I dragged giving her a knowing look. I knew my aunt well, she was probably already plotting ways to deal with my nonexistent bullies.
"Are you sure?"
I grinned, chuckling a little, "Positive"
"Don't lie to me Kaya,” she pouted, “You damn well know that I could bring out the big guns whenever you want me to. Believe me, it’s pretty simple. Just aim and fire, most of them have big heads anyway, so hitting the target won't be a problem, just target practice."
I laughed moving my head to rest on her lap, my body bubbling over with uncontainable giggles.
Even without being able to see her face, I could tell she was grinning,  running her fingers through my shoulder-length hair, "I always thought you looked better in short hair," she commented.
“This isn't short," I countered.
"Exactly,” She replied causing me to chuckle once more, “what do you say we cut it tomorrow, so we can match," She offered as I turned slightly to look at her flipping her short Bob hair. I smiled laying my head back on her lap, grinning. “I personally have no problem with that. I struggled to do my hair in the morning, short hair would be a lot easier," I reasoned.
"Great!” she yelled excitedly, “I'll set an appointment up on Saturday, to get done properly well," she replied taking out her phone from her pocket, “that Giuliana girls hands can work magic, child you won’t believe how bomb she’ll have you looking. A total snatch, Beyoncé say what?” she purred and I couldn’t help but chuckle along with her.
I hummed in response as she tamed my hair.
"So...” she trailed off, hands back to stroking my hair, “Aren’t you going to tell your lil’ auntie what the problem is," she asked with a slight giggle, “or are you too grown for grown advice?”
She always thought being called auntie and not Aunt was hilarious.
I breathed out harshly staring up at her, "I saw Khloe today, at school," I explained.
I could feel every muscle in my Aunt freeze as those words left my mouth..
One thing she disliked was the woman my father married and her daughter. I mean who could blame her? After all, that was her cousin.
Come to think of it, mother, Aunt Lily, Mom and I, were not much different. We all loathed Khloe and her purple-haired mother, Stephanie.
"Don't tell me, Liam-"
"Took her to the same school as me,” I finished, “probably thinks we will bond better," I spat rolling my eyes. The word in itself should be deleted from the dictionary.
"Your father,” Aunt Lily began calmly as I sat up, her fists clenching, “Your father Kaya, good lord!” she repeated shutting her eyes as if trying to bury the anger from within her. It was a smart technique because when Aunt Lily got made…she got made for real, you know what I’m saying?
“I don't know what that man wants from us!” She dragged, “He ruined my Gabrielle, tore up his family, and now has the audacity to bring his tramp wife's daughter to the same school as you?!" She boiled out.
This was my aunt at 40 degrees.
You haven't seen her hell yet.
"Calm down Aunt,” I tried to ease her, as she shut her eyes gritting her teeth, “C’mon don’t get mad, we really can't do anything about it now."
“ Now you know better!” she hissed, “The hell I can!” she gritted out each word, “ If you're not comfortable with her being at the same school as you just say the word and I'll go down there give your  Daddy a piece of my mind!"
I thought about it for a minute before sighing laying rolled my head back on her lap, “I don’t want to make a big deal of it. It’s a big school. I won’t have to see her every day,” I reasoned.
But even if I did, she seemed to be running in higher circles as usual.
"Did she do anything to you? Is that why you're sulking?"
"I'm not sulking,” I scoffed, “ and no, she didn't do anything to me, " I began sitting up.
"Oh really?" She asked raising an eyebrow obviously not believing a word I said because she was giving me the look.
"Well not really," I added sitting cross-legged facing her.
"Well?" She asked folding her arms,
I tilted my head to the side, placing my chin in my arms before looking up at her, "So I kind of like, hmm..."
"Kind of what? hmm is not a word Kaya."
 I took in a deep breath, “Kissed a boy today?" I asked more than stated.
Her eyes dilated at this statement, "girl you better have not-"
“Relax! It’s not what you think!!" I yelled covering my ears before she could say another word.
"Really?" She asked laying on my bed and propping herself up with one elbow. Another thing I liked about her was she was more understanding. Even more than my mom.
"Yes…no…yes…well it just happened," I began before tipping over and explaining to her all that transpired between me and the so-called Azian boy.
Her ever-changing expressions made me feel like she was enjoying the tale, almost as if she was watching one of those Romance movies. I also told her about the strange Legion boy.
I finished the story biting my lip, awaiting her comment.
"So let me get this straight,” she began, “You were walking down the hallway and  you let a complete stranger kiss you, " she sucked in a breath, "and you kissed back."
“Technically yes…” I replied gauging her reaction timidly. I couldn’t really tell if she was trying to understand my actions or just searching for ways to whoop my ass. “I can't explain it, Aunt Lily. I can't describe it, this sort of, the weakness I felt, sheer dominance."
“Uh-huh," she hummed, eyes narrowing on me.
“It’s not what you think," I replied glancing at her.
"Really?” she echoed, “because what I think is someone’s got a crush! Someone’s got a crush!" She sang the second line excitedly. I could feel my cheeks heat up at this. Well, Azian was certainly ‘crushable.’ But that was beside the point.
"No-what I felt was-"
“Weak in the knees, small, and no confidence at all, energy being suddenly released from nowhere, just completely and utterly lost," she finished as if playing the guessing game flawlessly.
I raised one eyebrow wondering how she was on point, “How did you know?"
She grinned, “because that's exactly how I feel when I'm around Caleb,"
"Caleb?" I echoed, eyes drawing together. Had she mentioned him before? Not that I recall.
"My boss, and it's called a crush,"
I furrowed my eyebrows, “Really?" I echoed.
Yes, dear, you're eighteen and don't know what a crush feels like? Mmm,”
“Nah I meant his name is Caleb? I was imagining some sort of Angelo, you know some papi honey looking guy, and I know your type, Auntie.” I chuckled.
Her eyes narrowed at me, “Don’t change the subject, we still on you.”
I rolled my eyes, “Of course I've had plenty of crushes, just none have ever felt like-'
“This one? That may mean more than what you think, who knows he could be the one," she said with a wink.
I rolled my eyes yet again, " Aunt, You're Crazy.” I plainly stated as she chuckled “As you said, I'm only eighteen,"
"You never know," she sung making me gently push her for teasing me.
"So what happened with this boy, did you guys talk after you know,” she smirked, “did you get his name?"
No, I did not ask, but I found out from Ally," I sighed.
"Azian sounds familiar,” she hummed her eyebrows drawing together, “not a common name."
I hummed in acknowledgment. Definitely not common.
"So what happened after?"
“Well, I thought he was making his way over to talk to me at lunch, but at that moment Khloe walked in and he seemed so mesmerized by her, almost intrigued," I trailed off biting my lip, thinking back to the time.
"Khloe? No, she didn't," Aunt Lily frowned.
"He spent the rest of the day with her, so."
"You mean she stole your man and you just sat there?” my Aunt asked, eyes wide.
I laughed at my Aunts ghetto ways.
"No,” I scoffed, “I don't have a man, I don't want one either, I don't know what came over me then, but that's what happened,"
"Uh-huh," My aunt nodded her head as if in deep thought.
"And what about the Legion guy."
"I don't know,” I frowned thinking back to the thief guy, “he is just mysterious and I think that’s what makes him interesting I guess," I replied dropping my chin in my hands.
"Mysterious? I love a good mystery, Caleb's mysterious as well," She purred.
“A normal Aunt would have told me to stay away," I retorted.
"A normal Aunt would have beat you black blue for chasing a thief into an alley alone, and for sticking your tongue inside a boys mouth you just met" She replied with a hard glare, “Child you best be lucky I’m not a normal Aunt, better thank God every day, and I mean every day.”
"He stole my phone!" I countered “of course I’m going to chase him for it!”
"And that's why I gave you that pepper spray," she replied with a grin.
I chuckled at this, turning to face her with a slight smile of my own, "So this Caleb guy… What's the deal with him?"
"Oh, honey!" She began sitting up, “he has been playing hard to get since day 1” she huffed before smirking, “but two can play that game and I know I play hard.”
My aunt was in a gossiping mood.

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    i really love your stories.i do hope we can start read part 3 of this.we're all excited😍 plz author can we have it now😩


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    its good


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    Federico Dalioan

    Star Pls


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