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Edwin’s POV
He was in Ultra mode.
My eyes were stuck on the two of them, Orion very quiet as he studied them as well, my fists already clenched as I watched the mysterious blond girl Azian as occupying herself with. She was not a regular student here as this is the first time Orion and I had ever sensed her aura.  My sharp eyesight, traveled down the base of her blood red lips, lined with a thick coat of a human accessory, Anna had denied Alessia from applying before, lipstick. Her green eyes flickering with the flame, a flam every witch carried, magic. My eyes trailed to her slightly pale skin that gave me another steady fact that matched the mystery which was her hazy aura.
She was a hybrid. Half vampire and half witch. A very powerful one at that, judging from the coverage of her aura. I emitted a low growl at this, how was it she was a vampire and a witch? Those races were basically mortal enemies, especially in this realm. Even at this school, witches would keep an arm’s length away from vampires and vice versa, only conversing with the likes of werewolves and the few Lycans that roamed the halls.
This fact alone was enough for me to know Azian shouldn’t be near her, not that she could physically harm him despite her abilities, Azians power remained unmatched for miles on end and with all  the three being in sync inside him, he was at his most powerful. However, I was not one to take chances as I took to my feet, just as Azian slightly turned to look back. I froze at the sound of Alpha’s angry growl that bounced off of each corner of the small cafeteria, freezing in my position, my eyes still on him.
All the rest of the supernatural population that had heard the growl including Alessia, lowered their gaze from the too, but mine remained on him. Yes, there were perks to being a guardian, ranging from being immune to magic and being able to resist threats, to a limit. My eyes narrowed as I watched the two of them walk out of the room, about to follow them when Alessia’s iron grasp clamped around my wrist.
“Don’t follow them,” Alessia whispered lowly as Azian went out of sight, “He’s in Ultra mode-you don’t want things to get out of control do you?”
“She’s a hybrid, of a witch and vampire and very powerful” I hissed lowly, watching her eyes widen at this information, “I have to make sure he’s okay.”
“Hybrid...” Alessia trailed off eyes shifting “I knew she was some kind of witch but I didn’t sense anything else...”
I didn’t blame her, Witch senses were very limited and only applied to magic. Higher level witches could sense the shifts in different Aura’s and although Alessia was smart and learned in spells and potions making, highly advanced for any witch at her as one would under the wing of a great witch, she was still young and had more to do to become a third level witch.
“Even in Ultra mode, I must see to it she is not a threat to him,” I replied, pulling away from her, only to have her hand clamp down around my wrist again.
“Of course she’s not a threat,” Alessia scoffed, “she’s his mate.”
Orion growled at this, my full attention on the young witch, “what?” I growled.
She rolled her eyes, “Azian’s Aura may have defeated everything they said to each other, but I can read lips,” she boasted.
“Alessia,” I began, more than aware of her tricks, “this is serious, I need you to be clear,” I repeated, gritting each word out slowly, glancing momentarily at the cafeteria doors Azian and the mystery blond had disappeared out of.
She frowned at this, “okay I did read her lips, I can’t see Azians from this angle” she huffed, her expression dissolving into a serious one, “but she gave him her name...Khloe,” she muttered, “and you Azian never asks for names.”
 I pondered all this acknowledging that truth. Azian kept to himself most of the time, he never associated with anyone except us or a few teachers at School who belonged under the witch kind, “that doesn’t mean she’s his…” I trailed off glancing around at the lingering eyes on our table, “you know what.”
Alessia looked around, mumbling something beneath her breath and I could feel her magic, trap us in a cocoon to stop anyone from hearing our conversation, especially vampires who had an extremely vast sense of hearing.
“Think about it, “ she murmured lowly, “Azian turns into Ultra form, gets mesmerized by a random blonde walking in, they talk for a minute and he asks her name, and follows her outside..” her eyes widened at this, searching mine for some sort of answer, treating the current situation like the mystery books she often read. I glanced at the door again, Orion strangely quiet within me as if he was fine with letting Azian be on his own.
 “Look, You can’t follow him,” Alessia added also glancing at the door,” he clearly gave all of us a warning growl and he is Ultra form. Its dangerous upsetting him like that, even I don’t know him when he is in that state,” her voice lowered at the end.
“Sit.” Orion prodded as well. He seemed to feel no threat on his Alpha at the moment. My Father always said to trust your dragon, his senses were never wrong, especially mine which was linked to Alpha.
I sat down, still feeling uneasy yet knowing going after Alpha may invoke his wrath, “if she really is his mate,” I began glancing up at Alessia, “then we should inform the witches.”
“If?” Alessia echoed with a slight giggle, pulling up a fork of spaghetti.
“Yes, If. Remember he thought he had found his mate yesterday,” I reminded, “and as you know he is supposed to find his mate in at least a few more decades,” I growled out, my eyes still at those red doors.
“He turned into ultra-mode and completely forgot that human girl possession of his the moment he saw her,” she said, her eyes traveling behind me. I slightly turned and spotted the human girl, in deep conversation with her friend, remembering how much of her aura I had sensed on him just a few minutes earlier as if they had been very close to one another somewhere before lunch, judging by the strength of her aura on him. He seemed to have been completely consumed by his possession until he saw the blonde girl Alessia claims is named Khloe.
“I almost forgot about the possession girl,” I mumbled eyes still on the human girl seated across from us, her back turned to us so I couldn’t get a proper view of her face.
“He definitely has,” Alessia chuckled, “He seemed much taken with Khloe.”
“You don’t know that for sure,” I frowned, glancing down at my plate.
“Oh please,” she scoffed, “he couldn’t take his eyes off her.”
It was my turn to scoff, “mate,” I repeated shaking my head.
Her eyes narrowed down at me, “mates are gifts from Erania EDWIN,” She huffed dragging my name like it was a topic she would die for. For a girl who took science and magic as a hobby, it was strange and weird to hear her utter the next line, “I wouldn’t mind having a mate.”
I thought about it for a minute shaking my head, “Too much responsibility and dedication to one person,” I gagged.
She froze with the fork halfway to her mouth, eyes set on me.
My eyebrows furrowed, “what?”
“Too much responsibility and dedication to one person? That’s literally you with Azian, “she acknowledged, “a guardian is just another name for mate!” she huffed.
I looked at her like she was crazy, Orion actually listening in this time from whatever area he had tapped out to in my brain, “Guardians are nothing like mates.” I put to light, “we are there to protect the alpha that’s all.”
“Yeah, but you’re designed without mates so that you can only be dedicated to the safety of you Alpha,” she put to light.
My eyebrows furrowed for a second realizing the witch was right. Orion having a laugh at the back of my head. We guardians didn’t have mates, if we did we would never fully for the Alpha. Being a guardian came with responsibility and dedication,
Dang it- Alessia was right.
I sighed as she giggled digging into my food. I glanced over at Azians untouched plate, sliding it over to me. He definitely wasn’t coming back any time soon.
“Pig” Alessia commented eyeing me.
I rolled my eyes, “my Dragon would eat a whole sounder of them.”

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    i really love your stories.i do hope we can start read part 3 of this.we're all excited😍 plz author can we have it now😩


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    its good


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    Federico Dalioan

    Star Pls


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