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บทที่ 4 Myra's back

( Can I be your friend?)
Chapter 4
They got to the hospital and rushed inside to call the attention of the nurses on duty. The nurses hurried out with a stretcher, which they placed grandma Pamela on, and rushed her to the emergency ward
Jackson, Jayson and Jason sat at the reception area waiting and hoping for good news from the doctor who has hurried Into the ward to attend to her
They all sat down looking downcast and dejected
Jason sat on the chair beside Jayson who was as good as lost, while Jackson paced up and down waiting for the doctor to come out at any minute.
After waiting for several minutes, the doctor came out. Jackson, Jayson and Jason all rushed to meet him. He had a blank expression on his face
" Doctor, how's she?" Jackson asked worriedly. Jayson and Jason nodded as he had spoken their minds. They all looked at the doctor eagerly. The doctor took a deep breath before speaking, and this made the trio more nervous and worried.
" I can't say she's fine, but she's out of danger for now" he responded
" What happened doc. What's the problem with her?" Jayson asked
" She has hypertension and some other ailments I am not so sure of. We'll have to run some tests but before that you have to make some deposit payments so we can commence treatment immediately after the test is carried out and we know what's wrong with her" the doctor said. They all heaved a deep sigh of relief.
At least, she was out of danger, that would give them enough time to look for the money to pay her hospital bills
" Thanks so much doc," Jackson said. The doctor smiled at him
" It's nothing. Please, if you'll excuse me"he said and walked away
" That was close,"Jason said, for the first time. Their mood was way brighter then when they got to the hospital
" Now, all we have to do is look for how to get the money so she will start receiving treatment" Jackson said
" Yeah, but you do know that's not an easy thing right?" Jayson said. The other two looked at him. " I mean to get the money for her treatment" he emphasized
" Yeah, but we still have to do our best, don't we? We can't just leave her to die" Jackson said
" I don't think thats Jayson meant, and for you Jayson"Jackson said and turned to face him " don't you think you're forgetting something" he said . Jayson looked at him confused, then looked at Jason and then back at him again
" What?" he finally asked him, after trying to figured it out on his own without any success
" Your journey to SKYLERS HIGH, or have you forgotten so soon" Jason reminded. Jayson's eyes widen he had actually forgotten about it. Well, don't blame him, the tension was just too much that he couldn't think of anything else
"Oh, damn! I totally forgot all about it and am damn late for it already. Who knows if they will still be there" Jayson said looking at his wrist watch
" I think there's still time jay, you just have to hurry up" Jackson said as he patted his shoulder
" What do you mean I just have to hurry up? Aren't you coming with me again,you said you would," Jayson said, suddenly losing his confidence.
How was he to go there alone?. He had heard stories about the school and wouldn't want to become a victim of humiliation. That was what he hated most, despite the fact that they were poor.
" No Jay, I wanted to but with the look of things now, I don't think I can anymore. I have to hurry back to the coffee shop and make enough sales to see how much I'll be able to come up with for grandma's medical bills and also Jason has to stay here, and watch over her" Jackson explained to Jayson who looked like he would give up at any time
" It's okay, it's okay I totally understand " Jayson said
" So Jason" Jackson called, facing him,
" You heard all we have discussed. Jayson will be leaving to go get the form and I'll be at the coffee shop. When he comes back, he'll come over to the shop to help me out and then bring lunch for you later on. I left grandma in your care and I don't want to hear otherwise when I return in the evening. Is that understood?" Jackson asked the teenage boy who looked at him as if he was speaking gibberish
" Yeah." Jason nodded in understanding
" Alright then. I guess we have to take our leave now. Jayson is already running late" Jackson said again. " Come on Jayson " he signalled Jayson for them to leave. Jayson stood up and then they turned to look at Jason one last time, before walking out the door.
They walked for a while before they came to the coffee shop, then Jackson turned to Jayson
" You can go from here, can't you?" he asked even though he already knew the answer
" Sure. Of course" Jayson replied
" Just take courage, okay, and be strong. Don't let your guard down" Jackson advised. Jayson nodded and started walking out of the coffee shop, then stopped a taxi.
" SKYLERS HIGH" he said to the driver who drove off immediately.
The distance to the school was quite a lot. Jayson looked at his watch, calculating the time it will take to get there, in case he's lucky enough to get the scholarship, so he won't go to school late. It has always been a habit for him not to go late to school.
The driver drove still as Jayson was seated at the back seat eagerly waiting for them to arrive there. Soon, after driving for almost an hour, the car stopped and parked properly
" We are here," the driver said to him. Jayson nodded and paid him before coming out of the vehicle. The driver drove off leaving him standing as he stared at the school's gate, which has the name of the school boldly written on it.
He stood at the spot transfixed as he stared at the gigantic building in front of him. taking deep breaths,he took slow steps to the gate and knocked on it. It was hard and solid. Jayson feared for his hand. He might get bruised if he doesn't knock carefully. He knocked again, but this time gently. A middle aged man stick out his head through the small part of the gate
" Yes. How may I help you?" his thick baritone voice came up. Jayson swallowed hard. He was going to say something, but his words got stuck in his throat
" I..I came here in respect of the scholarship form," he said and gulped down nervously. The man stared at him as if examining him
" You're late and all the other contestants were here earlier, and had already gotten theirs," the man said. Jayson's face dropped in disappointment. He was going to turn and go back home when the man's voice stopped him again
" But" he said and Jayson stood rooted to the spot " the school's dean, Mr Donald is still here. He's the one in charge of it. You can go meet him. " the
man said and proceeded to open up the gate. Jayson was glad and happy. At least, there was still a chance and he had hope. He walked inside the school after thanking the gate man. He couldn't believe what he saw. The school was magnificent and extraordinarily beautiful. It was covered with green grasses and on the pathways it was tiled. It was painted white with a little touch of blue and red. The compound was huge and large and it has many buildings.
Jayson didn't know which way to go. The place was quiet and lonely. He had forgotten to ask the gatekeeper where the dean's office was. Taking deep breaths, he took the left direction. He walked for a while before he came to a building. It was far from the rest of the buildings in the school. He assumed it to be the building with the dean's office and so he walked there, hoping to find his way around. He got to the first door and knocked, but there was no response. He twisted the doorknob and tried to open it but it was locked. He left there and walked ahead,the place looked lonely. He concluded there was no one there and made to leave when he heard it.
A sweet and lovely melody. It was a girl's voice, that he was sure of, and it sounded so angelic and pure.
It was coming from one of the rooms there in the building. He traced the sound until he came to the last door. He stood there not knowing what to do.
Was he to knock or should he just go in?. After much debating, he decided it was best he goes in without knocking, and so he did, and was welcomed with a lovely melody

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    John Carlo Alberto

    I would like to request access to the advance server acc in the morning and I will be there for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I ca


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    AzaharMuhamad Aidil

    novel yg sngt menarik 🥹


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    Alliah Jillan Teoxon Luna



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