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7. Celebration

Evolet pov.
As I made my way to the Celebration, I spotted a curly blonde head next to my brother.
"Willow? Willow! It's you! Oh my Goodness! I missed you so much!"
"Yeah, I know," she said without sparing me a single glance.
"Willow! Ok, I know! I'm sorry! I promised you I'll come to visit and I didn't. It wasn't easy for me either, you know!"
"Oh, Evolet! I can't even be mad at you! I missed you too !" she said, hugging me so hard that I couldn't breathe.

Willow was the daughter of Mira, my nanny, and Egon, the Head Warrior. They are both water elementals who chose to come to the Earth Kingdom when the war started. They were the only of their kind in our whole Kingdom. But I know that many others are living in the Air Kingdom.
So her mother being my nanny means we grew up together. Willow is like my sister. My little sister. Ok, maybe not that little. She is 18.
When she turned 16, she decided to be a warrior like her father. So she trained here for a year, and then she went to the Air Kingdom for more intensive training.
The relation between Earth and Air Kingdoms was excellent, like the war has never happened. Maybe because my mother was an Air Princess after all. But I'm happy it is this way.
"Evolet! You look so beautiful! Just like your mother! You look so much like her!"
"Aaa...Thank you, Mira!" Ok, that was a bit weird. Or is it just me. Mira is so emotional. I know she loves me like a mother loves a daughter, but she looks at me with sadness in her eyes sometimes. I'm just wondering why?
"Princess." Egon interrupted my thoughts.
"You look so beautiful indeed! But are you ready for the big announcement?" he asked with excitement. Egon helped me train for becoming a warrior. When I first said I would like to be one, he offered his help. And I gladly accepted.
"Thank you, Egon! I'm as ready as I'll ever be!" I said with a small smile.
The Celebration started, and everyone was dancing. Oren and Willow were the worst. They were singing and dancing like they own the whole world. I hope we will always be like that.
Happy and together.
"Attention, please!" My father's voice boomed through the crowd. And all the music and dancing stopped.
"First of all, thank you for being here, for participating at our most important Celebration, Earth Celebration! I have few announcements to make!" he said, and you, the crowd cheered in excitement. Like they knew it would be good news.
"First, our Head warrior will step down".There were murmurs in the crowd. They looked disappointed. Egon was a good warrior, the best so far, and everyone knew that.
"But!" silence again. "One goes, two comes: "His daughter, Willow, who just came back from her training in the Air Kingdom, will take his place next to Princess Evolet, who completed the intensive training and came on top in just six months!" Cheers and whistles were filling the air.
"Yes, we will have two Head warriors, and no, there won't be a challenge between the two. We all know they are the best warriors we have and also that they are like sisters and will hold back." my father says, laughing.
"Second and last, by the end of the Summer, I will pass the throne to my son Oren!" The crowd went crazy. All the people in the Kingdom loved Oren. They knew he would be as good and kind as our father when he became The King.
Tears escaped from my eyes—tears of joy. By now, all three of us were next to the King.

"You can now go back to celebrate that news! I appreciate your attention! May the Earth be blessed!"
"I can't believe my children are so grown up now!" the mother says, hugging both my brother and me. At the same time, Mira and Egon were hugging Willow to death by the look on her face. I could stop, and I burst into laughter. Soon every one of them joined me.
We celebrate till the sun comes up. It was 5 in the morning when I got into bed. Today's training was cancelled. So as soon as I was in my bed, I welcomed sleep.
There was darkness. I couldn't see or heard anything. 'Where am I?' I thought. Suddenly I felt like I was drowning. Water. I was deep in the water, and I couldn't move.
I panicked. My lungs were burning. Just when I thought I was dead, a small light appeared in front of me.
The light became bigger and bigger. It was closer now, and I could see its orange and red colours mixing. Flames! Fire! My skin was burning now. Smoke filled my lungs, and I couldn't breathe. Then it disappeared.
I was now floating. Like I was in the clouds. But soon, I started falling. I tried to scream, but no sound came out of my mouth. The only sound I could hear was one similar to a loud whistling. Wind. Air. I was still falling. My heart almost stopped from the lack of oxygen.
But then I was in the darkness again. Only this time, it wasn't water. It was like I was in a grave.No no light and not enough air for me to breathe. Soil. Earth.
Just when I was ready to give up, I saw another light. Not like the one before.Not like anything I ever saw. It was purple with hues of black and silver. I couldn't take my eyes off it. I felt like it was asking me to touch it. And I tried to. It was calling my name..Evolet...Evolet...Evolet... EVOLET!
"Evolet! Evolet, wake up!"
I cringed as my parents and brothers worried filled voices were too loud for my pounding head.
"Mom? Dad? Oren?" I asked with my eyes still closed, not sure if they are real.
"Evolet, sweetheart? Are you ok?"
'Am I ok?' I thought. Not sure what was happening.
"Yeah, I think I am...Just another bad dream". I said as I finally found enough courage to open my eyes and see my family next to me, slight smiles on their faces at my answer.
But the smiles disappeared like it never was there. Now confusion and worries are clearly in their eyes as they're watching me. My mom covered her mouth with her hands when a little gasp escaped her.
"Evolet...your eyes..." Oren said, pointing a shaking finger at my eyes.
I got off of the bed and went to my large mirror from my dressing room.
All I could see was purple. My eyes were purple. And then the pain in my head suddenly grew, and I felt my legs giving up, and the darkness was back.

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  • avatar
    Louiemar Managad

    it Soo amazing😭😭😭😭😭


  • avatar
    alicia cortez

    nice story


  • avatar
    Girlie Bayaban

    good morning poh Advance Merry Christmas And Happy New Year Sana mapili ako para may pang bili ng pang handa sa pasko at bagong taon at puhunan KO sa peanut butter God Bless All your family and keep safe everyone 🎄🎄🎄🎁🎁🎁🌼⭐🌟🌺🌺🌻🌹💝💕💞💞🩷💓🙏🙏🙏


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