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The book of Sage

"What a beautiful drawing," she says, mesmerized. She keeps on staring and touching the book. "I wish I could read; I don't have the luxury of attending school." She sighed and kept imagining that if she's a scholar, she can do a lot of things.
Learning to count from one to ten is the only thing she learned while watching and imitating the people around her. "I suppose I can get a few copper coins for this book? Or maybe silver coins as well?" She instantly headed towards the road, and while it was now dark, she continued to walk. "But before that, I need to find a party of adventurers who are in severe need of a porter."
Even though it was almost midnight, the street was as crowded as usual with people going about their business. The full moon and starry sky delighted everyone.
In the middle of it are the adventurers guild, who are active twenty-four hours a day. She entered the building and proceeded towards the quest list to search for a good quest for which a porter would be needed. After several minutes of asking the adventurers who can read, she says, "There is no quest for which a porter is needed right now."
Disappointed, she sits at the side of the quest board, waiting for someone to approach her and hire her as a porter for their quest.
"I wish someone would hire me; anyway, I need to look deeper into this tattered book so I can sell it for a proper price," she gets the book out of her bag and opens it once again. While she holds the tattered book, she lets out a long sigh and says, "I still can't read anything. I wish someone would teach me how to read."
As she attempted to look at the first blank sheet, ink suddenly materialized and a writing of unidentified letters began to assemble one by one. She remarked, thinking it absurd that the old man had handed her a magical book and that she could read the words within, "Screw the Sage."
She smiles as she flips to the following page. "I can sell this magical book for a gold coin if it turns out to be a grimoire."
A sign of an arrowhead appeared once more, and it started to take the shape of the phrase "This is her tale," which she read aloud.
'Consider what a richer experience it would be if you, the reader, were a part of the narrative.'
'The stronger image you had the better.'
'The story will start with the word once upon a time, when a girl receives a book and tries to uncover the truth.'
'That book would be a great book. The protagonist would have many chances to reveal her life story and get more readers by sharing her story.'
The girl was able to predict the outcome of this tale. "Perhaps the hero, who would make his first appearance in the heroine's narrative, would meet her character."
'So what was the subject of this tale?'
'Was the hero going to show up eventually, or was he simply going to show up anywhere at random one day?'
'Was it conceivable that this was how all heroes were? That they all started to arrive at the same time? That everyone joined the tale only after the others did?'
'What if the protagonist's loved ones didn't approve of him? What if the tale had a different, more joyful conclusion? Yet when they're there, the bad guy usually prevails, right? When would the hero evolve?'
'He had the ability to change, but did he want to, or was he happy with who he was already? It seemed excessive.'
She was most intrigued by the fact that she didn't know enough yet. She carried on with the book. 'The hero would appear sooner or later, but his behavior and demeanor remained erratic.'
'But there was something that made it interesting. This story's protagonist never gave up, even though she lost. She kept on fighting.'
'But the truth is, I'm just messing up with you.'
"What?" confused the girl continued to flip the page and read. 'Stop your nonsense about selling this book to other people; just keep it for your own good.'
"This book is really a grimoire. I hit the jackpot!" She jumped with joy and excitement. A gold coin will be on her hand; she's sure of it.
'Little girl, just don't do it. Just keep me, my story is interesting, you know?'
"Maybe it is, but the pros and cons are too much for me." Getting back to her sitting position, she continued, "There is a chance that you are a curse book, or maybe other people will chase me or kill me just to obtain you." With a smug face, she imagined her hand holding a gold coin.
'Maybe your right, but there is also a possibility that I can give you a power that can rival Sage's, you know?'
After reading it, her heart beats rapidly in anticipation and excitement at the possibility of obtaining such an amazing power. She had a good feeling about this book; she knows that she can get more information from it than from others, and now she is so eager to discover the secret behind its existence.
'Just read and keep on reading. Unraveling the story behind my existence... From now on, I'm all yours, lady.'
A voice echoed in her head as she stared at the title of the book. This was it; she couldn't wait.
The beginning of something magical: a mystery wrapped up with nooses, maybe a love affair with a ghost and a hero, all in one It was going to be brilliant; she just knew it.
She closed her eyes for a second and said, "If I read you, then I'll become a powerful sage."
"I don't want to be a mere courier anymore, but a Sage that can hold this world." She whispers the last word, which is drowned out by a loud clap of thunder.
The room is covered in raindrops, but it doesn't affect the people inside the guild. The sound resonates and echoes as if there were thousands of voices echoing inside her head.
It isn't an unfamiliar feeling. She knows this is her inner self trying to tell her she will never find true freedom without the help of a forbidden grimoire.
She sighs; this was inevitable. But now there is only one thing she has left that could bring her peace of mind. She had fought so hard to keep from falling into depression.
She was looking at the book with her eyes wide open. But the tears she feels coming to her eyes make it difficult to see the words; she makes an effort "Becoming a Sage and ruling the top" She says smiling softly at the page.
'The Great White Father of the North; the Apocalypse not again' a sentence appeared with lush of golden ink.
"I better find another place to read this book. A much safer place other than this guild building."
She picked up her belongings and walked rashly outside. She didn't find anyone to hire her, but that doesn't matter now. Her future was more important, and she will not be a courier forever.
Meanwhile, at the mansion of a noble, an old man was sitting besides the window. "No, she isn't a Sage yet. But if she ever becomes one, she could rule it just like he did."
His memory with him was already gone, but his will was still intact. He tapped his table several times, and a man appeared from his shadow.
"I hope she's the one, the real one. Tell the other about it." The man saluted before disappearing into shadow.
"This is a good place; it's much more comfortable to stay and read this book here." The girl found an abandoned house and sneaked inside. She was glad that it had been vacant so she could use it as a shelter.
She didn't want to go anywhere else because she was afraid that someone might come to find her. She was scared to leave this abandoned house, but it was a better option than being caught by people. The girl took out her book and started reading.
On the first page, the title appeared once again: "Book of Sage." After reading the title again, she flipped to the next page to learn the secret of the book and its adventure.

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    nice movie


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    BaldeoRonald A

    nice Story🥰


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    Noor Azlan Nor Man



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