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บทที่ 6 Catrina's Messages

Acwell looked at her and saw how puffy her eyes are. She was staring blankly at the wall while holding her sleeping son. She doesn’t seem to hear him.
He moves towards her and repeats what he said. “Let’s get inside, “he said. Then, he picks up his son and walks back.
She watched him heading to the bedroom. She stood when he saw him reaching the door so she could follow. She laid beside him without looking at him.
“I am sorry!” he said and extended his arms to hug her. “I did not mean to hurt you or blame you. I was just stress at work. Plus, I am still learning how to be a good family man. I am still adjusting. But I know it is not an excuse for what I said. And for that, I am so sorry!”
Acwell did not hear a response. She only burst into tears. She had never been too emotional. But ever since she learned about his daughter, she often cries. And he understands it because even he has not fully accepted his daughter.
He looked at her when she suddenly stopped crying. She had fallen asleep exhausted and hurt.
“I am sorry!” he whispered while touching her face.
He laid there, watching the ceiling. He could not sleep. Catrina’s messages brought all the guilt, regret, and pain that disappeared when he got married. He saw his phone and picked it up. He went through the messages and found Catrina’s messages.
“Acwell, how are you? I am back in Dubai. I finally got a job. But can you help me a little because I just started I have not received my salary yet? Is it possible to get the allowance for Amara?”
“She is turning two in September. She will be here by then because the company offered me help to bring her here. Would you see her? She would be happy to see her papa. Even, me too.”
He had completely forgotten about his daughter. He had been busy and happy with his new family. The last time he spoke to Catrina was a month after he found out Kamiah was pregnant. He had given her most of his savings. He doesn’t want her to bother him in the next few months. He had told her he will just contact her next time when he can provide financial help. But this leads him not to be able to provide for his future wife.
He had the plan to surprise Kamiah with both an engagement and wedding ring. He wanted them to have a simple yet memorable wedding in Vegas. But all the money left with him was just enough to pay for their flight ticket and hotel. He was lucky that Kamiah is very good at handling finances. She has taken care of all other expenses.
It pains him that his wife is the one suffering because of his past mistakes. It scares him that one day she might leave him. But, he also cannot run away from his responsibility. He sends Catrina some money and replies to her messages.
Kamiah woke up with the smell of cooked bacon. Her husband is singing in the kitchen. His voice sounds terrible; it made her laughed a little.
She remembered her son. But she found him sound asleep in the crib. She wondered if his sleeping pattern had changed because she did not wake to feed him.
“Good morning!” Acwell said as he opened the door.
“Kai did not wake up last night?” she asked.
“He did. But you did not hear him cry. You were exhausted.”
“No need to say sorry. It’s also my responsibility. Now, let’s have breakfast. ”
He ushered her to the dining table.
“Try the fried rice and bacon. It’s nice.”
“But I am not hungry.”
“You have to eat. You cannot take care of Kai hungry.”
Kamiah was hesitant at first when Acwell was trying to feed her. Eventually, she opens her mouth to eat. She realizes that this is her husband trying to make up for last night’s argument.
None of them said a word about last night. It doesn’t mean that they have forgotten it. But both of them have put it to rest. Nothing will come out well if they continue arguing. Instead, they must work on it.
“Let’s take Kai to a park,” Acwell said.
“You are off today?” Kamiah asked.
“Yes. “
They are the only people in the park that day. They brought a big blanket and some food and drinks so they can have a picnic.
“This is the first time you ever took us out,” Kamiah said.
“I know. I am sorry for that. I will try my best to change it,” Acwell answered.
“What do you mean, why? You don’t like it?”
“I do. This is important for Kai to experience. But what made you change?”
“I just realize that I had been busy working that I have forgotten to give you time. I don’t like you to feel you are prisoners in the house.”
“Thank you!”
“Your welcome!”
He received another message from Catrina when they reached home.
“Thank you! Will you visit Amara once she is here?”
“When is she coming?” he replied.
“She will be here in September. She will celebrate her birthday here. Will you come?”
“Is that already confirmed?”
“Yes! The company had bought the flight tickets. I will travel to pick her up on September 20.”
“I will see if I can be free on her birthday.”
“Yes, please! It will mean the world for Amara to finally met her papa. Aren't you happy?”
“Well, I am glad that I would finally meet her.”
“I am so happy that we can all be together. I am lucky to land a job with a company that offers this privilege.”
“That is good for both of you.”
“I am so happy right now. I will be with my baby soon. And she will get to see you.”
Acwell stops replying to her messages. He wanted to tell her that he is already married. But he doesn’t know how to do it in a way that he would not hurt her.

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    please kasi aku boleh 100.000


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    Nckxoxuxbxjdydbfhdixkdkekdje ennemis eux ejuxhdjrjhfjfjjjjxjfkfkftjjjrhfjdjdjfjjdhdjjdjfjrjjjjdybdindhbdhhdhdhdjjduuuddjduuruufhhchdjjrjrhhruruuruuruturururuururuduufurururururuiuueuwiaikabaisjsyevwnwaaibwbwzuauwnhwueuhhwwubbwujsjsjsnsjsjndnxhxbnd ekkakanwnuzhshbebexuydhhwhuzuwhwhyzyehiqiahsyxvzhzhbvczyvskbdnduisossjydjssnsjsiisosoamsKVbuvznuyzgbdidhdjjdjdjdsjwlwllncckhxduffduknxasuwjajsnzosmmzooslapakmejxjxnxnxjxjjdjxbyfujsxiutxyfcucygdyfufugjkgfreaYsuifejeidoosmdkslslspslmsjgvhxndmmshxudueioem


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