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บทที่ 5 First Argument

They went back to Dubai after a week. They moved together and stayed in a one-bedroom apartment. Kamiah could now visit a doctor for her prenatal check. For almost the entire first trimester, she kept her pregnancy in secrecy that even to have herself checked by a doctor she can’t do. She waited until she had her marriage certificate before she could do so. She felt relief and happy that on her first check-up; the doctor informed her that everything is normal. There is nothing wrong or any abnormalities. Acwell jumped with joy when the gender was revealed and it was a boy. They named him Kai Simon Peters.
Day passed by and with them in one house, Kamiah had seen Acwell change. He became more responsible, more caring and is now putting her first when it comes to his time. He slowly learned how to cook, do laundry, and clean the apartment. He understands he needs to do it because she can’t. Her stomach is getting and bigger than it’s becoming harder for her to stand, walk and all the more do the household chores. She is experiencing pain from time to time and having a lot of sleepless nights.
Nine months after, Kamiah gave birth to Kai. They were lucky that their insurance made it possible for Kamiah to give birth in a private hospital and to cover almost every expense. Through this, Acwell could witness Kamiah going through labor, and even during delivery. He watched when the doctor pulled out Kai while Kamiah pushing all her might and screaming with pain. It made him appreciate and love her even more. He had seen how tough and strong she was that he did not know she could be.
From the time they brought Kai from the hospital to their home, a lot of changes happened in their lives. They finally realize how hard it is to be a parent. They take turns in sleeping and taking care of Kai. But it’s mostly Kamiah, as expected by a mother, that is taking care of her. It made her exhausted all the time.
In the first two weeks, they were tired but happy. They don’t argue. They just laugh at their mistakes. They know it is a learning process.
One day, Kamiah received a call from her mother. They talk about Kai. Her mother advised on what to do as she knows Kamiah is a first-time mom and alone. In the middle of their conversation, she suddenly asked, “Why are you not wearing a wedding ring? Did you remove it? I understand that pictures and wedding reception were not there since it was not a planned wedding, but at least both of you are wearing a ring, right? It doesn’t seem right that even that you don’t have.”
Kamiah felt hurt and ashamed because even that she doesn’t have. So she just said, “Yes I remove it for a while because I don’t want it to get that dirty and scratched.”
After that conversation, Acwell arrived home. She told him about it. She asked, “Is it possible for us to buy even just the inexpensive one?”
Acwell's face saddened and answered in an angry tone. “What is important about it? Why do we have to wear it? What difference does it make? You know I haven’t even been sending money to support the other child of mine so I could save for Kai!”
Kamiah sat there, stunned at what he said. She looked at her sleeping son she was holding and said, “So you blame us for that? Do you blame Kai for existing that you can no longer support the other one? Did I ask you not to support her? Do I just sit like a jobless woman depending and waiting for her husband to provide?” she paused and continued, “You asked why it is important? Because it’s a reminder of the vow married people made. And so that they could learn to respect it. For me, it is important to remind me and make me feel that I have a husband, that I was married not only because I got banged by someone and that I am valued. But, if you can’t do that, if it’s too much to ask, then forget it. And on your next salary, don’t save for us and send it to your daughter. Don’t make me feel guilty for taking you away from her because I did not. If you have told me about her sooner, do you think I will be here with you? No! You could have been with her by now. “Then she took her son and went outside the room leaving Acwell angry and about to argue. But he just closed the room.
She sat on the sofa holding her son who is now crying and hungry. She breastfeeds him and since she is a new mom, doing that is still a struggle for her. She still experiences pain from it. Plus, the pain from her suture and the argument she had with Acwell made her more emotional. She cried silently so he could not hear. She cried while blankly staring at the wall. She could not believe him say that. “Was it too much to ask? Am I not worthy of that?” are the questions that are running on her head as more and more tears are falling from her eyes. Then more and more questions formed, “Will we keep arguing about her daughter? For how long? Will, it gets worse than this?” She looked at her son and all the more she kept on crying. “Will you get hurt once you find out? Will you understand my pain?” she wonders. She wished she could protect him from the pain from it. She doesn’t want to see him hurt because of it. She doesn’t want him to see her cry. But how? She doesn’t know. It only made her ask, “Should I stay or leave?”
Then, the door opens and Acwell said, “Let’s get inside.”

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    please kasi aku boleh 100.000


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