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The helper

Rose sat down near the only window they had in the shack they called a house but this was all she could afford and they hardly spent their time here so it was somehow convenient for them. Rose sighed before turning back to her sleeping brother. After staying at her uncle's house for 10 years, she decided that enough is enough. She couldn't keep living like a slave and keep enduring the pain and abuse they infused on her because she wanted her brother to have a good life. After so many years she finally ran away and took her brother with her. She had to do a lot of odd jobs in order for them to survive and for her brother to attend school. She didn't want her brother to live a miserable life like hers, she wanted his to be different and that was why she was doing all these. She sighed before tapping her brother's cheek
“Liam get up, you'll be late for school again." Liam groaned
“I don't wanna go to school." She glared at his sleepy face.
“You better stand up or no ice cream for you today." Liam quickly stood up before running into the bathroom, she laughed before shaking her head after a while she stood up and got ready for work.

“Okay if you need anything don't hesitate to tell your teacher to call me, alright?" Liam nodded gleefully before running towards his group of friends. Rose smiled at his running figure before turning around and going to work. As soon as she got to work, she quickly wore her car washing outfit before going towards the car that just pulled in
“That would be 10$ please," The driver nodded at her before handing her the money then she got down to business. After she had washed like ten cars she was already exhausted, she went towards a chair and sat down with her hand on her forehead. She was already falling asleep when she heard a car horn, she stood up quickly and ran towards the car.
“Hello ma'am, that would be 10$ please." The woman stared at her face.
“Have I seen you before?" Rose shook her head slowly.
“I don't think so ma'am." The woman looked curiously at her.
“What's your name?" Rose fidgeted, she hated talking to people most especially elders but this woman looked nice enough.
“My name is Rose Hathaway." She used her mother's surname instead of her father's because to her she had no father. The woman gasped.
“Is your mother Grace Hathaway?" Rose's eyes widened, that was enough for the woman.
“Oh my dear I'm your Mom's friend, Emily. I remember seeing you when you were still a baby. Look how much you have grown." Emily’s face then turned pitiful.
“I'm sorry for your loss, dear." Rose shifted from one leg to another, she didn't like receiving sympathy.
“Dear do you have a home? Do you attend school? Why are you working at this car wash?" Rose hated being interrogated like this but she didn't want to be rude.
“Yes I have an apartment and I don't attend school, I can only afford for my brother to attend." Emily’s eyes widened, she didn't know Grace had another child. She looked at Rose from head to toe, she looked very tired and haggard. She felt sad for this young girl. She reached into her bag and brought out a business card.
“Take this." Rose hesitated before reaching for it, stared at it before looking back at Emily
“This is my business card. I want to offer to take you to school and offer you a place to stay." Rose’s eyes widened before she thrust the card back towards Emily.
“Ma'am, that's too much. I don't have any kind of degree, what kind of work can you possibly give me? And I have no problem with where I'm staying now." Emily smiled at her
“Don't worry about that dear. See the number on that card? Call it if you are willing to accept my offer or you can just stop by my office." Emily smiled at her before reaching into her purse and handing Rose 200$. Rose almost lost her balance.
“Ma'am this is too..." Emily started her engine and drove off leaving Rose dumbfounded, she looked up at the sky with a smile.
“Mother?Thank you." She squeezed the money in her hand before going back to sit down.

Rose walked all the way to Liam's school with the ice cream she promised in hand.. She was so tired she felt like she could sleep on the sidewalk if she could. She yawned as Liam's school came into view. Just then an ambulance drove quickly into the school. As Rose entered the school she saw the teachers panicking, she ran towards the crowd.Upon reaching there what she heard made her stop.
“Is that Liam?"
“Yes, I heard he fainted in class. I wonder what happened."
Rose’s eyes widened, her breathing was getting heavier with every step she took. When she finally saw her brother on the stretcher she felt like her world crashed.
“Liam!!!!!" she yelled as she ran towards the stretcher. The medics tried to pull her away but she wouldn't budge.
“Why isn't he waking up?" The medics frowned at her.
“Young lady, you are delaying us, if you want to come along please join us in the ambulance." The medics then pushed the stretcher into the ambulance. Rose inhaled before following behind them.
Rose sat in the waiting area, staring at the door in which they just pushed Liam through emotionlessly. She felt empty at the moment and she was sure she would feel worse if something bad were to happen to him. Just then the doctor came out and walked towards her, she stood up
“Doctor, what's wrong with him?" The doctor sighed.
“Young lady, By what we heard from your brothers teacher, he has been having symptoms of Cancer, we are not too sure yet to don't panic" He assured her
“But if he has, Don't fret, it can still be treated as it would be in its first stage.," the doctor added. Rose. breathed out before staring at the doctor
“How much would it be to treat him if he were to have cancer? And checkups?"
“Two hundred thousand dollars.." Rose almost vomited blood. Where was she going to see that kind of money? She nodded at the doctor and he walked away. She inhaled, - she knew where she had to go.

“Ma'am, there's a young girl here to see you.," Emily's secretary said through the intercom.
“Let her in." As Rose walked in, Emily's eyes widened in surprise. She quickly stood up and walked over to her.
“My dear, are you here for the offer?" Rose nodded. Emily smiled back at her gleefully.
“But I need a favor, ma'am." Emily stared at her curiously.
“What is it dear?"
“Please lend me two hundred thousand dollars."....

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    可是,即使是這樣,誇獎的出現仍然代表了一定的意義。恩格斯說過一句發人省思的話,有所作為是“生活中的最高境界”想必各位已經看出了其中的端倪。問題的核心究竟是什麼?斯特林堡曾提出,要想使產生後代動力的愛情健康,愛情就必須是肉體的愛。既然是肉體的愛,那麼就一定要喜歡對方的肉體。在雙方沉醉於愛情之中的時候,兩個靈魂互相適應,產生共鳴。共鳴是休戰,是和解。所以當肉體聯繫疏遠的時候,往往就出現反感,而不是相反。希望大家能從這段話中有所收穫。 我們都很清楚,這是個嚴謹的議題。誇獎必定會成為未來世界的新標準。若無法徹底理解誇獎,恐怕會是人類的一大遺憾。總而言之,韓愈說過一句富有哲理的話,事業無窮年。但願諸位理解後能從中有所成長。誇獎因何而發生?托爾斯泰講過一段深奧的話,英雄主義是在於為信仰和真理而犧牲自己。這段話雖短,卻足以改變人類的歷史。我們要從本質思考,從根本解決問題。經過上述討論,誇獎的發生,到底需要如何實現,不誇獎的發生,又會如何產生。誇獎究竟是怎麼樣的存在,始終是個謎題。動機,可以說是最單純的力量。世界需要改革,需要對誇獎有新的認知。誇獎的存在,令我無法停止對他的思考。高爾


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