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Chaptwr six

Anna POV
My son, Dave, just came back and he told me how is day went. I had been waiting for him for so long that I forgot to go and buy us something to eat. I took some money out of the one Mr Charles gave us and left the house.
I was walking on my own when I saw two men who seemed to be drunk coming out of the bar ahead.
I had no other choice but to pass there anyway. Besides, the other road that led to the shop I was heading to was abandoned and bushy.
So I took the risk and walked passed by them.
"Hey!... Hey!... " I heard one of them yell after me and I walked faster and faster. I was scared and wanted to look back to see if I was followed but thankfully I wasn't.
The next day, I woke my son up early. I didn't need to stress much because it seemed as if he was about to wake up on his own already.
"Good morning mother." He said in a yawn.
"Good morning son. How was your night?" I asked.
"It was sweet and lovely mother." He replied.
I wanted to tell him about last night but I decided not to because I didn't want to worry him at all.
"You look worried mother. What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing son. Get up and prepare for work while I go to buy breakfast." I said and stood up.
Any further investigation from Dave would bring out the truth.
He worries a lot about me and I also worry about him. If I told him what happened last night, he would never let me go out to buy dinner stuff again. He would take it upon himself to buy it and I wouldn't want anything to happen to him if he goes out at night.
I left the house to buy breakfast while he takes his bath.
I was on my way to the usual shop when I suddenly noticed a man stop his car in front of the shop. He looked familiar.
"Oh God, it's the same man from the bar last night. I'm sure he didn't come to buy Anything. His just stalling so he can find me." I said and hid myself, waiting for him to leave.
Mr Adams POV
I stayed there in my car waiting to see if that beautiful lady I saw the other night. I kept looking at the direction she came from the other night and I spotted her. She went into hiding immediately.
She doesn't know I have seen her and I'm pretty sure she is hiding from me. And when I noticed that, I decided not to budge. It seemed to me she wanted to buy something from that shop.
I was happy when I saw she had given up. She started walking towards the shop and I adjusted my suit.
Everything got ruined for me when ones of my employees called to tell me that the documents I've been waiting for for some months now have finally arrived and I needed to sign it immediately before the expiry date, which is this afternoon, reaches. I had to leave and go to my office.
Anna POV
He doesn't even want to budge. He just stayed there seated in his car. I couldn't wait any longer. My son would be late to work.
I breathed in some air and then started walking to the shop.
Luckily for me, he received a call and left before he could see me.
I couldn't explain the kind of relief I felt. Thank goodness I escaped.
I bought the stuff I needed and went back home. My son Dave was already standing outside. I must have taken a lot of time.
"What took you so long mother?" He asked.
I had to think of an excuse. I don't want him getting worried over a stalker. I can take care of myself.
"I saw a friend of mine. We started talking and I lost track of time." I said.
Luckily for me my son easily believes what I ever I say and he bought it.
"Come inside let's eat. I got us some tea and bread." I see said.
"Okay mother." He replied.
We were just about to enter the house when Mr Charles suddenly horned for him.
Dave POV
I could tell that something was wrong with my mother. I just pretended to believe her excuse as I usually do. If she isn't sharing it with me then she has her reasons.
We were about to go into the house and eat when Mr Charles suddenly horned for me.
I knew there was no time for good anymore and I had to leave. I wouldn't want Mr Charles to leave me behind or get late to work because of me.
"Mother I have to go." I said.
"I know but can't I just request him to wait for a bit?" She asked.
"No mother. That won't be right." I said.
"But you have to eat something." She insisted.
"I'll eat when I return mother." I said and waved her goodbye when I noticed we are spending too much time in talking.
I entered Mr Charles' car and he zoomed off.
"Oh. I forgot to tell you this the other day. You must always put on your seatbelt when in a moving vehicle." He said.
I put on my seat belt and told him thank you for the tip.
"Um... Dave. I'm sorry about yesterday. My boss sent me on an errand and I left you behind. I totally forgot. It was when the meeting started that I remembered. I'm really very sorry." He apologized.
"It's okay sir, no problem." I replied.
"By the way, how did you get home last night?" He asked.
"Mr Adams took me home." I replied.
"Really?" He said.
"Yes sir." I replied.
"You must be a very special kid. Mr Adams doesn't usually do such favours for anybody." He said.

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  • avatar
    Hisham Adam Jbdegil

    nice story


  • avatar
    Michelle Silva

    maravilhoso gostei


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