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Chapter 23

Kate's pov
I felt someone trailing me, I looked back I found nobody then I continued, I went to a restaurant, I ordered Meet pie and a hollandia yogurt
After some minutes
I was done when I was about to go out a hand pull me back, I was scared
"Take a sit I am not going to hurt you", I heard a voice I turned immediately
"I think I have seen this face before" I said
"Yes you have, at the airport on the day........
"Oh I remembered, what did you want from me"
"Do you know your Dad is alive" he said
"No he died long ago"
"Those are lies, your Mom don't want to tell you the truth, he is still very much alive" he said and leave
"I trust my Mom he can't tell me lies about my father" I stood up heading home
"I opened the door I met my mom sitting down"
"Mom I want to talk to you about something"
"Go on but first of all, take a sit "
"No I am fine like this, where is my father" I asked half yelling
"Calm down I told you he is dead" she said
"How did he died"
"You don't have to know"
"Ok I will take that as my Dad is still alive, where is he!" I asked again
"I think you are not in the right state of mind", she stood heading to her room
"I need to find out where Dad is!"
In the night
I went to the terrace, Mom sits there whenever she is angry, I know I made her angry for the way the way I acted
"Hi Mom", I greeted taking a sit beside her
"I am very sorry about what happened in the afternoon, I was very angry, A guy came to me in the afternoon telling me my Dad is alive, I was shattered that my mom told me lies about him" I said with a bent head
"She took my hands, he is dead, you asked how he died," I tell you and I nodded in agreement
Your father was a business man, there was a contract he won which leads to his death
We were sleeping when we started feeling heat on getting up we realized our house has being set ablazed, your father makes sure we are save, that was the last time I saw him
It was broadcasted that nobody survived in the fire that's when I know he is death She said weeping
You where only three years old by the time, so I went to his company and took over after some weeks his family claimed his wealth, thank God that he had already willed everything to us
That why we are enjoying money, since then I didn't plan on getting married to another man your father is the only person I love
I am sorry mom, I don't mean to remind you of your past, am sorry, am sorry I said hugging we weep in each others arms
Boss her Mom told her that her father his dead, she told her about the fire occurrence
Her fake father is still very much alive, her mother will be able to justify this I said laughing evily
Andrew's pov
I woke up stretching out then I hear the sound of water in the bathroom, that must be Micheal we slept in my room, I don't regret him accommodating in my room just then he entered
"Good morning Micheal "
"Good morning twinny"
"You didn't woke me up earlier"
"I don't want to disturb your sleep that's why, sorry bro"
"It's okay"
"I have to go to my room to get dressed"
"There is no need for that you can wear mine"
"No just let me go and get mine"
I insist I said with a look "Don't dare move out"
"Okay fine, which cloth should I wear" he said going towards the wardrobe
"Anyone, pick one for me also, I want to go and take my bath" I said going to the bathroom
"After doing the bathroom rituals, I went back to the room, I saw Micheal still looking for clothes to wear"
"You are still at this" I asked surprised
"I am just trying out the clothes, i must say you have a good set of clothes" he said still checking them out
Yeah, let's just pick one, Dad will soon be calling for us
"Just then he called for us, Andrew and Micheal come downstairs, your sleeping time is over, I give you two 20 minutes to be here" he yelled from downstairs
"I just said it and it is happening let's be fast" I said
"I think you should choose for the two us, you know which one is good" he said sitting down
"I think I have two clothes with the same collection but the colour differs"
"Okay bring it out quickly"
I brought it out, his mouth was in "wow" shape
"I love this clothes", he said collecting one from me he went to change immediately
"How do I look he said showcasing the clothes"
The cloth lookes good on him, I actually bought last week for the both of us since we where not in good terms I kept, I am very happy he loves it, I got changed also, we went down stairs rocking in White and black snickers, our footsteps matches as we kept walking down
"Good morning Dad, Good morning Mom" we said in unison
"Good morning Sons, you both look great this morning, what's happening" Dad asked
"Nothing Dad, I slept in his room so I have to get dressed there, then he suggested this clothes" Micheal said
"That's good, let's go and have our breakfast Dad said, we all walked to the dinning table
The women served us, Tea, bread and scrambled egg to go with, we prayed, we started gisting then Dad said
You both should stop it now you are eating, respect the table manners
"We are sorry sir" we said
"We started giggling then all eyes on us", we quickly stopped
This is the best day ever I thought
Let's go now Dad said, we stood up greeted our moms
We got into the car and we departed
We got into a Different cars, Dad boarded his Mercedes Benz while I and Michael took Lamborghini
We where very busy with Micheal's phone, he is a social person he is in all the social networks
We kept laughing hard until we got to the company
We came, we went in workers gathered staring at us, girls were drooling over us
"You are all here to work and not to look at us get back to work now" Micheal said snapping them to reality
"We walked to my office, he was about to leave for his office when" I called him back
"We can still be controlling this company together, we can share this office"
"No Dad, put me there so I have to be there"
"As the C. E. O of this company I command you to take a sit and we will be the C. E. O, together we rule" I said authorically
"You must listen to your twin, the both of you are the rulers of this company" Dad said and walked out
"Thanks brother" he said hugging me tightly
"It's okay take your sit"
"He sat on his seat and I took a chair next to it"
"I am thinking maybe we should go for shopping today"
"Yes that is a good idea, we need new sets of clothes" he said

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    nice story


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