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Book 1 - Chapter 6

When I saw Faolan running into the jungle after me, I let out a loud cry and a happy smile. I couldn't help but laugh out loud when he didn't notice that there was another huge tree hiding behind the first one.
"I said to be careful! "What are you really thinking about?" I make fun of him even more when he starts to look like himself again and starts panting for air while he's still pretending to be a wolf.
He said, "I didn't know there was such a big tree here," but I know he's just making up a reason for his actions. He doesn't want to admit that I've beaten him yet again.
I smiled and said, "It's okay, you can beat me next time," but when he looked at me, he had such an angry face.
"After all these years, you know more than I do at this moment. Should I think that means it's right? After he asked me questions, he walked over to where I was standing.
He grabs my hand through the tree's branches and pushes me into a corner without even shaking. I was able to stop myself from smiling, which made me look at him more seriously.
While his face is so close to mine, he makes fun of me by saying, "I thought you were faster than me." "I thought you could outrun me." I let out a sigh, pushed him away, and then looked at him with a confused look on my face.
I told him, "Just accept that after four years of training, I am now stronger than you," as I tried to fix my ponytail and stared at him. I told him this while looking at him. He was leaning against the tree with his arms crossed while he smiled at me and looked in my direction.
Asena, every instructor has something like this. Everyone who learns from their teachers will eventually be better than their teachers, but that doesn't mean I can't beat you in some other way. He also said something that made me drop my jaw, and then he told me to just pick up my bow and arrows from the floor. He laughed, and then he started walking toward me.
After four years, he told me, "After all this time, you've grown up into a woman now, Luna," and then he messed up my hair.
"What the heck?" I said as I tried once more to style my hair.
As he moved away from me and pointed his hands in my direction, he said, "Let's go back to the tribe now, I have work to do." He kept walking away from me after that. He didn't look at me at all when he was telling me about this.
I looked at her with a mad face and said, "This boy is so annoying!" He has grown up to be an adult who likes to make my life hard every day.
After I turned around, I turned my head to look at the woods where I've been working out for the past four years, ever since my dad died. I watched him leave the room as he left. I sighed, looked down at my bow, and then tried to shoot at a target on the other side of the forest from where I was standing. My regular eye couldn't see the target because it was too far away, but my green eye didn't have any trouble. Before I could start to breathe normally again, I had to get rid of all the extra air that had been building up in my body and start to come back to the present.
As I opened the one eye that would let me do all of these things, I had a thought that went something like this: "Killing a target from a long distance..."
When I was young, the emerald that used to be in my eye helped me learn new things. I couldn't help but smile as I let go of the arrow and turned to look at the surface where it had been drawn. Even though I said I could see it, I really couldn't. I said it hit the mark. I can now see and hear everything that my green eye could only see and hear before. I get a new skill that makes it much easier for me to hit the target I want to hit. I couldn't help but laugh as I put my bow back in its holster and repacked my arrows before making my way back to where the clan had first set up its home.
I put my hand on the door of our makeshift home, "Faolan," and called his name, but he wasn't there.
I put down all of my arrows and sneak a look out the window to see how the other people in my tribe are fighting for the thrones. I sighed and looked over at the people who were taking care of the king and queen. The situation keeps making me so angry that I'm making a fist with my hands. I noticed that Faolan wasn't looking at me when I turned around. He was working very hard to get silver so we could eat it.
I yelled up to the heavens, "This is not what I want to do with my own tribe!" The gods and goddesses of the wolf are the only ones who could possibly understand how frustrated I am every day because I have to live in this neighborhood.
I let out a sigh, took a few seconds to collect my thoughts, and then looked at the huge gold palace, which was so big that it could be seen from a long way off.
I took a sip of the coffee I had just made and looked at the huge palace. "Those f*cking leaders," I said under my breath. At the time, I was looking at the building.
"You still have your time. Take it," I said in a whisper, and I know that I get through each day by making sure the right things are done and coming up with plans. I will never, ever, and under no circumstances let this war end in another loss. They took something that was supposed to be mine from many years ago, and I want them to give it back to me.
After putting in a few hours of work at the palace, Faolan went to the clan tent, where he was also working, to look for me. To this day, all I've been able to do is sit here by the window all day. He made a joke about the fact that you still do your hobby after all these years, and I could only laugh at what he said. When I asked him what the point of getting ready for the next four years was if it wasn't going to work out, I didn't even bother to look at him because I knew he wouldn't have an answer.
All of the people who were most important to me in my life have died, and I don't want them to have an easy time in the afterlife. They need to know that the consequences will find a way to get back to them, even if it's a long time before that happens. Even though they have already forgotten what they did, I can still feel it in my heart. I was shocked when he said those things, and then I saw him smiling as he rinsed all the potatoes.
"I know this, Asena, and that's why I want to help you as well."
"I told your mother this when we heard her last words, and I told your father this before they both died," he said. "I said the same thing to both of them,"
"I told your mother this when we heard her last words, and I told your father the same thing before he died,"
I asked him, "W-what do you mean?" He told me, "W-what do you mean?" He did this while looking at me with a very cute smile on his face.
"Like you, I also collect some potential," he said to her.
"I didn't know that in the past four years we'd grown closer than we were before," she said.
"Like you, I'm looking at various possibilities."
When I asked him, "What do you mean?" for the second time, he stopped what he was doing and looked at me with a blank face.
"When I look into a person's eyes, I can feel the pain they are feeling inside," he said. "It's like a window into their souls." That made me think of something. I told him that he should do it, and I even stood in the same place as him to make my point clear.
"So," the question went on, "can you guess what the king and queen are thinking?" I'm curious!" When I heard that, I looked around the palace again and then sat down in the chair he had given me.
"That's not at all what's going on. You want to know if they killed your parents or not, but what if their pain was different from what you want to see? What if they could do that without feeling bad about it? I turned around to take another look at the palace after he said that. We didn't talk for a few minutes and just thought about our own lives.
After that, he spoke directly to me and told me, "Go to the castle," which made me turn to look at him.
Even though he promised me we would go to the palace the next day,
I didn't really understand what he was trying to say. I put my eyebrows together to make a question mark and asked, "Why?"
He told us that we couldn't bring anything else into the palace. We can't take any more things into the palace.
We will have to compete with each other to get into the army. Like what I had in our clan in the past." As soon as I heard what you said, my brilliant mind came up with something. I gave him a mean grin and then turned to look at the castle in the distance.
"Are you saying that this will be the first thing we do after four years?"

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  • avatar
    TasnimNur Aina

    i like this chapter describes how much is it possible


  • avatar
    Eddie Sison



  • avatar
    Samara do CarmoEmylly

    muito bom


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