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Chapter 5. Expelled

Salsa was glued to the state of the house which was very messy, she was a little surprised. What happened? Why is the house a mess?
"Mah? Why is it messy? Where's your aunt? Oh yes, where's Sabila? Mam-"
"Come on, Mah! It's all Sabila's fault! Stop blaming Salsa!" shouted Sabila who was in the corner of the kitchen.
"GET OUT OF HERE!" Mama shouted then, she ran a little as she climbed the stairs that led directly to Sabila and Salsa's room, packed Salsa's clothes randomly into the suitcase, came down the stairs.
"But, um-"
Salsa was crying, she didn't know what was really going on. Why did Mama suddenly kick him out? What's wrong? Why must he always be wrong in Mama's eyes? Why?
With anger, Salsa's soft hand was pulled by Mama. With quick steps he pushed Salsa out of the door of his house. Still in anger, he left Salsa, locked the door from the inside and left Salsa alone outside.
It was getting late, Salsa was still waiting faithfully hoping that Mama would open the door for her. Not! He was wrong, really? He had been outside for almost 5 hours, but no one had opened the door for him.
What is wrong with it? Why was he hated by his own mother? Why? Tell him what his mistakes are, he is ready to bear any burden or punishment, as long as Mama wants to hug him with the love of a mother, love him like he loves Mama.
Salsa had left the house that had provided her with shelter for the last eighteen years.
He still hopes that this is all just an illusion, but ... it's not, this is a harsh reality. The moon shone brightly, illuminating the pitch black night. Where will he go? Where is he sleeping tonight? The thought was really driving him crazy, his head suddenly dizzy.
Fortunately, there is a prayer room in this area, so he can still sleep there tonight. The house of Allah is indeed soothing and makes Salsa lulled in a dream world.
Salsa suddenly woke up, at 3 am. He took ablution, and began to recite the Koran. After finishing, Salsa was still confused why she was suddenly kicked out of the house? Even though Mama knew that every Sunday she would go to Papa's house. But why did Mama throw him out? What wrong did he do? How could it be this fatal?
Salsa slowly opened her suitcase, a mess. Mama rushed to put all her clothes in, Salsa slowly straightened her clothes. He was silent, what are Sabila and Mama doing, are they still sleeping?
Salsa was silent, this was all complicated for her. Why did God actually give such a complicated test? Why? What is the end of all this? Will Salsa be able to get the happiness she wants to feel? I don't know, everything is still a secret of the universe.
Slowly, this foot stepped out of the prayer room, it was approaching dawn, but why didn't anyone come and perform the dawn prayer? Do they prefer to pray in their respective homes? Even if the house is close to the prayer room? Why don't you want to get a bigger and multiple reward? Why?
All these questions kept running around his mind, why? Why? What is it? Ah, that's really troubling. Finally, from a distance, Salsa saw the old man going to the prayer room.
Upon arrival, the old man was slightly surprised. "What are you doing here?" His tone sounded cynical, as if he didn't like Salsa's presence in the prayer room.
Salsa tried to smile. "Salsa stays at the prayer room, sir. Sorry if Salsa's presence interferes," said Salsa, looking down.
The old man then entered, he found a neat and clean prayer room. "Thank you for cleaning the prayer room."
"You are welcome, sir."
"After the dawn prayer, you have to leave here, this musholla is not an inn!" said the father then.
Sally could only nod. If only he knew how tired he was today. Why did he so easily expel him from the Creator's house? Isn't this musholla public property? Why did the father throw him out? His heart was broken, he also did not want to stay at this mosque. But this is not what he wanted either. The money is running low, he has also given a ticket to Rendy.
After finishing the morning prayer, Salsa actually left the prayer room. His heart ached, it turned out that God really loved him. Does he hate God? Really not! Salsa is grateful, and she wants to learn from the experience she is currently experiencing.
Salsa looked up at the sky, she wanted to fly like a bird. Reaching for his dream. Fly free, forget the trouble.
Salsa stopped, finding a dead end that led her to the cemetery. His heart is gone. He quickly turned around and started running again.
"Ow! It hurts!"
"What did you say? I should have said that cake, I was the one you hit!" The man really snapped at Salsa.
Salsa slightly raised her head. "Sorry."
"What are you doing, running around this early in the morning? Hanging out," said the man later.
"You know there's no rent in this area? It's because I'm new here. I was on the way there, uh, I got stuck with a funeral," said Salsa as she continued to hold her breath.
"You know. Come with me!" take the guy then.
About ten minutes Salsa and the man walked. Finally Salsa found a house that is related to one another.
"Thank you. Oh yes, where is your rented house?"
"Follow me," he said simply.
Slowly walk down the slightly muddy path. Salsa must get used to this situation, this will be a new environment for her anyway. Salsa and the man she didn't know suddenly stopped in front of a very dirty and unplanted house.
"Mom Ijah! Mom!" shouted the man then.
"Astagfirullah," thought Salsa. Does this man have no manners? Ah, I don't know. Salsa didn't care anymore, her body was really tired.
"What?!" The old mother came out of the house.
"Here, someone wants to rent."
"Oh... Come with me!" invite Mrs. Ijah and then leave Salsa and the man.
"There, follow Mrs. Ijah!"
"Once again, thank you so much."
"Yes, my name is Alvin."
"Hi Alvin, I'm Salsa."
He nodded then left. Salsa has also started to follow Mrs. Ijah's steps earlier.
"This is the rent. You only have to pay 400,000 thousand a month, but because you are a student, you only have to pay 300,000 thousand," explained Mrs. Ijah while giving the key to the empty rented house.
"Thank you mom."
"Thank you is not enough. Pay the down payment first," continued Mrs. Ijah, holding out her hand asking for money.
"Salsa only has 200,000 thousand. Is it okay just like this first?"
"It's okay, as long as you pay first."
Salsa then opened her small bag, then gave the money to Bu Ijah. Mrs. Ijah's happy face looks very happy, this early in the morning she has earned money.
Salsa started to enter the one-room rented room. There is a small kitchen, bathroom, and also a small room in one. Because this is the second floor, so Salsa also gets a clothesline.
"Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim."
This might just be the beginning of everything, the beginning of the story. In essence, he was very grateful today. Not just for today, yesterday, today, tomorrow, and so on.
"Subhanallah," continued Salsa again. He found a clean house for which he should be grateful.
Salsa slowly lay down on the rather soft bed. The clock is already 05:15, his eyes are very sleepy. So Salsa lost to her own sleepiness and returned to her dream world. A world where everything he hopes for can come true, ah! World of dreams.

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